The fluffyhunters part three: “stylite”
takes place after the fluffyunters Vignette #2 "examination" by whackadoo1997 - #2 by gz
The industrial park hummed with a flurry of activity as usual. Towers of chemicals poisons moaned as the ingredients within transmuted into different forms and states of matter. Industrial hammers and pneumatic lathes formed steel and brass into usable constructs, trucks full of God knows what went out to who knows where, locomotives trundling back and forth with their horns blaring over every crossing, to let the stampede of asphalt bound lesser vehicles to know who truly had priority. Across the intersection, a processing and packing facility for ConAgra foods was closed down temporarily, all the workers have been given a paid day off for the clean out that was underway.
The factory primarily made TV dinners and boxed processed foods that were ready to be made at home. Humble food and convenient food. Food that was bound to nutritional standards as imposed by a government, chosen by the consent of the governed.
The factory had been one of hundreds that had been scourged by fluffies, all it took was one getting fed from the dumpster to have the entire place overrun with a non-stop demanding childish horde of them. Every worker accosted, every security guard bombarded with demands for spaghetti and Nummies. Every man woman and person in between was mentally exhausted by these pervasive saccharin pests. After a wayward foal got packed into and frozen in a box of “banquet mega-bowl cow tonsils Fettuccini”. The investigation by the FDA similarly led them to discover the disaster that was occurring at the Farnsworth street plant.
By this time, the public knew of fluffyhunters and it was not unusual to see one anymore. Some people loved them. Some. Most found them thought of the cyborgs as unpleasant, and even downright frightening. They were right to think so. They were tools at the end of the day. They were made for function.
The smarty of the factory herd was called “daffodil”. She was a female smarty, unlike many others. She had led the herd there in the plan of eating all of the best food so that they could make the best babies. Like termites to a stack of unfinished lumber, they flocked. The factory was a shit show. Bags of dry goods were torn into, feces and fur everywhere. Fresh vegetables and other ingredients were always being tampered with. Daffodil had become a fattened and lazy sow. For all of this, she reaped the best rewards. Her minions and would-be suitors brought her the best of foods, which she would always eat up and then tell them to bring better food. Ever the sociopath, she refused to love anything other than her own selfish desires. There was no room in her heart for anything else, even her own foals were kicked to the side after they stopped being cute.
Daffodil was unstoppable. She was the biggest and strongest.
The factory hummed with the sound of equipment that remained active as the total downtime costs far more than the losses recouped from the day’s pest extermination. The guard on duty was talking to the men from tiger cybertronics as they unloaded their box truck. This was a job for a pack of four hunters. It wouldn’t be a quick one but it would be successful. The four of them were released from their cages and let loose, their senses boiling with rage and fury from the smell of fluffies. Their prey. Their feast. Their victims.
As they entered with a polyphony of clattering claws upon polished concrete flooring, they saw something that immediately drove them to a stupor. A lone brown fluffy sat in an “empathy trap” It was constructed of moulded plexiglass with holes drilled in it so that the fluffy trapped within could breathe. The trap was designed with the idea that fluffies would crawl within to help save and rescue the bait fluffy and in doing so become trapped themselves. However, in practice most just weren’t smart enough to figure out how to walk through the one way door. Let alone give a shit about the well being of the fluffy within. All too often these caged fluffies would be tormented and mocked, urinated upon, and even dedicated upon by their fellow fluffs. The great on the top of this one’s cage had been soaked in that manner, and fur that had gotten stuck in the grates. The sepia toned stallion was almost dead, his body withered and devoid of fat. He lazily looked up at the hunters as they all four locked eyes with him, standing in the doorway like four onyx sentinels of death.
The leader of the four charged it with might, and landed its claws right against the plexiglass. Instead of actually shattering the contraption it merely crumpled its whole body against it with full momentum. the strength of the construction outweighed the otherwise severity of his attack. And with fury and righteous anger, he tore at the trap. His claws gave an unstoppable yield of blows. His teeth scraped and chipped at nothing, as they slid off of the enclosure. Even knocking the enclosure on its side, picking it up by the carrying handle and slamming it against the wall did nothing either. The Fluffy within barely reacted. “It won’ work” the little brown fluffy got on his feet and looked the cyborg in the eyes. “Dis box am’ un…un-bwek-ibble. that means fluffy no am getting out.”
“IS. THAT. SO.” he barked with a bellicose growl, his breath baited and hot, his pupils shrunk down to the size of pencil leads. His blood ran hot and his neurons fired on all cylinders with hatred and rage towards the creature it had been selectively bred to despise. Picking up the cage thrusted around and smashed it against a metal pole, but it didn’t even crack. “TO HELL WITH THIS.” The other hunters had gathered around him, and were waiting for orders or a command to scatter. They all wanted a turn to try and kill the fluffy, but the impossibility of its death was perplexing to them.
