Around the age 12 Dee dee bixby was able to choose the family fluffy, She chose a female earthie foal that was being tormented by her mother and siblings due to her bad colors, Puke green fluff with a Mucus colored mane. And named her cucumber, A sweet and kind mare that somehow is still alive today despite fluffy’s short life cycle. She was even brought to dee dee’s current Home when she first found Paprika and mustard , Referring to both cucumber and Dee dee as mummah.
It’s a good thing she found a nice home. She’d be shredded into kibble most anywhere else, like a mill or backyard breeder operating on slim margins, once they saw the colors of her foals.
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yup , She is still a loveable addition to the Bixby house hold
Love her happy face and those cute foals
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baby paprika and mustard
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A mare, called Cucumber? What black witchcraft is this!
She has a nice poufy mane & tail, though.
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