The Fourth of July Part 24 by Karn

Taking the peeping red foal, the scared fluffy cowering blindly against the towel as it was lifted by it’s still forming mane, Seth handed it to Jerome. “Now don’t just hit it with a brick or anything yet. We’re gonna hand out all the foals first and then I’m gonna show you what you won for coming in first place.” Leaving the intrigued teen, Seth then went over and grabbed the white foal. She flailed only slightly as she was lifted in the air, a small trail of blood trickling down her face from where she had struck the board earlier.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …ba’… …upsies… …*chirp… …*chirp…”

Her head was slightly indented and she was clearly disoriented from her wounds, her eyes unfocused as she slowly peeped. Carrying her over to Nathan, Seth held her out for him to take. “Here ya go! You certainly worked hard enough for this one.” Accepting the foal from Seth, Nathan smiled as he held the fluffy in his hands, giving the poor foal a healthy squeeze. Her eyes bulged slightly as she wheezed and groaned, flailing her three remaining nubs dozily in a weak attempt to fight off Nathan’s firm grip.

Walking over to the board, Seth then took the remaining foals and placed them on the blankets, save for Two-Face, who Seth simply stared at as he moved the baby fluffies, the maimed foal shivering at the monster’s lingering gaze. Once they were on the blanket, peeping and chirping with fearful confusion, Seth then turned to the remaining kids. “And now for the rest of you. Come on over here and pick one foal each.” As the excited trio approached, they leered upon the chirping foals, each taking one until only the blue foal remained, it’s peeping increasing fervently as it realized it was now cold and alone.

Folding the edges of the blanket over the foal so it wouldn’t die of exposure, Seth then addressed the eager teens, most of which were already prodding and lightly tormenting their newly acquired fluffies. A flicked nose here, a pinched hoof there, but nothing too rough. “I know you are all excited and chomping at the bit to show your new pets some love but first I want to show our big winner his prize.”

Walking to the edge of the tool pile, Seth took the small cardboard box and handed it to Jerome. “Careful kid, it’s heavier than it looks.” As he took the package, Jerome’s eyes slightly widened as he held the worn box, clearly curious as what it could hold within. Nodding to the teen, Seth elbowed him slightly in the side. “Go on! Don’t keep us all waiting!” Tearing at the timeworn cardboard and sparse electric tape holding it closed, Jerome smiled as he finished unearthing his prize.

“Seriously?! A fuckin’ microwave?!”

Seth only nodded curtly, his arms slightly crossed. It was an older model, small and lacking a turntable. He had used it several times over the years, on a handful foals. It was a nightmare to clean up afterwards, hence why he only pulled it out on special occasions. But it was getting more and more difficult to keep it operational as the years went on. Hell, Seth was pretty sure the damn thing was older than he was. So like the other tools he had out here, he decided it was time to retire it.

Walking over to the extension cord, Seth grabbed the long orange coil and took it over to the tools. “Ever since fluffies came to be, there have been those who enjoy hurting them. And there have been numerous and varied ways that abusers have crushed, maimed, burned, and severed them. But I know that every young abuser, boy or girl, has always had the same thought at least once in their life…” Gesturing to Jerome who had placed the antique appliance on the ground as he prepared to plug it in, Seth grinned. “…If only I could put one in a microwave!”

A small chorus of laughter came from the kids as Seth continued. “But it’s not as easy as all that. It’s an expensive thing, a microwave. Can’t use the one in your house, it’d ruin it. Plus try explaining that one to your folks. And the cleanup afterwards…No, when your young, you just don’t really get the opportunity to for that kind of fun. But that’s what this young man has won tonight. A rare chance to enjoy the kind of suffering that reminds us why we enjoy what we do. And even though he’s the one pulling the switch, you all get to witness it tonight.”

Walking past the microwave, Seth crouched over the plethora of equipment he had gathered onto the blanket. “As for the rest of you, everything right here is at your disposal. Use it as you see fit. Do with it as you will. And of course…enjoy yourself!”

