The Fluffpile Discord Server!



why did no one tell me my nonhonky ass was not welcomed on discord

McGee you know we love you

If you join a Discord server about abusing and mutilating innocent cartoon horses, but your biggest worry is mean words, consider re-evaluating who you are.

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Fluffy ponies are fictional. The targets of racism are real. I draw a line between fantasy and reality.


You are in a fandom that is 55-70% the violent and often gorey abuse of helpless shitlings. I respect that the site admins go out of their way to make this a fairly calm site. I should know how strict the mods can be specifically regarding language and harassment. But you can not enter a fandom built on the inherently toxic interest of abuse and act like a surprised_cat.gif when we won’t temper our humor to your standards.


I was disappointed, but not surprised. I fully acknowledge I can’t control anyone else’s actions, but that doesn’t mean I have to approve of them, either. Racism is bad, and if someone has a problem with me saying that, well, that says more about them than about me.

If something is in an entirely fictional context, with little to no real-world relationship, I would also hesitate to call it toxic, but that’s rather irrelevant.


Now that’s a strawman. There’s degrees to everything. I certainly doubt you’d say it to anyone’s face, though.

Regardless, the server isn’t for you. That’s fine. If you ever learn to ignore mean words, we’re open.

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Za, my dude.

You cannot frame someone not caring for immaturity as them not having the mental fortitude to handle off-color speech.

You know why Tarantino is praised for his dialogue despite it regularly employing slurs at times? It’s because it’s punchy and deliberate.

Peppering every statement with a swear or a slur because it’s teehee funny to act naughty when mommy and daddy aren’t around is just obnoxious.


At this point the argument is simply looping.
No one is forcing anyone to join the discord.
If it doesn’t seem like the place for you, then leave it be.
No need to drag it through the mud.

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If it’s furthering the debate of racism, it’s getting deleted.
Not even remotely the place for a debate.


@Za did the server get deleted or did a bunch of inactive users get kicked?

The latter, and it’s become more exclusive since it’s hardly fluffy-centric atp

My apologies for not being interactive enough I suppose.

It’s hardly fluffy-centric atp
Oh no, what happened?

It was anyone who hadn’t messaged within three months.

Nothing happened other than my moving on from the community, and generally the server just evolving from a fluffy hub into a massive friend group

Fair enough. I just lurked. Thanks for the explanation. I will say you guys did have some hysterical conversations.