“This one is…useless. We shall find the other fluffies” he was sharply interrupted by the meek voice of the caged fluffy. “Ovva ffwuffies? The mean ffwuffies?” “SHUT UP- “ he bucked at the cage, sending it flying into the wall with the swift kick of his hind legs. The little brown stallion was concussed but otherwise unfased. “I know whewe AWWWWWW the bad fluffies is…” at that utterance all four of the hunters gazed upon it with a newfound curiosity, they couldn’t kill this one because it was in a brake proof chamber, designed by myopic do-gooders. And he had what they needed, going against everything they had ever been raised to know. They listened to the unkillable fluffy.
By every account describable, and using the entirety of the English language one could only describe daffodil was a fat and ignorant piece of shit. Daffodil, was a ugly runt, her sire was a insemination syringe full of spunk from a ride along fluffy, and her mother a pedigree show fluffy. Her entirety of her existence had been in mistake, one made at the expense of her owners wallet and mother’s life. Her birth ripped her mother’s cunt from belly button to tailbone. At the age of 3 months, she killed and devoured one of her older siblings when she was left alone. She was sold under the lie that she was a fully grown fluffy, and her new owner was furious that she doubled in size. After being beaten thoroughly by her new owner she was kicked out after trying to kill the family cat. Nobody missed her, or the stain she left on the carpets.
Now, she resided in the back of the facility, sitting on a pile of shredded buncha crunch. Her throne room as one would describe it was completely surrounded by boxes of food that had been dragged in over the course of the day by her minions and sycophants, she didn’t give a fuck about any of them. Only the food that they provided. Suitors and courtiers were ignored by her. She was the toughest smarty of all. Her neon pink fur clashed with her brown mane. She was a born sociopath who refused all love at every turn. No matter who showed her any affection it was ignored on purpose because it did not suit her needs.
“GET OFFA DAFODIWS NESTY” she belched as she forced herself up on her legs and over the half foot it took her to nudge away a stallion that had brought her some green onions that it had found. She hissed at it. It waddled away crying. “DAFODIW WAN YOU TO DIE! NOW!” At that command, it looked at her in horror, and the other fluffies looked at her too, knowing that if they did not make it so… she would kill them too. All of the fluffies abandoned their posts, mothers abandoned their young, father’s abandoned their pregnant mares and even the sentinels that guarded the doorways ran over and began to mercilessly stomp out the stallion. In a flurry of hooves and begging screams of mercy, she sat there looking at none of it and ate the onions, proceeding to immediately vomit some of it back up on herself and continued to eat the rest. She didn’t even clean herself off. That was a job for another fluffy
From far above on the catwalks the hunters watched enraged and disgusted, infuriated that such a creature was allowed to exist without their consent. The catwalks extended in a cross pattern on the corner of every wall, this section of the factory had them installed so that a gantry crane that ran the course of the factory could deposit and access cargo that had been unloaded in these rooms, however, with the lack of work they had gone barren and now had been turned into this. The fluffy in the cage looked down upon them all with disgust as did the hunters. “An dass the biggest meanie fwuffy of dem aww” said the caged fluffy “Listen here fluffy- you told us the truth. We’re still going to kill you.” “das nice! Fwuffy die wast?” “Fine.”
The team separated, the antennas on their backpacks flickered with life as they communicated wirelessly. They had left the cage behind, and the lone fluffy watched it all unfold like a big show.
The pack surrounded them all from all sides. And made themselves ready for an ambush. But as they did, daffodil got up, and began waddling out. Damn. They would take her out later. With a sickening crash the four of them came down, lunching upon the crowd the four of them made short work of the sycophantic fluffies. They were tearing heads from shoulders, crushing their skulls and ripping their intestines out. In one noteworthy display, one of the hunters grabbed a fluffy by her head, and rapidly scraped it back and forth on the concrete, her skin and flesh torn from the bones as she spilled blood everywhere, finishing her off by peeling her skin and leaving her to die. As they stomped, crushed, eviscerated and mutilated the crowd, those that tried to run away were immediately pounced upon, and thrown against the walls, their bodies exploding upon impact. The babies in the throne room that were left in nests, were also doomed. Crying and begging for love and attention that they had not earned or been guaranteed by birth, they were all beaten mercilessly by the hunters, what few that weren’t immediately squished and popped like cherries died from the blunt Force trauma and edged weapon impacts of the muzzles of the hunters reaching down to bite and eat them. Chirpy babies went down the smoothest, even if they screamed the loudest.
All the while, he laughed. The trapped fluffy was overjoyed to see all of the big meanie’s friends die, they were so cruel to him, they were so very very mean. Now they were so very dead. And he was laughing. Their family and friends had all now undergone a wholesale slaughter and he was laughing. It didn’t just feel good to watch bad things happen to bad fluffies, it was fun.