Seconds after Seth had finished his speech, a foal started to screech and chirp with panic. As he walked over to chat with Jerome, Seth shook his head, seeing that one of the kids had gotten overexcited and torn off their fluffy’s tail, the agonized foal now blindly flailing it’s head as it chirped for someone to save it. Kneeling next to Jerome as the teen was setting up the old appliance, Seth patted him on the shoulder. “So more fun than last time or less?”

“Shit, Seth, more…definitely more.”

“Good! I’m glad you enjoyed yourself kid. And thanks for bringing the others. Not a bad haul tonight, all things considered.” The pair turned as the heard the roaring whir of a powerdrill. One of the teens that had won a white foal had decided to slowly work the auger of the drill up their victim’s rectum. It’s head shook violently as it squeaked and chirped, blood dripping down it’s haunches. Laughing quietly, Seth smiled as he shook his head. “Well there’s something you don’t see everyday…”

“Unless you’re you, I suppose…”

“I like to abuse them kid, but I don’t just tear them apart with power tools everyday. It’d get boring.” Watching as the kids started to cheer their friend on, his hand clasped around the foal as the drill worked itself deeper and deeper, the foal now making a warbling noise as it seized in pain and voided it’s bowels, Seth nodded to the macabre scene. “You’ll enjoy this stuff for a while. And yeah, it’s fun. But eventually, it gets old.” Jerome listened as he watched on, with the foal finally being ruptured nearly in half, it’s intestines falling freely from the gaping wound the drill had made. Despite the severe harm the foal had suffered, it’s upper half, now only wiggling slightly, moved it’s nubs, trying in vain to hug it’s abuser’s hand for some kind of comfort.

“I don’t get it then. If you’re bored with it, then why keep doin’ it?”

“Because I’m not bored kid. I just had to step up my game a bit. You like watching a fluffy get gutted or disemboweled, I like to torture them slowly. For me, it’s about mindgames…I like to get in their head and ruin them.” Jerome looked to Seth, who was clearly lost in thought.

“Like what? Mindgames how?”

Seth pointed to the dying foal it’s nubs trying to grip the hand of it’s abuser, even as it’s innards dangled from the mortal wound in it’s pelvis. “See that? Even though somewhere it it’s head it knows that it’s dying, it tries to hug something, anything. To a fluffy, hugs are important. They make them happy when they’re sad. When they’re hurt, it makes them feel better, even if only slightly. Hell, some of the dumber ones even think that hugs can actually fix up their wounds…Now, imagine making something that important to such a creature, taking such an critical element of it’s very life, and turning it against it. Skin a fluffy alive and then let it’s brother or sister loose near it and watch as it’s last moments are screaming as it drags it’s bloody remains away from it’s crying and confused littermate. Take a foal that’s too young to see and a small needle. Everytime it gets anything resembling a hug from another fluffy, you jab it slightly. Not enough to kill it, but enough for it to associate hugs with pain. That is what I do kid. That is how I get my kicks.”

“…Jesus Seth…”

Watching as one of the kids took a hammer to the red filly’s legs, each strike sloppy and quickly followed by the next, Seth shrugged. “When you’ve been doing this for a few years, things change. Plus I was already out of college when I started, you’re still in highschool. Not to get all analytical on you kid, but younger abusers love the violent stuff more. Helps act as an outlet for them, gets some of the angst out. When you’re older it changes things.” The kids were now laughing as the kid picked the confused and pain riddled foal up by her scruff and forced her to walk, her tiny ruined nubs dragging uselessly against the ground as she rasped, her small throat too underdeveloped to scream. Jerome watched on, clearly enjoying it too, at least a little. But what Seth was saying was making a lot of sense.

“So it gets less fun?”

