The Charlotte Family [Part 5] by Papa_garp

The next morning after pouring himself his 3rd cup of Michigan Cherry with mares milk , Sam trudged over to the prep area door and into the area beyond before bouncing rudely off of the NFC enabled door. His favorite mug jamming painfully into his hand as the warm coffee splashed down his front.


Sam glared down at the mess down his front before hearing through the door gasp! bad wowdsies”. Exiting back out to the hallway and into the kitchen, he placed the mug on the counter next to the forgotten phone that’d caused him to be locked out and went to go get changed.

After putting on new clothes, grabbing his phone, and cleaning up the spill in the prep room, Sam gently opened the swinging door to the soft crunching of kibble as he entered and closed the door behind him. “Good morning Linlin, how’re your babies?” he asked quietly as he crossed over to the pen, seeing her standing between the fence and the bed within the enclosure.

The fluffy smiled up at him nervously as he approached, keeping her eyes on his as she shifted from hoof to hoof. “H-hewwo daddeh…good bwite times. Winwin hab babies wast dawk time…wub aww babebhs da same an nu pick favwites wike a bad fwuffy…huuuhuuuu”. She began trembling and broke eye contact, looking at the floor as tears fell to the carpet.

Sam stepped over the fence and knelt down to Linlins level, reaching out to stroke her mane she flinched at the contact and let out a quiet sob as he spoke to her reassuringly “Hey, hey Linlin, sweetie you’re okay I promise. You did very good taking care of them last night, okay? Now, why don’t you and I go over and take a look at your foals?”

He began to rise up as Linlin sniffled and nodded, seemingly in resignation at what was to come. Waddling over to the large bed in the corner, she stood in the middle of her brood as Sam came over and knelt once again. “What in the-…” His eyes widened as he noticed the full tail and mane had grown in overnight.

All Linlin remembered was seeing her daddeh reaching out to take one of her babbehs away forever and she jumped at him, "NUUUUUUU"she cried as her blunt teeth came down on the side of Sams hand. A light pinch, it was the surprise that got him more than anything, falling backwards onto his butt as Linlin stood between him and her babbehs, terror and rage mixing on her small face as she stared him down.

“W-winwin kno she deserb huwties fo bitin… buh Winwin wiw go foweba sweepies befowe she wose ANY MO BABBEHS!”. With a stomp of her hoofsie and a toss of her mane for emphasis, she defiantly stared him down, ready for whatever happened. Behind her, the babies chirped in fear and panic as they could smell the conflict in the air.

Thinking back to what the vet had said, Sam rubbed his hand where she had bitten him. “Linlin, your babies aren’t going anywhere. I will not hurt them, I just want to take a look at them. Okay?” He sat up and began leaning towards her slowly, her eyes locked on his hand until it reached between her ears and resumed scratching.

Linlin closed her eyes, leaning into the scratching as she let out a light coo. “Now sweetheart, I know you’re scared of anything happening to your babies, but what were the rules I told you?” Linlin froze, her eyes shooting open as the rules overpowered her tiny mind.

"awways wisten to daddeh widout backtawk, awways ask neba deman, Aww poopies n peepees go in da wittabawks, and if Winwin is bad fwuffy get da sowwy stick n sowwy bawks”. Her lower lip began to tremble as she snapped back to herself, she knew what was coming.

Reaching out and picking Linlin up by the scruff, earning a “Ba upsies” in protest Sam crossed the room back over to the safe room door, beeping through he stepped into the prep room and lowered Linlin into the sink basin.

Placing a finger under the fluffies chin, Linlins eyes rose to meet his as tears streamed down her small face.“Linlin, do you understand why you’re about to be punished?”. With a quiet sob she took a breath, before shakily replying “Winwin am being p-punished because Winwin yew at daddeh and gib bities…huuhuu…Winwin am so sowwy daddeh nu mean it…”.

Straightening up, Sam retrieved the sorry-stick from its hook beside the sink before giving the faux leather crop a test swing on his palm with a satisfying crack. Linlin let out a surprised chirp as well as a rancid smelling fart upon hearing the noise, shaking even harder as the punishment was at hand.

“Five strikes for biting, three for telling me what to do, and two for yelling at me. Ten strikes to make the bad fluffy a good fluffy, do you understand Linlin?”. Biting her lip to keep from sobbing she nodded and looked forward, eyes closed in preparation of the pain as Sam tied back her tail and mane with a hair-tie.

Gently running his fingers down her flank, he began tussling the fur to put her at ease, hearing her coo in response. Reaching forwards, he gave her a pinch on the front left flank, Her body tensing in response to the pain before relaxing. Timing his strike with her relaxing, Sam caught her at the base of her swollen right teat.

Linlin stumbled forward, bouncing her face off of the wall of the basin as the scream caught in her throat, legs fumbling she jutted them out to steady herself like a newboarn calf. Her daddeh taking the chance to grab her by the docked tail and deliver two solid hits to her left milkie place and poopie place with a solid crack crack before releasing her again.

Linlins legs went out from under her as she hit the bottom of the sink,with a crunching of her snout and a gurgling greeeee she began thrashing about in the confined space in searing-agony as each breath sprayed a mix of spittle and blood from her snout and every beat of her terrified heart made the 3 beginning-welts scream in rhythm.

