the fluffies and the dragon, part 1/3 [dragon not found]

this is an intermission of “half fluffy, half demon” i had this idea shelved for a while, and had big ideas for it. as the title suggests, there’s only going to be 3 parts, and i’ll make it interactive(that means polls!).

you’ve been asleep, with much grace, peace, and stone around you. no seriously, you’ve become part of the stone for the century that you’ve been asleep, metaphorically. Stone has half covered your legs and torso in a very brittle layer of sediment, it marks your testament to how long you’ve chosen to sleep. You are a dragon(the pop culture 4 legs 2 wings), a volcanic dragon to be exact, and your rocky blanket is getting a bit tight, tighter than normal. Still, you can sleep fo longer, the fat reserves in your tail and the low environment temperature can last you for another 100 winters, but you can feel your hunger starting to get annoyed. It’s not that bad yet, and your too deep into your peace. Your dreams consist of your hatchling years. Your warm and spacious lair, the pile of shinies, the comfortable smell of methane, the voice of your mother, who has a strangely high pitched voice for some reason, the yelling of your brother to get over your fear of the dark, wait.
Those were real, and actually happening. Those aren’t from your memories, or your parents. In fact, those voices aren’t your parents. You need to see what is going on, but your eye has been shut for too long. It’s hard, your eyelids feel very heavy, and the layer of rock isn’t doing you any good, so instead you prop up your previously flat ears to do the seeing.
”… su dawksies, su scawy”
“Buh hewd weadah smawty gun gib wowsest owwies an’ sowwie poopsies. Nu wan.”
“Twue… buh it am tu scawie, an dew am munstas? Dew am aways munstas in da dawksies.”
“Nu twue. Swone nu gu sweepies in dawk time, an dewe am nu muntahs, dat am how swone am su bwave an’ swong. wan be toughie, buh smawty sa’ nu. ‘ou teww smawty, swone fin mow’ nummies."

nothing else. who was that? sounded like a human child, but one that’s also an adult. its definitely not a human. an elf? a gnome? a halfling? an alien? wait, those only exist in fairy tails, like magic. every being knows fairy tails don’t exist. so… it must be human. have humans changed? do they have scales now? oh how you wish humans had scales now. they would be beautiful, hansom even. their anthropomorphic bodies would be shimmering in shiny beautiful scales, with perfect snouts and dexterous talons. they would be a sight to behold and the ideal race to keep around. even the males would look beautiful, probably even more beautiful than you or your brothers, like living works of art. and the females would probably be larger, earth-toned, and maybe non monogamous. still, you wish-
wait, their back.

“obew dew! dat am- owwies!”
“shaddup dummeh fwuffy. HEWD, SMAWTY FIN’ NEU WAND!”

some chatter? chirps? it’s hard to tell from this far away.

“dewe am munstas, su mani munstas, su dewe in da dawk housie am hewd housie”

so, from the sounds of it, a group is entering your home. the general noises have become louder, and you can finally discern that it isn’t chatter or chirps, it’s both.
“mummah, bestest babbeh wan miwkies, nao!”
“poopie fwuffy gib wickie cweans tu toughie nao!”
“su dawk, scawy.”
“wub speshaw fwen’! wub pway!”
om nom nom nom, chnom. SANDWICH! (wait, wrong place)

they must’ve already entered, as you can hear them fully. but you can’t sleep like this, with all this noise. you chose this location and slept in it for so long because it was so quiet. something needs to be done. but at the same time, these creatures are new, and may be used. you are very curious.

how active will you be
  • keep going as you are, motionless and restricted to your sense of hearing
  • open you eyes(warning: they glow)
  • speak
  • lift your head
  • breath fire
  • fully awaken
  • mess with the herd
0 voters
what is the tone of your activity?
  • friendly
  • neutral
  • aggressive
0 voters