“I wasn’t lyin’ earlier Jerome. It can be fun everytime. It can take yout breath away everytime. But you have to make it. You have to put in the effort. Anyone can rip off a fluffy’s leg. But making a fluffy choose to kill one of it’s foals to save the others? Tricking a feral into coming home with you willingly, because you have his family? That takes work. But it’s the effort that makes it worthwhile…” As Jerome pondered all that Seth was saying, he watched as the teens now passed the red filly through the air, like a grim parody of catch. The foal went flying from one kid to another, her shattered nubs dangling through the air as she chirped frantically, only to be caught and thrown again.

“Looks like they’re havin’ fun…”

After several passes to and from each teen, the one who had chosen her caught her, lifting the filly above his head before spiking her into the asphalt. With a sickening noise, the foal splattered across the ground, her head now a ruin of blood and splintered bone. Glancing down to the filly’s remains, Seth grinned slightly. “Well yeah, because they are. Don’t let this shit get you down. It’s not like your damn childhood is over. I just think that this is more than a phase for you, and I want to prepare you, like I wish someone could have for me…”

“Like you? Prepare for what? What happened?”

Seth was quiet for a moment, watching as a teen took another white foal and forced him upright, occasionally flicking his rump when his quivering legs failed to support the poor fluffy. Once the foal was walking, wobbling back and forth as the terrified colt forced itself to stay upright, the kid took a small butane torch and sparked it, setting the flame directly on the foal’s rump. Trying to run from the unseen, burning pain, the foal chirped as it fell over, again and again, prompted upward each time by the small, roaring flame licking at it’s haunches. Sighing, Seth looked back to Jerome. “One day…you’re gonna feel like you’ve done it all. Like you’re empty…And I don’t want you to feel like it’s the end is all. There is a whole other world of fun to be had with fluffies, you just have to figure it out…see what works for you.”

“Why…why are you tellin’ me all of this?”

“You kind of liked that one fluffy didn’t you? The green foal in that can I opened for you?” The question clearly caught Jerome off guard, as he stared at Seth before looking away, embarrassed. His gaze now on the white colt, who was now on his back as the kids laughed, with the teen holding the flame directly in the foal’s face now, as he flailed and writhed, his nubs jerking violently as he gushed milky excrement, either from fear or shock. “It’s ok Jerome. Truth be told, there are some fluffies I actually like…and even those rare few, I torture.” Not looking him in the eye, Jerome suddenly let out the breath he had been holding.

“Really? You like em’ but you mess with em’ anyway? It’s not weird or nothin’?”

Watching as the enthusiastic teen now decided to work the flame onto the colt’s genitals, his face now a ruin of blackened muscle and exposed bone trying to scream, Seth only shrugged. “Feelings are feelings. Nothing more, nothing less. They aren’t weird or normal. They just are. You try to manage them as they come as best you can.” There was a silence between the two, only a few minutes that lingered like eternity. As Jerome saw Nathan looking amongst the tools, trying to decide what fate would befall his white filly, he narrowed his eyes. Looking to Seth as he stood up, Jerome glanced at Two-Face, then back to Nathan and the white filly.

“When we were playin’ earlier, I saw that one try and save the white foal. You have any plans for Two-Face up there?”

Taken off guard by the abruptness of the question, Seth looked towards the shivering foal, still up on his board, alone. “I mean…I was just going to get the remains of the other foals and put them in a plastic container with him and let him suffocate while staring at other dead fluffies…but I’m not married to the idea. Why?”

Only smiling in response, Jerome ran over to Nathan, just as the eager kid had picked up a rasp, an oversized file made for scraping and filing down wood. As he held it against her stomach, the disoriented filly lightly pressed her nubs against it, feebly trying to push it away.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …nu… … …huwt… … …*chirp… … …*chirp…”

“Nathan, hold up!” Jerome looked to the white foal, her uneven gaze drifting between him and Nathan.

“Why? I’m about to see how long it takes to scrape this little bitch’s stomach open…”

“Trade me…” Jerome held his red foal by it’s scruff in front of Nathan, it’s limbs flailing wildly as it dangled from his hand.

“What? Why the hell do you wanna trade?”

