And whose fault is that, hmm?
Yours. I’m in bed, not tucked in, no glass of milk, no story read to put me to sleep.
Are you saying that my stories are boring?
Because I can assure you that they’re anything but boring.
You can say that my stories are bad, and I won’t mind. You can say that my stories just aren’t your thing, and I’ll be okay with that.
But I have to draw the line at calling my stories boring, because it just isn’t true.
No no no. Bedtime story. Like The Princess Bride. Which has sword fights, a brute squad, and SO MUCH MORE
Sorry, the joke didn’t come off correctly.
I was reading for a little bit but just couldn’t really get into them for some reason. Sorry.
That’s alright. Again, I get that it’s not for everyone, my headcanon is a lot more complex than “guy gets a fluffy and abuses/hugboxes the fuck outta them”.
Personal taste is a funny thing. Like, I wish I liked wine or beer but don’t because of how alcohol feels in my mouth. I don’t like coffee, either. It’s a bummer as I know it’s be great to pair with food and I love food.
Maybe try other kinds of alcohol?
Not all in one go, obviously. That’s just going to end in tears.
Or you could do shots. Nice and quick.
The thingsi like are with things teenage girls would laugh at or my friend’s home made apple cyzer. Which he’s not made in years because he doesn’t have the space in his home anymore to brew or distill since getting married.
So what? Why are you trying to impress teenage girls?
I’m not.
I like Angry Orchard’s apple stuff, and Jack Daniels has this peach thing I like right now.
So drink that, and don’t let anyone give you shit for it.
What matters is that you enjoy it. You’re the one drinking it, not them.