The Fluff World Saga. Arc 1. Part 1. (Blooper)

The year is 2012. A small company based in nebraska is currently having a board meeting. They are a bio-engineering company that goes by the name of Darwin’s Biotech D.B. for short. They specialize in the manufacturing of animal based products in order to aid humans in both their daily needs as well as warfare. They have developed goats that produce milk which can aid in the healing process and even allow for dismembered limbs to be re-attached if sewn on soon enough, however they are more recognized for their manufacturing of a special kind of bullet proof vest which is more flexable and durable than normal ones, produced by cattle who have had an enzyme in their milk tinkered with to make it similar to, yet stronger than kevlar. They are discussing how to proceed in their next venture in order to gain more funding from the public.

One man, around 6 foot 7 with sandy blond hair a pale complection, hazel eyes and a nose that was slightly upturned stood before his colleges, 3 men and 4 women, suggesting they go into something similar to toy manufacturing. “Imagine the profits we could make from this, imagine how good our pr will be if we corner this market early” he said. “Jamison what you’re suggesting is the mass producing of animals with little more purpose than to be a child’s plaything on christmas, imagine the animal rights violations, we could be sued up the ass and we’ve barely gotten our feet off the ground” said a man who looked 3 times too big for his shirt and even more so for his pants. He was completely bald, age had taken his hair with little thought to his feelings and his face appeared as if it was shrunken on his very head. Jamison looked at him haughtily and rubbed his face in frustation as they had been arguing for about 2 hours now.

“Look carl we need to get our name out there to the public if we want funding for half the stuff we have planned, you think government funding is gonna be enough for what we want, for what you want? money doesn’t just grow on trees, even though we could make it so but the government would shut us down for that” Jamison walked around the table to get closer to carl. “Look we’ll do a trial test first, 100 of them and only 100, and we’ll use those to run what tests we need and do some group testing and then we’ll take a look at the results and if it’s good enough then we’ll move foreward, we won’t even be cloning real animals but using our own things we’ll make ourselves, just give it a chance carl”. Carl looked at Jamison, tired from the arguing, “Just what would you make, and it better be harmless enough so we don’t get sued by some mom who didn’t watch her brat and it got hurt by the damn thing”. Jamison smiled a bit and he walked back over to his seat which was filled with papers and charts he had been desperately showing the board and had almost gotten everyone on board aside from carl who was the primary shareholder. He reached into the pile of poster board and pulled out one with the picture of a pony on it and slapped it on the table. “We’ll make horses.”

Carl looked at the poster with a slight aghast look on his face and looked back up at Jamison. “Horses? why the bloody fuck would we do that?” Jamison then got out some colored see through plastic sheets and looked back at carl. “Every little girl on earth wants a pony at least once in their life, and the popularity of that pony show they have going on is just as popular with adults, for some reason, shit’s beyond me but oh well it’s just marketable as hell!” Jamison said with a sly smile. “But if its just horses won’t that hurt someone?” Carl asked inquisetively. “Well we can just get around that, make them harmless, we are a genetics company after all, and we can even make them come in different colors if we want!” Jamison said as he put the see through plastic sheets over the picture of the horse and swapped them with another again and again. “But wouldn’t this be a copyright issues?” carl asked. “Well as long as we dont make them completely look like their toys we’ll be fine, besides it’s not like they where making these things anyways, just give it a chance carl, trust me.” “Alright, but if it all goes down shit creek it’s on your head and not mine, don’t expect me to bail you out.” said carl sternly.

“You’ve got it, i guess that’s business taken care of for today, i’ll begin working on the product immediately” Jamison said as he gathered his stuff and left with a smile as carl turned to the rest of the board to start discussing how to legally protect themselves. -End-

I wanted to try a new take on the fluffy story line, this is entirely my own headcannon. I’ve got the basic plan for the story done i just need to fill it in. I wanted to have it be similar to the canon we have going now but a bit different and this is my first time publishing a story all on my own. idk how many parts this first arc will take but i think i’ve got a pretty good set up so far.