The Folly of Hope: Teddy (Commissioned for : FactionParadox / InfraredTurbine)

Bah, this abuser lacks subtlety–this would kill any fluffy, not just one sensitive to sound.

No, what you do is have a soft white noise running in the background–the whirring of a computer fan is perfect for this. Once the fluffy is accustomed to the sound, you introduce a slight dissonance. If using a fan, have it start skipping or scratching at random intervals. The fluffy won’t be able to tune out the background noise, as every skip will draw its attention. The fluffy will be unable to sleep and will eventually start to go crazy.

Another possibility is to have a TV on nearby, with the volume set to just below the level where words are distinguishable. The fluffy will be unable to sleep as its brain desperately tries and fails to decipher what is being said.


Poor little foal.

How did it die?

Probably evacuated itself to death. For eight minutes straight.

Wow. Messy.

Yep. And livestreamed.

Talk about a shitshow!




Lets not get into demonic territory here. :scream:


The shelter deteriorates more and more every day, I love IT!

Hey, turbine I know this comic series is about the fluffies and their horrible fates. But I’m curious about the shelter, what kind of people run it, are they really hugbox or just people doing a job and not caring what people do to the fluffy when they adopt it. In a previous comic (the meme one) you said this shelter runs on donations and they’re running low, but it looks like a lot of people are adopting fluffies, is it because they are catering to the special needs of certain fluffies, like the one that needs special milk formula, or Dolly who needed a special pillow and meds.


What song did it listen to?

I prefer to think it was “Forced Gender Reassignment” by Cattle Decapitation


I have a YouTube channel, I would definitely love promoting it. But I would never do something like this. I’m pretty sure that’s against community guidelines on YouTube

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As an Autistic who is sensitive to sounds which only gets worse with migraines, I feel awful for this fluffy. I wouldn’t last half as long before I started having a meltdown :frowning:


A feral fluffy that became a feral after escaping an abusive household and can’t sleep unless it spends thirty minutes banging its head against a wall while the rest of the herd screams the meanest words a fluffy knows.


Still only chirping at a month old seems like a stretch to me. Also, as a noise-sensitive person with asshole neighbors who constantly make loud sounds, I really think someone needs to teach this “influencer” creep a lesson.


I absolutely love the streamer concept.

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I may show more about the shelter in the future, but I’m glad you all are curious about that xD


Evil Papagali - Massacration

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I guess an alternative would be someone who is partially deaf and cannot tell how loud things are. They buy a fluffy sensitive to sounds to tell them when the doorbell rings but don’t realise their home is always noisy, which is why the fluffy is always freaking out.

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Power electronics music would be fun, so my pick is Whitehouse - A Cunt Like You

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The fact that it is dangerously sensitive to sound tells us it’s very likely mentally retarded in some way. Moreso than normal.

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Maybe I should start rewriting my Larry series. He streamed fluffy abuse for side money. Like superchats you could donate and give a suggestion.


Watch it. I’m neuroatypical, and my sound-sensitivity is connected to that. I also don’t like the r-word being used for neurodivergence, only stupidity. So yes, fluffies are retarded, but that has nothing to do with how this one reacts to sounds. Sorry, this is just a sensitive topic for me.


I’ll get the speakers

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Fluffies aren’t people and don’t conform to our understanding of mental sciences. I too am autistic. Welcome to the internet. Welcome to FC. There is maybe one neurotypical person with an account on here, and barely a handful more on internet boards at large. So dropping it in casual conversation on an image about stupid made-up horse potatoes like it’ll give you some level of authority on the topic is meaningless. The field here is about as level as a new Mexico plain. Kind of but not really, with some plateaus and some canyons.

As for the r-word. If you have an issue with calling fluffies retarded then why do you admit they’re retarded. If you can call them retarded because you are neurodivergent, then so can I because I’m diagnosed neurodivergent.

I guess the point of all this is saying I don’t see why it’s an issue. Y’know. Calling a made up thing with brain biology entirely unlike anything even vaguely human a retard is somehow bad.

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Calling a fluffy a retard is fine. Saying there’s a link between being retarded and being noise-sensitive comes across, to me at least, like you’re conflating retardation with neurodivergence, which needles me.