“Oh come on” Sam reached in and held her up by the mane as Linlin batted at her face in a feudal attempt at fixing where a tooth had punched through her lip. “You know, just because you managed to hurt yourself doesn’t mean you’re getting out of your punishment. You still have seven hits left”

Placing the stick down, he pushed her tooth back through her lip as she begun openly crying about ‘biggest owwies’. The offending bottom tooth was jutting out at an odd angle after he freed her, Sam simply gripped it between his thumb and forefinger then with a quick twist and an audible click the tooth came off in his hand.

Linlin yanked her head back, her pads coming up to cover her face as she let out a "SCREEEEE!!Huhuhu!! Moufie so huwties!"Falling back on her haunches, she looked up at her daddeh as tears streamed down her face. “Pweez nu mo huwties fo mummah Winwin, mummah wan go back to her babbehs pweeze huhuhu”.

With a scowl, Scott grabbed her by the scruff and forced her back up on all 4’s, delivering 7 strikes in quick succession up and down her back leaving postage-stamp sized bald welts as Linlins long, continuous howl of agony echoed in the small tub so loudly the foals heard it through the door and across the room at nearly full volume.


sickie wawa came from Linlins mouth as Sam dropped her into the tub, her checkered back bleeding where she’d been struck but already beginning to scab as she fell face first into a mix of her scaredy poopies, peepees, and sickie wawa.

Clearing his throat, Sam placed the sorry stick back on the hook as he turned on the water and began washing the mess down the drain, ignoring the sniveling creature as she unknowingly babbled to herself about her plight. “Huu huu Winwin hab huwties su bad. Tawkie pwace huwties, miwkie pwace huwties, poopie pwace huwties and back huwtsies wowst of aww! huu huu huu”.

“Yeah yeah Linlin, shut the hell up it’s your fault you got punished anyway” Sam began scrubbing her down with fluffy safe shampoo. Paying no attention to her wounds as he lathered her up, when she began to cry again from the stinging to her owwies all that earned her was a flick to the snout making her bite her lip to quiet down.

After drying Linlin off on the counter next to the basin he carried her back inside the room, walking over and stepping into the enclosure he knelt down with her bundled up in the towel once again. “Now Linlin, I am going to look at your babies, I will not hurt them. Do you understand?”

Looking up at her daddeh, concern clear on her face but overridden by fear she responded."O-otay daddeh…Winwin trust daddeh wiff babbehs…huuu". Sam crawled on his knees over to the foals, each of the five 24-hour old foals had a complete tail and mane relative to the size of their bodies. Newborns sprout their tails and manes after 2 weeks and even then they’re simply nubs until they grow in naturally.

What he had here was a genetic marvel, a goddamn jackpot possibly! Taking out his phone, Sam zoomed in on each foal in turn while speaking aloud their traits for ease of later note taking:

"Mother-Name:Linlin: Earthie Female- Mandy fur with Pastel Magenta mane

Father- Unknown


Unicorn Male- Dandelion fur with Monza tail and mane

earthy female- Orchid fur with Jungle Green tail and mane

alicorn male - light gray fur with Astronaut tail and mane

pegasus male - light blue fur with chino tail and mane

earthie male- burnt orange fur with Salmon Pearl tail and mane.

Sam saved the video and excitedly got to his feet, giving Linlin a quick scratch between the ears and not noticing her jerk her head away as he began making a fluffbook market post. Once her daddeh had left the room, Linlin carefully gathered all her babbies using the non-swollen side of her mouth to pick them up by the scruff.

Crying quietly to herself, Linlin curled herself around her babies and nodded off to a troubled sleep.


Exquisite Taste


I can’t quite figure this man out.

Some times he seems concerned for Linlin and her past, sometimes he goes ballistic over minor misbehaviours.



Eh I’d say he’s just overtly emotional. Afterall LinLin did Bite her owner.

The dude was told it would happen. But he plans on selling them, so he doesn’t care. Punishing her for something he knew she would do if he kept going it his fault entirely. Need I remind you she is a prisoner, not a rescued pet?

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It would be Justified if the Fluffy foals are being assaulted but we never seen the guy assault the foals. all the damage that the foal would later incur is due to the attitude and stupidity of their mother.

Also let me remind you that she was a Feral that trespassed his land to steal from him and got caught , got offered a Home and fed instead of what any people who sees an invasive feral attacking their land and Either capturing them to be surrendered to Pest control to be killed or simply killed outright for being considered a Pest.

You are really hellbent on making her the bad guy eh?

Let me ask you a question. If your whole life you’ve seen your babies being killed whenever they were born so that you could be used as a sextoy (I am assuming this is what the vet meant when he told the dude about “not taking the foals away”) would you trust someone who already threatened to kill you and hand them over, or would you refuse and try to protect them from a perceived danger, because everytime something like that happened, they’d die?

As futile as her attempt is, she is desperate. It appears to me that neither the dude or you can empathize with that.

Oh noes, a wild animal attempted to survive winter by “”“stealing”“” some grass or vegetables. Quick, grab the flamethrower and the rocket launcher.

The alternative wasn’t “either that or you leave and never come back”, it was “either that or I just kill you and your upcoming foals”.

Dude. Please. I don’t know about you, but I personally don’t set fire to my garden to get rid of a mouse. Hell, if my cats bring it in and it’s still alive, I just put it in a jar and release it in the countryside.

Listen, of course biting him was a stupid move. He is bigger, stronger and can literally step on her children at a moment’s notice, but have some bloody humanity, he has been told she is a traumatized animal by the vet himself.

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Glad yall are enjoying the story


Oh for sure, I am truly invested in what’s going to happen.

As I said, I can’t quite place the dude’s character, because he does seem to care at points.

Which is good, having a character’s motives not being clear from the get-go is really interesting to me.

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