Narration: “I am not like the other fluffies” a common thought with many modern fluffies.
Narration: As a foal, Toe, thought it to be true.
Green foal: Wan’ Pway?
Toe(purple and blue foal): Nu! Wingie nee pwa- pwatice fwyin’
Green foal: Bu- found Bwue Baww!
Toe: Nu! Gu ‘way dummeh eawthie.
Green foal: bu… Nu am dummeh…
Yellow foal: Don’ Wowwy, bwudda nu am dummeh! Sissah got’s you, Dewe dewe
Yellow foal: Wet’s pway witout meanie bwudduh!
Blue foal: hmf, meanie bwudduh!
Toe:nu nee’ stupi’ sibwings anyway!
Cyan mare: Babbeh’s!
Cyan mare: hewwo! Was bestes’ babbeh good babbeh!
Foals: Yes mummuh!
Yellow foal: SCREEEEE
Blue foal: Am bestes! Am bestes!
Green foal: hu hu! Owie!
Cyan mare:Bad Babbehs! Babbehs nu fite, ‘member!
Toe:Bu- Bu am bestes’ Wingie babbeh! Am fwy! Fwy!
Posted for @AMDk7’s Fluffy Community Story Challange, Scenario #4!
Note: I decided to use a similar format of my first comic as I assume some people can’t read my handwriting that well and I also tried experimenting with colored pencil(which I haven’t used in a while) so, sorry if it looks like a 7 year old colored it. I Appreciate constructive criticism!