The expedition part 1 by (that1hugboxer)

This story is a continuation of the The Labyrinth crumbles by (that1hugboxer), Why Fluffies tap their hooves
by(that1hugboxer), Welcome Ms Portnoy by(that1hugboxer), Out of this world by (that1hugboxer), Questions for questions by (that1hugboxer), A different caliber of woman by (that1hugboxer), Project safari by(that1hugboxer), Hasbio safari incident report 1 by (that1hugboxer), HATECHU by (that1hugboxer), An uneasy agreement by(that1hugboxer),

The Hellkites of Harper valley by(that1hugboxer)

Not for sale by(that1hugboxer)

Munstah In the Dark by (that1hugboxer)

Please wait just a little while by(that1hugboxer)

Chaos in a white silk jungle by(that1hugboxer)

Torment at twilight by (that1hugboxer)

Zofiezilla by(that1hugboxer)

You are Ned Jackson.

Your sister Jill has asked you to work her armed escort shift while she is out of state for the next two weeks.

The group of college students your sister was guarding are here in Texas from out of state, studying the effects fluffies have on the environment .

Today they have drug you out to sijame palace, an abandoned brothel with a high population of stray and feral fluffies.

You had shown up at Vanderholt farm to join them earlier this morning.
Armed to the teeth.

Jamie the most vocal of the group was very very upset.

“Do you really need an SMG, a hunting rifle, two pistols , a shotgun
And a tactical jumpsuit with a dozen pouches for holding extra ammunition?!!!”

You load your things into the van ignoring her question.

Jill notices your RV filled to the brim with backpacks and supplies.

“Joey told us we’d be getting a professional bodyguard, not some deranged doomsday prepper !!!”

You sigh.

“sijame palace is 50 miles away from civilization, and you said we were staying out there for 2 weeks , do you expect me to drive 100 miles every time we need something? This ain’t Long Island , out here we have bears, rattlesnakes, feral dogs, coyotes, wild boars and a multitude of man made horrors courtesy of Hasbio’s R&D department.”

You put both of your hands together and form a bat like shape.

Jamie’s face turns red with embarrassment .

“Oh… right… ”

You smile.

“Ms Largo , C.O.B.R.A. Has asked me to take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your team.
I Deem this level of preparation as necessary .”

After packing everything up you escort everyone on the 50 mile journey to sijame palace.

About a mile out You get a call on your radio from the research van

“Mr Jackson. this is Candy jingleheimer, we have arrived at sijame palace and are setting up the observation post about a quarter of a mile from the structure.”


You pull up next to the van and park the RV.

“You ready Scout?”

You hear the sound of little claws tapping against the floor of the camper.

“Weady Daddeh!”

A little sloth fluffy wearing a boonie hat crawls over and climbs into the papoose on your back .

“Scout Wepowtin’ fo’ duty!”

You hand scout his little binoculars and ear protection.
You grab your weapons and open the door.

Exiting the RV you can’t shake the feeling of being watched.

As you stand guard something catches your eye. Hoof prints…. Very large hoof prints the size of those belonging to a draft horse.

Upon closer inspection You also find very large human handprints oriented in such a way to suggest a bipedal creature with exceptionally long arms that can touch the ground while standing up straight.

“Daddeh wook!”

Turning around You see something about 1000 yards away it looks like a person crouching but their knees are taller than their head-

You ready your Remington 760.

Through the scope you see them clearly… and it sees you.

It rights itself from the crouched position.

Easily standing over nine feet tall.
It’s bipedal equine legs ending in large hoofs like those a draft horse, it’s torso that of a man with the head of a horse .
It blows air out of its nostrils then turns around , its arms so long that the palms of its hands touch the ground as it walks off. away from your group.


Unrelated to the story, apparently bbq spaghetti is a real thing


This is also a thing, spaghetti ice cream.


Thank you

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So I’ve been thinking about how Duncan doesn’t really use social media , that brought up the question “what does he do instead?” Obviously he has hobbies but what does he do during the times when most people would be checking their phones?


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Duncan needs a YT channel from the sound of things.

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Niiiiiice. I need more info on sloth fluffies, btw. And the horse guy. He sounds neat!

I have a feeling this trip is going to make Joey briefly wish she had studied accounting.

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The horse guy is one of the escaped Hasbio creations mentioned in my earlier stories. It was Hasbio’s attempt at making a Tikbalang. A Tikbalang

Is a creature from Filipino folklore


Note that the description given in th crouching picture is very vague, that’s because it’s been heavily “sanitized “

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It’s not a good entity by any stretch of the imagination

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Dude, that’s awesome. Yes, it’s terrifying, but I love it.

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