The Four Foals Saga (Artist: Carpdime) (Fb id: 21307, 21325, 21351, 21352)

21325 - artist_carpdime chirpeh_babbeh foal fourfoals incubator newborn safe

21352 - artist_carpdime bag death foal foaldeath fourfoals newborn questionable


A series that Carpdime uploaded regarding four newborn foals. I initially thought they were on a card, but now I realize its a towel. The purple foal was placed in an incubator, while the pink and yellow foal were normally. The last foal, the green one, was most likely a stillbirth, and was quarantined.

Out of the entire series, only the last one, 21352, was archived. Despite comments on the page, the green foal is NOT Avocado - Avocado is a seperate character and his oqn unique origin as a foal-in-a-can.


Are we certain that was an incubator? How does it even work? I figured at first sight that it may have been for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


Notice how green isn’t chirping, while purple is having problems speaking.

The tag for the second image clearly stated incubator, suggesting the foal was premature. But of course, the real authority on the pic itself is Carpdime.

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I really like the cute little butts on the 1st picture!

That is definitely meant to be an incubator, I also recalled the same confusion back on the Booru. Can also recall a few edits of the incubator, especially one where they added wheels to it and it became some sort of hot rod/dragster.


Slap some wheels on that bitch. Win a race.

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RIP Green Boi T_T

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At least he died without pain. Also, his siblings seem to be doing okay, including purple. Could make for a short sweet hugbox story… if I have time…

Nothing says hugbox like premature and stillborn foals.


At least Purple is getting the extra care he needs, a lot of places just dump runts and/or preemies, or add them to the kibble. He was lucky to be born somewhere better than that.

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