The Fluffy Hunters - 2 (Gamma_Gun)

Warren had always been an odd child. He’d never speak to his classmates, nor would he cooperate with them. As he grew up, he took on a kinder personality. When his true side rarely comes out, he can be quite cruel and apathetic. This paired with his main ability which is Gravity Manipulation, is quite dangerous. He also has a secondary ability, which is rare in his family. He rarely uses it though, as it causes a bunch of strain on his body, and overuse of his abilities can put him in a coma, or end up killing him.

His parents started the Fluffy Hunters organization, and that’s where most of their riches came from. The organization was created to make sure that fluffies didn’t end up getting too invasive, and started to deplete resources quickly. Every year, there is a day where anyone can test their skill as a Fluffy Hunter. Winner gets their choice of a specially bred toughie to defend any fluffies they have from wild herds while they’re away, a high quality weapons kit for hunting, or a kit for torturing/abusing fluffies.

Warren took a hot, long shower to rid himself of the stench of fluffy feces, which unsurprisingly, smells horrible. He got dressed, determined to prove his parents wrong and become a Fluffy Hunter. But first, he had to take care of Surge. He got dressed in some black pants and a black t-shirt. He walked downstairs to the basement to the sorry box and unlocked it, and looked down to see Surge, still alive, just barely. He could see blisters starting to form on her.


Surge looked quite sick, so he’d have to at least do something. He wanted Surge to suffer. He wanted her to suffer for all the opportunities he’d missed because of her demands and being forced to take care of her. He was going to make her pay while his parents were away.
Warren grabbed Surge by her scruff and quickly ran upstairs to the shower, throwing her on the floor. He turned on the shower head to the hottest setting and removed it from its holder. He set the water pressure to max as he sprayed Surge with the water.


After a majority of the bodily waste was removed from her fluff, he left and locked the door behind him. He finished his outfit off with black boots, a black hood, mask, and cape. All that was left to get was weapons. That would be a huge problem since his parents obviously wouldn’t have weapons lying around, so he’d have to make do. He grabbed some nails from the garage, a makeshift whip made of multiple wires tied together, a slingshot with some special pellets, and a rapier from the display case. This was really the only weapon they had around, but he was only going to use this as a last resort. Once he packed all the necessary hunting items along with the weapons, he set off. He walked into an alley with a herd and it’s smarty, resting and eating spaghetti from the garbage. As soon as the herd spotted him, he got bombarded with requests to be their new owner.

“Dummeh hoomin! give meh and meh hewd gud nummies nao!”

He immediately whipped the alicorn fluffy, sending him back. The herd moved back as some pegasi toughies rushed forward, getting ready to attack.

“Oh? You have an attack formation? Quite unheard of. I’ll have some nice fun with you all~!”


The pegasi rushed forward quickly, some took to the air, others went for his feet. Warren had prepared the whip just for this. He used to take ribbon dancing classes, so all he had to do was pretend the whip was a ribbon, and he wouldn’t accidentally whip himself. He spun around gracefully, sending the fluffies back. The unicorns attacked next. They weren’t powerless, of course not! they could send beams of energy. While they were relatively weak, they were large, and sent him flying.

“So you like to use powers, eh? Allow me to show you mine.”

He threw a handful of nails up above the unicorns, then increased the gravity, sending them down, impaling all of the unicorns, and that only let the smarty, and the rest of the herd left.

“Sweet! Those idiots were quite easy to beat! Now all i have to do is wipe out the herd, bring back body parts from each fluffy, and claim a reward at the Fluffy Hunters Organization Center!”

The alicorn smarty got up.


Warren assumed he must’ve killed his special freind as he stepped over the female unicorn corpse, pulling out two handfuls of nails. The alicorn immediately charged forward and summoned a blade and attacked, cutting Warren. It mved quickly, striking multiple times.

'What the fuck!? Am I getting my ass handed to me by a fucking FLUFFY? The weakest animal in HISTORY? I’ll have to-"

Warren was cut off as he got blasted backwards by a giant blast of green energy, matching the alicorn’s fluff. He crashed into a brick wall and landed in a puddle. He was bleeding, and scared shitless. He’d always heard of alicorns having abilities, but never did he imagine he’d die to them.

“Ok Warren, pull yourself together.”

He activated his second ability and summoned orbs, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. He activated Orange’s ability and sent back the alicorn before he could attack again. He activated Red and slowed down time in a certain area, putting the alicorn in a near-frozen state. His head was hurting and he could feel his nose and eyes bleeding. He was about to attack when he noticed a bright red bird fly down from a building, and right outside the time-freezing area. It looked like a house sparrow, the feathers and all, but it didn’t have a beak. It had front facing eyes, and a smile that was quite unsettling. It looked drawn on, or like an emoticon. It turned around to face the alicorn, still slowly moving from its original spot. Warren blinked and saw the alley covered in blood, intestines, brain mater, eyeballs, and various other fluffy body parts. The alicorn was gone too. How did it bypass his ability? He desummoned the orbs and felt light headed. He walked over to the strange bird.

"Thanks for saving my life back there buddy!’

Warren passed out and fell backwards, his body automatically shutting down to prevent death by exhaustion, leaving himself defenseless against this strange creature…