Daffodil was sat face first in a bag of rice. She grunted and once more vomited on herself, and proceeded to eat it back up. As she lazily fed herself she lifted her tail and sprayed a choleric shower of gastric gelato all over the floor. The pure byproduct of her primarily junk food and garbage diet. Her ignorance and selfishness knew no bounds, as did her lack of embarrassment and self-awareness. As she spat out the rice she heard an unfamiliar sound. The click-clack and mechanical whiz of metal legs on the concrete floor. She looked over and unmusically saw the hunters walking towards her “go way”
“Go way!”
She stomped her hooves on the ground “GO WAY FROM…from…”
She was now starting to realize how big these creatures were, and despite being shaped kind of like fluffies they were…very tall…very big…
Bigger than her.
And she was the biggest…was…was the biggest…
She ran, her fat little legs stomping awkwardly as she hobbled along, not knowing where she was running to, going across the concourse of closed down machinery she clambered up a small staircase that led to some elevated machinery. She thought that it would be any kind of way to escape the oncoming threat, but in reality it was an access ramp for a State of the art chicken cooking machine. As she climbed up it, one of the hunters effortlessly jumped behind her, following her instinctively.
As he closed in on her, she tried to run faster, but only managed to make it so far away from the hunter that it had to lean forward ever so slightly more to grab her by her back leg. Which ended up being a mistake. As she thrashed about and kicked and kicked. It lost its grip, and Clawed back on as hard as it could, accidentally crushing the bones within her leg into a fine mess. As she thrashed her leg detached at the socket from the inside, and it slipped through the grip of the hunter. She tumbled away and dropped down off the side and onto a control panel. As she bounced on it, the control panel turned on multiple pieces of equipment. And production started again. The Hunter jumped off of the conveyor belt and she bumbled off the control panel and back onto the treadmill.
Now that the treadmill beneath her was running she ran in the direction it was moving, thinking she was so clever! The hunters backed away, as one of their mental conditioning states was to avoid moving heavy machinery so as to preserve their own lives. daffodil had no such programming as she had no such training in any way. The other hunters gathered around slowly as they walked at a brisk pace, following with their quarry. She thought she was so smart until she ran into another machine. Inside, this machine had been previously used to pluck the skins from dead chickens. As she entered it, the automated rubber arms reached down and began to yank chunks of hair and skin off of her body. The screaming was agonizing. The hunters stood in shock as they heard her, she was producing unbelievable howls and baying screeches. As she was spat out on the other side, they looked at her, her fur was in patches, parts of her skin had been ripped off and the dermis was bleeding through. But she kept running, and most ignorantly of all, they all saw what was next- she sprinted through a god damned de-boning machine. They were trained to be averse to machinery, and remained out of harm’s way but daffodil through some active karma was not going to do anything more than put herself directly in harm’s way.
She was still screaming, her little voice now becoming hoarse. having sprinted through the deboning machine, exited it without her back right leg, and one of her eyes had been gouged in the socket, the hunters drew closer to her thinking they could get her finally and put her out of her misery, that’s they cared but it was what they wanted most of all was her death. Until she hit the grill plated treadmill.
They all four self the heat of the propane blowers beneath it, the grill itself was a conveyor of flat metal slats with grooved edges. As she trundled on to it, both of her front hooves stuck to the ungreased metal plate. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAIUEEE!”
She peeled them off, and her forearms came detached at the wrist, her hooves stuck to the glowing metal plates. She tried once more to put her hooves back on but fell on her side, her skin burning to the metal plate screaming in pain and trying to get up. Once moreover she fell face first. She pulled herself up, her nubs burning once again to the metal plates that were on full blast heat, and the skin of her face came off in a solid patch, with strings of sinew and molten tendons, The jelly from her gouged eye had coagulated and dribbled like mozzarella cheese from a freshly sliced pizza pie. She kept rolling trying to write herself and fell squarely on her ass, rolling on her back. As her backside fused with the metal plate, it ripped her anus and colon out along with her uterus, which had been cauterized shut on the plate itself. She kept screaming and screaming, and then with absolute shock and horror the hunters watched as she was pulled underneath the metal plate conveyor. Directly into the flames of the propane blowers beneath.
For what felt like 30 agonizing seconds they heard hissy screaming and screaming, her artificially grown hair and skin had fused her like glue to the plating, and there was nothing any of them could do to rescue her. In their minds, rescue meant extricating and ending her life, but as they watched the conveyor rotate through, first came her hooves that were black and grey. Then came her. Still breathing, but her vocal cords completely fried, she was a twitching spasming mess that was glued to the conveyor. They watched as she was almost taken to the other side, and before they allowed her to be pulled under once more, one of the hunters grabbed her by her neck, and pulled her off with a sickening crunching crispy noise she detached from the metal plate. She felt the floor with a thud, ordinarily there would be a tub on wheels where flash broiled chickens would have been taken to the next processing station. A scraper was supposed to be attached to this machine but it was part of the tub that would carry the chickens.
