The Field Trip (EzPete)

So what is Holly Farms is my question in that mind

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Man straight up I was a Timmy when I was that age and goddamn I would have despised that field trip too, kids can tell low effort field trips from high effort ones


I’ll have to make a masterpost to sort all my stories in a timeline and also specify what is canon to my universe and what are just shitposts.

In universe sweeping fluffy legal protections were passed. This allows me to focus on sadbox as fluffy suffering is mostly circumstantial rather than malicious.

Backyard breeders exist that operate under the table but explicit abuse is basically a felony now. It still happens but breeders don’t do it and neither them nor fluffmarts will sell to abusers. Breeder foals tend to have worse temperaments, not as bad as ferals, but not the streamlined product that Hasbio has finally begun to perfect.

IDK enough about Holly Farms but it almost certainly wouldn’t pass the USDA inspection if someone cared to report them to the Feds.

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esta fabrica trata de manera decente a esos juguetes, he visto industrias mas crueles donde las madres jamas veran de nuevo sus bebes y estan en constante inseminazion artificial

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Ohhhh that is gonna change with the next.

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Kibble colored babbehs…pretty sure that’s the only word I remember seeing a brown fluffy called that didn’t have to deal with shit

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I shall try to wait for said masterpost to be made!

I will likely fail.

She specifically was avoiding the word poopie to avoid punishment

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One of the few fluffies that give a damn about watching their tongue when it comes to ‘bad words’

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Shes already been disciplined and threated to be converted to a pure breeder that doesn’t get to keep her foals until they are “adopted”

I suppose keeping her babbehs for just a little while is better than not even being able to lick them clean.

Where IS the Cinnamunmah story?

Merchandising appearing in the store and the stallion that looses his shit was a child star that appeared on screen with Cinna and was gaslit into thinking she was his second mommah.

No no, i mean, a link to the main story featuring her. Tried lookin’, can’t seem to find it, unless it’s just REALLY far back.

Ace wrote that

Yeah I tried looking there

Make sure to spell Cinnamummah correctly

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The titles, in order of how they should be read, are as follows:

Cinnamummah, Star of FluffTV

Cinnamummah’s Unhappy Babies #1

Cinnamummah’s Unhappy Babies #2

Cinnamummah’s Unhappy Babies #3

Cinnamummah’s #1 Fan

Cinnamummah’s Thanksgiving Special

Cinnamummah’s Holly Jolly Christmas

Cinnamummah’s Happy New Years

Please note that starting at #1 fan, the series goes straight into contro territory. You may not be able to see the stories depending on your permissions.


Aha, thank you much!

Thanks you too!