Your name is Poopie and you have been roused from a deep slumber in one of the cwate housies, the designated boo boo boxie after your trial by combat.
A soft and warm voice sang to you as you stirred, was it an angel, a goddess even? You don’t really know what either of those things were, but you knew they meant good, beautiful and safe, and that is precisely what that sound was.
When you awoke fully you were alone in the dawkies, in a nestie of torn up newspapers. Beside you was a small and cracked plate, filled with the sweet earthy smell of gwassie and bewwy nummies.
You lightly and carefully turned your aching neck towards the plate and took a small mouthful. In truth, you wanted to scoff down the entire plate, even the seeds, you were absolutely starving, but not now, you were in far too much pain to feast. The huwties tore their way through your body in dull waves that rendered every muscle worthless.
You fell back into sweepies, the aching couldn’t follow you there.
Slowly but surely your energy returned to you after three bwite times. You made sure to count the days as a small sliver of golden light would appear in the corner of the boxie.
Then on the fourth bwite time, you heard the tapping of hoofsies as a fluffy entered your resting place. You looked up and there your eyes caught a glimpse of the blood red fluff and the singular piercing yellow see-pwace that had haunted you sweepytime pictews as of late. your heart sank, your pulse quickened and fear ignited you from your bed.
“C-CW-CWIXUS!?” you stammered fearfully as you reared yourself up and attempted to smash into him.
You slammed into the floor as he expertly sidestepped you and it gave you huwties like a mummah-enfer. You looked up at him and to your surprise he didn’t seem angry about your recent victory at all.
“mownin’ mistah Cham-pee-un…” he said with a cocky smirk. He reached down and helped you back to your hoofsies. “yew wook wike poopies” he chuckled.
“umm yeh, cuz dat am namsie?” you said, perplexed by his statement. In reply he sort of just stared at you, silently judging, as if you were the biggest dummeh to have ever lived, then he simply rolled his see-pwace and sat in his corner of the nestie.
“umm… Su…” your mumbled out as you tried to break the ice, although Cwixus quickly cut you off, it was if he knew exactly what you wanted to say.
“nu… Cwixus am nu maddies” he replied sharply.
“bu… Poopie tayk wumps way, Cwixus shud wan tu gib foweva sweepies, wite?” you asked as you cocked your head to the side in genuine confusion.
“nah… Wumps wus bwoken aneh-way… Nu hab bebbehs” he replied sadly as he stared out of the window of his side of the cwate, which in truth was simply a punched out knot in the oak.
“how dat hap-pin?” you asked.
You watched the red stallion for a moment as the cogs turned in his head, as if he was silently debating with himself on whether or not he should tell you the truth.
"aww dis, out dewe… Cwate town… Dis wus aww Cwixus wand, vewy wong timsie gu. Wus smawty afta owd smawty gu foweva sweepies, jus gut tuu owd Cwixus guessie…
Den nyew smawty com, Fwost, wid himb munstah tuffie, Snufwake, an biggest hewd. Big fite hap-pin… Su many fwuffy gu foweva sweepie, den Fwost win da fite. Mayk Cwixus fite in angwy boxie" he sighed.
“dat nu su bad…” you reassured, although he quickly shot you a glance that froze your mouthie shut.
“Befow himb du dat, Fwost mayk Snufwake howd Cwixus on da fwoow, den snufwake gab stompies tu wumps, nu eba hab bebbehs afta dat” he mourned, “an twust Cwixus… Cwixus twy awot” he added with a half-hearted chuckle.
You didn’t want to interrupt him this time, you don’t want to upset him and you could clearly tell that there was still more to come
“afta wumps git bwoken, Fwost tayk Cwixus speshew fwend, an… an… an hab aww da tuffies gib hew da wowstest huwties, mayk Cwixus watsh, den speshew fwend gu foweva sweepies. Nu wan say aneh-mowe” he finished before huffing hatefully at the big boxie on the hill.
You knew there were parts that he didn’t want to talk about and you weren’t the fluffy that was going to force him to say it, you had a pretty good idea of what he had been through. Now only one question remained.
“wy teww Poopie?” you asked.
“Cuz… Poopie am gun hewp git we-veng” he smirked as he turned to you.
“Wisten, Poopie hab own pwob-wems, otay? Poopie nee tu keep hewd safe fwom two udda smawty hewd! Nu can git into dis, nu nee tu mayk thwee smawties maddies… Am awwedy enfed, nu wan mayk wowse” you explained. You wanted to help, truly, but you were a wanted fluffy.
You spent the next couple of fowevas explaining to the previous champion your entire story, every single detail, from the poopie numming, your bad mummah, your very brief mentor and most importantly your urge, your desire, your life’s goal to be a smarty.
He smirked and stifled the tiniest of chuckles when you told him about your desire.
“WUT? Poopie can be smawty!” you declared with a stomp and puffed cheeks.
“Cwixus neba heawd ob Poopie smawty befow… Cwixus seen Dummeh smawty, seen munstah smawty, eben seen scawy smawties wike Cwixus, bu neba Poopie smawty, dat am jus… siwwy” he said as a cold matter of fact.
You didn’t want to hear anymore, you’ve had your fill of doubters and if Cwixus was going to be a big dummeh and a meanie about your most sacred quest then he can go get enfed for all you cared.
You got up from your nestie and shakely waddled to the exit with an exhausted huff.
“wai… Cwixus nee Poopie hewp, memba?” he said with an undertone of quiet panic.