Instead, she hit the floor, and still writhing and spasming and screaming a whispering hiss. They dragged her away from the machinery so that they could safely dig in. With only one functioning eye, she looked around, barking barely intelligible orders at the Hunter’s, condemning them and calling them all sorts of g-rated curse words. But then resumed her screaming as they ripped her open. Like a surprise egg toy, she was torn in half and the goodies spilled out from inside of her, her roasted intestines and organs all spilled onto the floor. And she was subsequently torn to pieces, finally dying once her chest cavity had been cracked open, her lungs ripped out. She tasted terrible even by the standards of fluffies. A junk food diet will do that to you.
As the hunters finished their meal, they dragged what they didn’t want to eat of her and put it in a trash can. They then proceeded to make their way back to the store room, which now was just covered in drying blood. “hey! Up heah!”
The four of them looked up at the singular fluffy in its plexiglass cage. “IM WEADY TO GO HOME NOW!”
“Go home? What on earth does that mean??”
“It means he’s ready to die. We cannot open his cage, we shall have to…bring it to the Doctor…”
Dr Vanskyock waited by the box truck with the security guard. They were sharing stories.
“So I tell her, you might have a fuzzy but I’d rather see the one between your thighs!”
“HAHA! You dirty old man!” Security guard left himself as the doctor finished his otherwise unprofessional story. Hunters come out with their cage. “Boys what is that? F-16 what on earth have you found?” The Hunter presented it to the doctor, who held it in his hands and looked at what was inside. “…hewwo mistuh…fwuffy wan go home now!” The doctor was disgusted, and turned to the security guard. “Jesus Christ man these things are barbaric, you mind if I let this thing go so I can feed it to my hunters?” “Be my guest man, I really don’t care.” The doctor got on his knees and pulled out a multi-tool from his pocket, using the flooded screwdriver attachment he popped the lock on it, and reached in and grabbed the underfed fluffy. “Today’s your lucky day you little bastard” “fwuffy gon’ die! Fwuffy going’ home!” The doctor took a pause. “Yes, you are…”
He threw it at the hunters who grabbed it in midair, two of them ripping it apart and splattering blood everywhere, the four of them in less than 5 seconds tore it to pieces, and began chewing and eating him up.
In another time and place in another realm of existence, the entirety of the factories heard of fluffy’s waited in line, each of them sniffling and crying as they were let into heaven for fluffies. A robed figure Spoke gently to each one and then allowed them to pass onwards. That was until daffodils came to the line. She pushed all of the fluffies out of her way until she was face to face with the robed figure, who checked over his list and looked her in the eyes.
“Go back to your spot in line, daffodil, it’s not your turn yet.” She didn’t even respond. She did turn around, lifted her tail and tried to give it sorry poopies. “That’s not going to work up here, nobody does that here. Now listen to me daffodil, go back to your spot in line. “SHUT UP, DAFFODIL WAN U TO DIE!” She looked at the entire crowd of gathered fluffies from her, and none of them listened to her. They all just looked at her like she was the biggest idiot on the face of the Earth, which is true as it may have been, she did not comprehend either. “That’s it. I’ve had Manny like you pass through. But I think it’s time for you to go.” The road figures stood up, and raised over the assembled crowd like a monolith of absolute darkness. He reached down with a bony skeletal hand, and grabbed daffodil’s head like a bowling ball, two of his fingers went in her eyes and another one in her mouth. “You could have gotten forgiveness for all of your vile and selfish deeds you committed in your living life, but there is nothing good about you daffodil, you’re bad all the way through. Do you know what happens to people who are bad all the way through?” “DAPHA DIW WAN U T’ DIE!” “Not quite”
He turned holding her in his hand, and using his sight opened up a stitch in the air, it opened up to reveal a great expansive flame, and the screaming fluffies from within. all of which were howling in fear and anger. He threw her in there with a perfect NFL quarterback spiral, straight into the unforgiving flames of fluffy hell.
The cut sealed up and everything went back to normal. The robed figure wiped his fleshless brow. “I’m so sorry you had to see that come up but some fluffies are so bad that there is no forgiveness for them, even if people pray on their behalf…NEXT!” A little brown colt popped on all four legs up to the figure. “Fwuffy wan go home now! Please?” “oh yes, you’re on the express route! Welcome home friend.” He pronked up the winding golden path that led into the clouds far far above the empty white expanse. And he was home.