“Does it matter man? I’m offering an unhurt fluffy for your busted up one. Whatever you have planned, wouldn’t it be better on a foal that can really feel it?”

“Dude, no! I went after this one because she can talk, can’t ya sweety?!” Nathan shook the filly slightly, as her head lolled and bobbed with the jerking motion.

“*screeeeeee!!!.. … …*chirp… … …*chirp… … … mu’mah… … …ba’beh nee’… … … nee’ hewp… … …*chirp…”

Gesturing to the filly, Jerome shook his head. “Her head’s all busted up man! I’m tellin’ you, talkin’ or no, it’s a good trade. Trust me.”

“Fuck off, Jerome! I’m not gonna trade you and that’s final!”

“Well then maybe your dumb ass can tutor itself in algebra then…” Jerome smiled as he looked to Nathan, the boy suddenly looking nervous.

“Now wait a minute…hold up…”

“Hold up nothin’, Nathan…Trade me, or I’ll laugh my ass off as you repeat the ninth grade!” Grumbling to himself, Nathan handed the white filly to Jerome as he accepted the red foal. Walking back to Seth, the teen had a wide grin on his face. Seth looked perplexed, having watched the whole encounter. “What was that about kid?”

“I dunno…I just sort of…got inspired is all. Do me a favor and get Two-Face down here, will ya?”

Unsure of where this was all leading, Seth simply shrugged as he made his way to the planks, with Two-Face screaming as he noticed the monster approaching.

“*screeeeeee!!! nuuuuuuu!!!..*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…nu wan huw’te mun’sta!!!..*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…”

Jerome watched as Seth ignored the foal’s pleas, taking notice that Two-Face referred to Seth as a monster. Smiling as Seth walked back over to him, Jerome sat in front of the microwave, placing the white filly down on the ground in front of him. Not saying anything to Seth just yet, he pointed to Two-Face and then in front of him. Understanding what he wanted, even if he wasn’t sure of his plan yet, Seth obliged as he placed Two-Face down in front of Jerome, the foal chirping and flailing in protest the entire time. Once he was on the ground, the foal noticed the white filly again, trotting awkwardly to the injured foal.

“*chirp…*chirp…ba’beh huwt…*chirp…*chirp…nee’ hugg’es…*chirp…*chirp…”

As Two-Face made it to the foal, he wrapped his nubs around her, his chirping slowing as he calmed down, with the poor maimed foal not having been held since he lost his sister. Clearly unaware of what was hugging her, the injured filly only peeped happily as she was embraced.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … … ba’beh… … … wuv… … …*chirp… … …*chirp…”

Seth only watched, not wanting to disrupt the kid’s plans, even if he didn’t know them just yet. Jerome popped open the microwave door, palming the release so as to make as little noise as possible. Once it was open, Jerome simply waited, watching the pair hug for several minutes before grasping the filly by her scruff and tossing her in the appliance. Tumbling against the wall of the microwave with a light grunt, the white foal began to chirp again, clearly upset to be removed from her affection and to suddenly be hurt.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …ba’beh hab… … … huw’tes… … …*chirp… … …*chirp…”

Seeing the filly’s distress, Two-Face rushed over to her, clumsily climbing over the small edge of the microwave’s opening to once again give her hugs to calm and soothe her, and himself.

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…ba’beh nee’ hugg’es an’ wuv!..*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…”

Once Two-Face was once again holding the white filly, Jerome smiled as he slammed the microwave door shut. Without the light from the alley’s lampposts , Two-Face screamed as he was suddenly in the dark. Holding the white filly even tighter, he was reminded of his yellow sister, the brave foal that had kept him safe and warm, even in the sorry box. Taking a deep breath, Two-Face knew that it was his time to be brave now, to be there for this foal the same way that his sister had been there for him.

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…nu wet ba’beh huwt…*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…nu wet dawk scawe ba’beh…”

Still unsure of where she was and who was holding her, the white filly simply chirped and cooed, happy to be held.

