The Fluffy Condition (by: bowling)

Good explanation, anyway hilarious how stupid this shitrats are.

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currently at a loss for ideas. any suggestions for a sequel, or something similar to The fluffy condition?

How about a story about how fluffies are responding, evolutionarily and behaviorily, to being feral? With their mixed genetics, are sections of their dna activating, giving instincts that might be useful for survival? Are there now genetic differences between city and rural fluffies?

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That was fantastic! Innocence like this is exactly what I love about fluffies, and the explanation of them trying to live in a world they weren’t meant for is absolutely perfect sadbox!

For a sequel, how about showing how the fluffies deal with the fact that not every human is nice, and even fewer willing to adopt ferals in their times of need.


Damn. I loved this a lot. Im really loving your work, its got a nice style, and the notebook scheme is super neat

Holy shit, that was my childhood game lol i was like 9-10 when i found that game

I think this was beginning to get touched on in a sadly unfinished story by @Giant_Neckbeard about an orchard with cows and domesticated fluffies and hugbox niceness. It begins to get overrun by ferals who want to eat the harvest.

The details escape me, there were maybe some scientists studying herd-vs-herd behavior, who noted that there were differences in skeletal structure and temperament among the feral herds. They also had their own social behaviors no domestic fluffy tried to do. Which makes sense even if natural selection is just specializing them ever so slightly over a wide area of the wild, like Darwin’s finches.

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Not bad.

Honestly reflects and refracts from how I portray Smarty Syndrome as less “Fluffy is an asshole” and more “Fluffy seeking to survive” by effectively showing exactly how lacking a sense of instinct and survival can cause problems.