The fire overcomes [By Larur]

I made this a few weeks ago, but never finished it
Also I’m planning doing a better HorrorBox drawing, maybe using the character from my pic


This fire looks like it’s made of flesh, and that’s pretty metal.
I like it.


I´m gonna be real with you, they look like flesh monsters.
Usually colors of raging fire, is red, orange and yellow, but also can be blue, green, even intense magenta, depending on what source is it coming from.

Hope you take this an advice, because the fluffys face cracks me up :rofl:


At first I thought this was some sort of shambling, fleshy horror. Like The Thing.

But the idea of sentient fire is creepy, too.

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The fire speaks the truth.

As a Warmachine player who primarily plays Protectorate of Menoth? I approve.

I originally read it as “Petrified” and well, the idea of having fluffies as decorations around my outpost would be amazing

This is the one instance of fluffy-vision i’m willing to accept in my head-cannon

you said it like fluffy vision is some kind of degeneracy

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