The Crucible of Freedom Part 3 (by WumpsofSteel)

The Crucible of Freedom
Part 3
By WumpsofSteel

It was just after midnight when the last of the Grassy Land representatives arrived at the small clearing in the heart of the Grassy Land.

For countless generations, the Grassy Land Fluffies had gathered here. This was a place of many firsts for the Grassy Land Fluffies.

It was here that the very first Grassy Land herds were formally organized.

It was here that the formation of the Big Herd had been announced and the invitation to join accepted.

It was here that the current Smarty’s oppressive policies were announced, and heavy hoof of oppression first felt.

And it was here that the fate of the Grassy Land and its inhabitants would be decided.

The chatter of the gathered Fluffies turned to silence as a dull blue unicorn stallion took his place atop the talkie rock.

“Dank ou aww fo’ be hewe. Awexandew am sowwy for wakies fwom sweepies time.”

“Dat am otay” several Fluffies answered.

“Fwuffy nu mind,” replied another. “Fwuffy nee make poopies anyway.”

The blue stallion raised a hoof and the babbling gave way once again to silence.

“Fow’ many fowevahs, Hewd fwuffies, and
‘speciawwy Gwassy Wand fwuffies hab wowstest owies, saddies, and heawt huwties because of da Smawty.”

“And fo’ many fowevahs, fwuffies nu able tu get wid of Smawty because Smawty bwibe da not Gwassy Wand Fwuffies with extwa nummies and da not Gwassy Wand Gwoup Weaders wif enfie swaves!”

Cries of “Nu am faiw!” and “Smawty nee poopie pwace kicked!” arose from the crowd as the assembled Fluffies voiced their collective disapproval.

Again, Alexander simply raised a hoof and resumed speaking.

“Because Smawty take so many Gwassy Wand nummies, wots an wots of Gwassy Wand fwuffies hab wowestest tummeh huwties evewy bwight time”

“Many hab gone fowevah sweepies.”

“An’ we hab wost su many babbehs……”

“Huuu…Miss babbehs.” Several Fluffies mumbled to themselves.

“Gwassy Wand fwuffies hab twied evewyting to make Smawty undewstand dat Gwassy Wand fwuffies am suffewing, dat Grassy Wand fwuffies nu can wive wike dis.”

“But Smawty nu cawe.”

“Some Fwuffies hab said dat Gwassy Wand fwuffies nee to twy tu make Smawty take Fowevah Sweepies some howe.”

“Oddas wan weave Big Herd awwtogether.”

“But untiw dis dawk time, Gwassy Wand fwuffies nu hab made decision.”

“But dis dawkie time tings am diffewent. Gwoup
Weader Jeff and Gwoup hab wun way fwom hewd. Tomowow am taxie day. And Smawty nu gon be happy wen Jeff gwoup nu show up wit taxies.”

A collective gasp erupted from the crowd.

Alexander waited for the babbling to fade, and then spoke once more.

“Befow sky ball am up, Gwassy Wand fwuffies hab tu make choice.”

“Awexandew nu know wat odda fwuffies am gon du.”

“But as fo’ Awexandew….”





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