“nu Cwixus don’t… Am jus poopie fwuffy, memba?” you seethed as you walked on again, only to feel a tug on your tail. You looked back and saw him staring at you, your tail fluff in his mouth and his see-pwaces glistening with desperation.
“nu… Cwixus du anyting! Wiww mayk Poopie bestest tuffie?” he pleaded.
“nu, am smawty!” you retorted as you tried to push on.
You thought about it for a while, it took a moment but eventually you relented. Whether you wanted to admit it or not you desperately needed help just as badly as Cwixus did.
You turned around and faced him. He stared at you, his remaining chunk of lip quivering with a need for revenge.
“otay den… Deaw?” you loudly sighed before you spat on your hoofsie and pointed it towards him.
“Deaw…” the traumatised and war torn bruiser smiled softly as he hocked a mouthful of spit into his hoofsie and thumped it against your own.
You both rested after going through a plan that Cwixus had been devising since he was usurped. The dawkie time was here again and you needed rest. Cwixus was already fast a-sweepies, but you couldn’t rest. You laid there, concerned. You could feel chaos on the horizon, bad things were coming and you would need your strength.
You closed your eyes and thought of all that you had already done, all that you had fought for and still were yet to do. You imagined what you would do for those who have stuck by you, regardless of what has or will come to pass.
Then the noise of soft hoofsies against the wooden floor took your attention. You were too tired to move, talk or even open your see-pwaces as the steps grew closer. Then you heard it. You expect that singing before, but it was different this time, more a happy humming, really, but it was warm and beautiful. You heard the plate beside you receive a fresh top up of nummies. Suddenly the humming stopped, you could feel breathing as the mystery mare got closer.
“hope dat hewties gu way soon, bwavest smawty… Wuv yew” a voice whispered into your heawing-pwace before giving your cheek the tiniest of wickies, then she was gone. You couldn’t quite catch the voice and in your current state you ached too much to care. You needed to sleep, sleep would make you big and strong again.
The sky baww went up and down a few more times and eventually the owwies became smaller, weaker, as you yourself became stronger again. Every dawkies time you would be visited as you laid in that state between dreams and waking. Sometimes she would sing to you with the softest voice you would ever heard, other times she would hum and giggle softly as she noted your recovery. This mare, whoever she was, seemed to like you a lot.
You awoke and the first time in a while you couldn’t feel much of any pain at all, all of the owwies were so faint that they might as well not even be there at all. Even Cwixus was up and about, although this was clearly not his first time recovering in the boo boo boxie.
You got up and left the boxie with your new companion. Cwixus tapped on the wall of the boxie adjacent to yours and let out a loud “Poopie am bettah naow!”.
Immediately your herd burst from the boxie and borderline crushed you in a collective group hug.
“nu… can… bweavies!” you squeaked until they let you go.
ZeewoZeewoWun gave you a proud and knowing nod before bopping you a congratulatory hoofsie on the shoulder. She then returned inside to complete feeding Wan Die his nummies for the day.
“Dummeh miss yew mistah smawty! An sensitibe bebbeh miss yew tuu!” your ever faithful Dummeh beamed at you.
“chirp… Peepeepeep… gurgle” Sensitibe let out. You weren’t entirely sure whether or not he understood what Dummeh said, but regardless he seemed pretty happy, sitting on his new Daddeh’s back with his blank stare and some of his pre-chewed breakfast still clinging to his chubby chin.
“M… Munstah miss-ed yew, hab da wowstest heawt wowwies” she squeaked. She looked as if she wanted to say something more but then just lightly shook her head and smiled at you softly.
“DEWWWW DEWP FOT SMAWTY WUS GUN GU FOWEBA SWEEPIES!” the colt declared in his typically high volume before running head first into your chest to give a second hug, which in truth felt more like a tackle.
“hehehe nah, himb am tuu stwong!” Stitch giggled as she sauntered up, and to the surprise of everyone, pressed her muzzle against yours for a brief moment. “dat fow bein da winna…” she added before proudly trotting off.
You were rather flattered at first, shocked even, no-fluffy had ever done that to you before. If not for your poopie coloured fluff, you’d be displaying your skin to the entire town as beat red. You couldn’t however help but notice Munstah, staring shawpie pointies into Stitch as she walked back inside to get some more breakfast nummies, only for her to look back at your twashie fwend, flick her tail and walk on with a satisfied smirk.
Then you noticed that you were missing three.
“WHERE AM DOWNA, PATCHIES AN SHAWPIE?” you demanded in a sudden panic.
At your command your entire herd looked high and low and sweeped the streets of Cwate Town, but they were gone. Panic set in, could she have given Downa and Patchies foweva sweepies and got away? Regardless, your time in this town was now on a ticking clock. You ran to the guard tuffies at the entrance and asked them, then they confirmed something you didn’t expect, something that sank your heart.
“yeh, wememba bwoken pointie mawe wid an fiwwy an sad wookin stawwion. Dem weft in da dawkies time” the head tuffie confirmed.
You couldn’t believe it, treachery, from your own herd. Granted, you should have kept an eye on them, those two were a bit… off. But then again, everyone in your herd was a bit off. You shrugged and pretended that you weren’t upset, so as not to worry the rest of the herd, But Munstah could see it and you could tell, she knew you better than that.
In spite of recent events, you kept up the bluff and led your herd back to Cwixus. Regardless of how you felt you had a deal and even if you were now on borrowed time, you intended to make good use of it… you needed guidance from an older smarty and an extra hoofsie, now more than ever.
-to be continued-