The Folly of Hope: Brothers! (InfraredTurbine)

Fluffy fighting rings used to be a big part of the lore, though that trope has largely faded. Santanon used it extensively, as did several others. And the epic Fluffyrunner series was a Battle Royale scenario.

So some guy having two fluffies fight to the death for his amusement doesn’t strike me as particularly odd or stupid. Cruel and sadistic, yes, but not stupid.

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The fact they’re brothers who get depressed without each other kind of puts this as an uphill battle, though. If you go with the “Double Dragon,” winner gets the girl/mare? Okay, that’s probably a stronger urge. But a home? I don’t think its hardwired enough to really get them to fight.

That said, would it be accurate to say you’re siding on malice? Because, at least to me, it doesn’t look like there’ll be a decent fight out of this. Its, “maybe they fight, maybe they don’t, neither of them is really going to get to live here anyhow.”

The prize for winning and the price for losing are the same, the loser just gets to die faster. But whether the ‘winner’ dies of injuries, is killed by the owner, or (most likely, imo) is thrown out on the street to die, there was no happy ending for either fluffy.

Its true that the abuser underestimated the strength of the brotherly bond, but that’s what he is addressing in the picture. There are various things he could do to make them fight, we don’t see which option(s) he chooses.

And yes, l assume malice, barring evidence otherwise. Remember the first rule of fluffy fandom!

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Don’t let anyone know you’re into fluffies! :smiley:


Nah, fluffies were created on 4chan, everyone was anonymous anyway.

No, the first rule of fluffies is “because fuck you, that’s why.”

The second rule is “[fluffies are] that which is broken by all.”

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I know. I was joking :wink:

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Awesome! I love the idea of turning fluffies eagerness to hug against themselves! I can imagine the fear and confusion of these little idiots as they tried to seek comfort from the inexplicable hurties that just happened to start when they hugged the first time! :rofl:


While you are certainly entitled to your interpretation, I feel the need address how pendantic it seems. By this metric I could assign stupidity as a motive for hugbox pieces and create justifications therein, even though that perspective would clearly go against author’s intent and piss off anyone who likes hugbox.

Well I know what I’ll be doing from now on.

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But… It is. And can often be just as selfish if not more so. How much of it is more about a human’s feelings (and a big dose of deus ex machina) than the fluffies actual welfare?

“Truthfully I would’ve euthanized this little guy if he was a dog or a cat but since he’s a fluffy I must make sure he lives out the best possible PTSD pillow life I can manage on a minimum wage, part time job. Behold my martyrdom.”

Humans in fluffy stories are very often stupid. That’s how they work many times. If they did the smart thing, the responsible thing, many of them would end before they actually start.

“And I kept on walking.”

Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry, and will drop it from here. Sorry @infraredturbine for cluttering up the comments.

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First rule of Fight Club! :grinning:

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and then the H8 bot gave Chika a hug.

It would have been gay, except the H8 bot had a pride flag on its screen so it became straight again.


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Find a lady to join and it won’t be gay. It’ll be bi.

Bi pride

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@Reddit-Word_H83r @Chikahiro

Remember the golden rule, It’s not gay when it’s in a 3-way.

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I thought the golden rule meant you paid for it, making it a buy-sexual?

I’ll see myself out the door…

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Clearly Stone is volunteering to avoid solicitation charges

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May the best sibling win! I hope is melon because I’ll call it watermelon all the time and see it get scared to death. Hahaha