The beauty of the fluffy community

(Tried to find the best-fitting tags I could, sorry if they’re incorrect)
It just occurred to me how much I love this community with all my heart. Not to be mushy on main, but here I go.

This is the fandom I am most active in because of the originality of it. The fact that (As far as I know) this is all based from a very small, silly mlp fanseries is amazing. While I don’t blame some people for thinking this community is fucked up (I mean, look at what we create, it’s clearly adult-oriented) this is a great creative outlet. (And dw, I know dark stuff never hurt anyone and minors interact with dark stuff all the time, like horror movies and dark tv series. No shame if you’re a fluffy enthusiast while under 18!)

I love how the entire community builds upon itself and grows on its own thanks to the wonderful people in it. People (politely) critique on ideas/creations, make their own canons, and build their own worlds. This community belongs to itself, it’s not just the creation of one person and has a whole bunch of others who are fans of it. (Example: BNHA, FNAF, etc.)

It lets me delve into and practice things like angst, horror and dark themes. Example: Extreme pain from the pov of an undeserving subject and how they heal/move on from such trauma. It gets me ready for eventually taking commissions, and writing fan stories for other fandoms. I love how everyone here is very accepting of other’s ideas, it’s fantastic.

TLDR: I love this community and everyone in it, thank y’all for being yourselves. Take care!! :heart:


Age polls: hmmmmm


Kids love violence and gore, they’re new exciting emotions for them to explore along with everything else the world has to offer. Naturally not all of them, but in general, yeah

I’m just happy to see people here (including me) are self-aware of what they’re doing, otherwise this place would just be a one big safe space


I’d say I see minors interacting with the fluffy fandom like how minors interact with things like “Silent Hill”, “Outlast”, and other such dark media.
While it’s aimed at adults, minors still watch it and create fan creations, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Go ham, fluffies are pretty much just a creative outlet.


A bit of edge never hurt anyone
gotta experience LiveLeak at some point and make up your mind whether you accept it or not



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Wait til you find out it’s my safe space!
Sounds like a joke but seriously, I log onto this site every damn day at least twice, not only for content but also just to see if there is new interesting posts to interact with. This community is the shit and I love seeing how people get to enjoy and explore this Idea of fluffies and share it with others.


Same, at least a couple times per day as well since I’d joined

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lots of love :mrshitrat:


Frankly I barely drew before this, even though I love doing it. Something about this concept, when I finally put pen to paper and drew a fluffy just lit a fire in me. Never before have I had this kind of drive for something, this need to get better. I’ll always love this community and everyone in it for that.