the first batch of adoptables (Glitchedduo) ((closed))

edit: c3 is now female, as i realized i didnt have many mares to offer that arent blind or a pillow
finally finished these fuckers

got questions on the fluffies? let me know :wink:

A4, b1 have been claimed

i dont care what you do to them when you get get them.

i would like actual money, each fluffy is about… $4 using my ko-fi’s ‘coffee’ function
this thing

art is also acceptable payment

may need to dm me
*money is going toward stuff for my reptiles, may edit photos of my snakes eating into my snakes eating microfluffs


Please note that this sale is not condoned by the FluffyCommunity site nor its staff. Any monies sent to the artist is done at your own risk. Any issues that may arise will not be handled by the FluffyCommunity admins.


What’s A4’s story? How’d she get pillowed, who made her the remote-controlled skateboard, how independent is she on it (as in can she reach food and is there a defecation plan beyond 24/7 monitoring), and how often does she crash or do something stupid?

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a4’s first owner thought pillowfluffs were happy fluffs. an awful thing really. she then came into the care of a shelter and then later a foster home owned by a Mr Skia, he built the board just for her, along with the prosthetics on the other two fluffies

the straps are easily removed(its honestly just some magnets instead of clips) i forgot to add hinges to the board but its meant to create a ramp so that she can park at the litterbox, wiggle backwards and then back on. she’s perfectly independent now days as she’s had the board for roughly a year, accidents still happen because lets be honest, fluffies have poor bowel control.

she prefers her board over prostetics as it can give the illusion of flying if she flaps her wings.

she still crashes a lot, up to 20 times a day, she is still a fluffy… and has accidentally crashed through a screen door and ended up having to get medical treatment when she hit the raised garden leg.

She’s a lil dumb but very adventurous, if she is purchased ill likely throw in an alternate to the board if there’s any suggestions on it


Wait actual money?
Na aa!


What’s B2’s story?

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I also accept art my guy xD


B2 is blind as her mumma forced them open because her siblings had already had their eyes open…

Due to her albinism and other factors, she is considered a tiny and may be infertile though it hasn’t been tested

Since she can’t see at all because her mother was an idiot, sensory toys are a must have, along with perhaps some padding on walls and door frames as she will bump into them.

Perhaps a fluffy cane or a sensor that will let her know if she’s close to something will be useful.


B3 and C3’s stories?

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b3 is c2 and b4’s littermate, he is labeled ‘bestest babbeh’ however he has both eye and horn mutations. his horn has smaller horns growing, he had a second, smaller horn below the larger one but his mother broke it so she could have her ‘bestest baby’ and not a ‘tu hornie munstah’

the genes are from his father are co dominate, any offspring will have a 50% chance of having this mutation, he also has a coat mutation like his sibling making him look like he has ‘sprinkles’.

he is a very sweet lad but a tad spoiled. suggestion to put pieces of foam on the ‘minihorns’ growing on his horn as they are actually quite sharp but they can be filed down to a safe and dulled but you will have to do this quite regularly.

C3 was born from an attempt at breeding a hunting friend and a fluffy, she does have a bit of affinity toward meat but zero hunting skills (think declawed kitten thats never been given hunting toys) has a 5% chance to pass these genes. she also has a wing mutation, making her wing look similar to a bat’s, its a fuzzy membrane.
she cant fly and has zero issues with the dark, infact seems to be able to see in the dark, at least to a point.

her ears are slightly pointed, unsure if breeder wanted a ‘vampire bat’ fluffy.


Could I have B2? :0


she’s still up for offer! $4 or art is good payment

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The genes with all her quirks, or meat preference, bat-like properties, or inability to hunt?

Triangular eyes or cat eyes?

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meat preference, bat like properties and the triangular pupils have a 5 percent chance to be passed to offspring

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an update: will now accept trades or art for any of the remaining three fluffies