The Foolish foal (InfraredTurbine

Nah, no new house for ya today


This fluffy here is like "huhuhuhuhu Nu am main pwotagowistt

Last part of new pc finally arrives today, I’m as excited as a fucking monkey jumping for a tower with a parachute xD It’s been 3 week without playing. screeeee

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


You’re the main protagonist in your life but the side character in everyone else’s friend.


I dunno if that applies to npcs…


Life is like stories. You may be just some background character in someone else’s story or an integral part. Never the main protagonist, duo maybe at best.


Was the title meant to be Foolish or Folly-ish? Also hope the part comes today soon cuz you waited long enough


Punch that lil dude. Punch him right in the forehead.


As always, a lovely art. :3


Cute little guy is so lucky! He has a great, big noodle to look forward to.

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Please tell me the food is at least washed before feeding time. I wouldn’t want ANY snake eating a filthy fluffy and potentially getting sick.


thanks, but still didn’t arrive today :1

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Oh im sorry to hear that :pensive:

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“no I want them to get attached before I walk off”

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oh im talking to him for as long as hes in there, i got time on my hands ill set up a walkie talkie with him that always on ill sing him songs ill talk to him about how big and strong he is and how he would make a perfect pet, ask him what he wants to do when hes a big and strong boi if he wants to be a work fluff or maybe a big breeding stallion.

Then ofc he runs out of time and i remind him that at no point did i say id adopt him, i was asking him about his future, i never said he could have a future :shrug:


Y’know what? Fuck it, i’d take him. Could at least make a little money if i decide to place him up for sale.

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Or you could buy the whole batch for cheap and then use them for a fertilizer business, I hear Fluffy shit is an excellent fertilizer component due to the inefficiency of their digestive system.

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Mans talking in stonks right about now :vigoda: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Stuff like this makes me wish fluffies were real, especially with my one snake being so fucking picky about her food. But something that’s dirt cheap, wigglin’, speakin, and you can’t feel bad for? Count me in!

Hopefully they’d be available frozen, so you wouldn’t have to deal with preparing them (i.e. “SCREEE wawa bad for fwuffy!” explosive fear shits).

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