The bystander effect (by wasp)

In the streets, many feral fluffies get the attitude of “not my foal, not my problem” compared to domestic bred fluffies who are very empathetic no matter what and will do anything to help. In heavily fluffy infested areas it’s common to see a sight like this


You are a content machine. Been loving it


Dammn that cart ate the poor guy

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I mean to be fair, there isn’t much a fluffy could do to save that babbeh even if it wanted to, haha.


If you can afford to be sympathetic, you are not suffering enough.


A light background behind your text or a different color for it would do a lot. I enjoy the combinations of real life pictures and fluffies.

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Yea but I want the behind speech bubble to be visible

Understandable, and perhaps something you can find with new text RGB’s without backgrounds. As it is now, they are sometimes hard to read.

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Yeah, I’ll probably find a solution later