“*chirp… … …*chirp… … …wuv… … …*chirp… … …*chirp…”

Looking to Seth, Jerome simply smiled as he turned the dial on the antique microwave. Once he released the knob, the light within came on, with the foal pair now visible through the door’s window as the appliance began to hum. It took a few moment’s for the foals to react, as at first, the sudden light seemed to calm Two-Face. But as the seconds pressed on, the foals began to chirp and peep rapidly, clearly scared and unsure what was happening.

Two-Face felt strange as the strange sorry box continued to make the strange noise. Feeling warmer than normal, he ran to the door as fast as he could, pounding his nubs helplessly against the translucent window, desperate to get out. After several moments, realizing how futile it was, Two-Face decided that he’d be brave for the little white foal. As he went over to her, a horrible warm sensation in his eye and mouth that was suddenly becoming painful, the maimed foal tried to hug the white filly.

“*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…nu wet ba’beh hab huw’tes…*chirp…*chirp…*chirp…”

Feeling the same pain in her eyes and mouth, the moisture within literally becoming hotter and hotter by the moment, the white filly was coming to, the pain clearing her mind with panic. As she struggled to see through her eyes as her pained tears steamed before they could leave her eyes, she saw it again, the monster! As it approached her, she flailed her nubs against the maimed foal, screaming as she desperately tried to keep the monster away from her.

“*screeeeeee!!! nuuuuuuu!!! mun’sta!!! gu way’!!! nu wan!!!”

Watching as the white filly rebuked Two-Face, Seth had to stifle a chuckle as the white foal fought savagely to keep the maimed foal from hugging her. Waving the other teens over to watch, Seth gestured for them to keep quiet, so as not to spoil it. A few moments after, he and Jerome could tell that the foals were breathing far heavier. As a slight steam began to trail from their eyes and mouth, with the white foal suddenly trying to run in an agony fueled panic. Her eyes wide as they began to bubble and boil, Jerome gasped as her eyes ruptured like overripe grapes.

“Oh, sick!”

Patting the kid on the back as the other teens moved in, their whispering and laughing hushed, Seth smiled. “Oh it isn’t over yet, kid…” Noticing that Two-Face’s remaining eye had also ruptured, the foal wasn’t charging around blindly like the white filly, rather he was laying down, clearly a small bit of the foal accepting what was about to happen. While obviously in a great deal of pain, Two-Face remained still for nearly a full minute until he suddenly started to shake, as his head tremored and the foal fell to the ground, his nubs flailing as the flufffy screamed. Moments later, the white filly’s belly began to expand before it burst, her organs and entrails smoking as they fell from the hole in her chest. His nubs on his stomach as he seized and writhed, it was moments later when Two-Face’s stomach also burst out from his body, his remains now sizzling and steaming.

Once it was clear that Two-Face was dead, the teens started to cheer, some laughing while a couple clapped with a sadistic grin. Only Jerome and Seth remained quiet, simply looking to each other as they shared a subtle smile.


A lesson passed from master to apprentice sence time immemorial.


Jerome will make a fine Seth in the future.

Also I hope these kids understand the difference between hurting fluffies and actual pets. Seth could get sued if one of them decides to hurt their sister’s cat or something.


Now that’s a memorable 4th of July. Makes me want to see a foal react to being stuck in popcorn popper; suffering from the heat and the terror of the popping kernels


I appreciate the complement
it’s only the evening of the 3rd so far though…
I assure you that Seth wouldn’t leave Ash out of his Fourth of July Celebration. :smiling_imp:


Never fear
They might seem like bloodthirsty degenerates but it’s only for fluffies I assure you.


Dang look at Seth getting engaged with the community and teaching the next generation! What a stand up guy!

Also Two-Face’s final moments spent in rejection and pain was great.



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I am loving this series. Seth is such a monster and the sadness I derive from it is very cathartic.


Noticed you reading it
Glad you like it

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I feel the same way but with many different emotions I can’t even begin to describe.

This is exactly why I enjoy fluffies so much.