The folly of Hope: Moira (Cmss for MercyOnAcid) (InfraredTurbine)

At least Moira’s fluffies get to die

Cmss for @MercyOnAcid !

I was lucky I had a copy of this, I was at 98% of this when my old got f#cked up.
I tried to recover all I could from my old HD, but it looks like I’ve lost around 2-3 months of work.( Not a big problem, cause it all is posted here, but still weird I’ve lost it all for no reason lul)

Nyw pc is fully assembled now, with all drawing stuff connected again. Had a busy weekend, but now we’re back again ^^

Commissions open, send me a pm here or on discord!


Either this shelter is run by the dumbest hugboxers alive, or the owners put up descriptions like this to purposely deter good owners and encourage abusers to purchase their smarties. I think it’s the latter, because I can’t imagine a shelter remaining no kill after dealing with a steady supply of smarties for a few months. Even if the initial intent was to be a no kill facility, after the 100th time getting shit on and called dummeh , I’m fairly certain even Gandhi would be throttling these little shit rats. The only reason to not euthanize the fucker the second he gets dropped off, is that you are actively hoping that an abuser or sexual deviant buys him. You get both a profit and the joy of knowing that the little cuntscrape is going to die in agony.


Ghandi part made me spit my drink xD


Better to be completely honest

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The temptation to commission a series of these is incredibly high you got to know



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Tbh Moira is my favorite and this is something she’d definitely do XD also first time we see a smarty waterboarded

Btw glad to hear your PC is assembled congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap:



Woudnt surprise me if the shelter was actually run by abuseboxers, just the why they specifically include in the description what they fear the most and what big traumas they have been through. maybe adoption is like there way of making it look like a legit center and there is money changing hands behind the scenes between the owner and the abusebois. :shrug:


Shelters for animals in our real world write such things. And for whatever reason, people like the idea that they have to put ointment on this cat’s eye for the next 18 years.


Floods? This lil’ fluff Nova Scotian? Lmao.

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(Disclaimer: This is the only time where Moria did this. Just one was enough for her, and any additional Fluffies are given more…peaceful conclusions - especially when Mercy proved to be much worse. In her own words: “Just let them die, Mercy.”)

Oh, I get having such information for other animals. I can appreciate having compassion for a sick creature. I can see someone taking a chance on a temperamental animal or one that needs to be kept from other pets/kids because of temperament. I can absolutely fathom giving a broken thing a chance to feel the gift of love, no matter how much work or time it takes. I cannot, however, imagine the type of person who reads “ I am an ungrateful asshole, who needs a sterilized rape victim so I don’t abuse my own offspring, or get so horny I fuck your pet chinchilla bloody” and thinks, ”OMG! That’s my new fur baby !!” That’s just a bridge too far. I appreciate the shelter’s honesty but unless it’s the Saint Francis of Assisi equivalent of hugboxers, determined to prove that Smarty syndrome is curable, I just have trouble believing anyone excited to take Redfluff home isn’t John Doe from Se7en doing a few practice runs before moving on to humans.


Oh no, Moira’s addicted now. She has a thirst for knowledge and no care about the ethics of something not even legally considered an animal.

I suppose someone will choke on with the “muh headcanon” here but if you take the fluffy universe at face value in its hive mind form, these are all concepts that would be familiar to people.

Someone who thinks it’s cute their cat shits in their shoes might coo at the little talking toy thing that needs a fuck doll because he’s a cute baby or whatever their brain sees.


Lovely work again Turbine!

I think some of you guys are right, this description makes him too unadoptable. I wouldn’t think the Shelter is abusive on purpose and I don’t want to change Turbine’s canon.

Has turbine ever stated his cannon? like has he ever said what the shelter actually is or has he left it up to interpretation (which is probably the best scenario it keeps everyone invested)


Leaving it up to interpretation sounds good, actually.

tbh I once said I was gonna show more info about the shelter, but still haven’t found time for that yet.
All I can say so far is that I go with what someone said around here once:
The shelter is no evil, but it is going throught hard times, like you can see the paint of the walls and other details being really worned out in some examples. The shelter needs donations and etc to survive, and some abusers do go there to try to find some “cunt fluffies” to abuse, but not that the shelter staff knows that.


“I abandoned my friends and family and I hump things like the energiser bunny. Also the Fluffy fear of water goes triple for me, just so y’know.”

I mean this could’ve only gone one way.