Looking down at his recently acquired and newly named fluffies, Seth was ecstatic with today’s find. Cyclops and Raptor were one thing, but he adored Pucky’s bravery, not to mention how much Sassy clearly loathed him. A fluffy was fun in and of itself but fluffies that fought back, ones that didn’t break as easily, those were truly rare. Even now, as she pretended to behave, cleaning Candyfloss and the rest of her foals, Seth could see the sheer distain Sassy had for him. Thinking of the awful and wonderful ways he could break her, Seth smiled to himself as he addressed the bathtub of ferals.
“Listen up! I have to leave for the moment, but I’ll be back soon. If you behave and stay clean, there will be food and water when I get back.” The mention of food, pulled Craven out of his anxiety and dread, with his sobbing becoming quieter as he looked up to Seth. “*huuu…*huuu…nyu daddeh bwing nummies fow fwuffies?” Grinning ear to ear at the look of hope in Craven’s eyes, he leaned down and lightly petted the unicorn’s head, prompting a combination of quivering and cooing at Seth’s touch. “As long as you guys are all good while I’m gone.” Seth looked to Sassy specifically as he finished, the mare glaring at him. “And when I come back, we’ll discuss your living situation as well…”
After the mean, scary man left, Sassy started to sob, curling up around her foals as they began to feed, two by two. *huuu…*huuu…*huuu…fwuffies nee tu wun away ow munstah gib fwuffies huwties an’ foweba sweepies…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu… As Sassy cried, her body shaking lightly, Craven and Plucky waddled over to her, hugging the sullen mare. "P’wuky gib huggies fow heawt huwties…nu cwy Sa’see…"
The mare screamed at him, pushing Plucky away, startling the pegasus. “NU CAWW SPECIAW FWEND DAT!!! DAT NAMSIES FWOM MEANIE MUNSTAH NU DADDEH!!! WAN GIB HUWTIES TU BABBEHS AN’ FWUFFIES!!!” Craven backed away as she shouted, sobbing and shaking. “Am dat twu…nyu daddeh wan gib huwties an foweba sweepies…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…” Sassy looked to the quivering unicorn, a look of deep ire framing her tear stained face. " C’WAVEN NU SEE MUNSTAH NU DADDEH HUWTIES FWUFFY MUMMAH!!! MUNSTAH NU DADDEH TWY GIB FWUFFY MUMMAH FOWEBA SWEEPIES!!! SAY DAT HE GIB BABBEHS HUWTIES AN" FOWEBA SWEEPIES TU!!!" Using her one front leg, she jabbed Craven over and over as she yelled, putting emphasis on the words hurties and forever sleepies, with the scared unicorn wetting himself.
“…C’waven make ba’ wawa…nu wike …*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…C’'waven wan o’wt…” Plucky pulled himself over, his back legs still aching from his collision with Craven and the fall against the tub, trying to console the unicorn, and possibly difuse the situation. "Nu huwties ow’ yeww at C’waven! C’waven Nu kno nyu daddeh wan gib huwties! Nyu daddeh scawy nuff! Nu wan speciaw fwend be scawy tu!" Plucky then put both his hooves around Sassy, hugging her tightly as the mare began to whimper, the anger fading from her face. …Nyu munstah nu daddeh jus’ wike owd munstah nu daddeh…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…" The ferals, now all huddled together in a pile, sobbed and trying to contemplate how to avoid their fate.
Leaving the guest bathroom, Seth made his way to the living room, a feeling of smug satisfaction washing over him. Of all his latest acquisitions, none excited him more than Sassy and her foal, Candyfloss. Knowing that his fun with Sassy would eventually leave her unable to care for her foals, Seth knew he should prepare Cyclops to take care of Candyfloss, just in case.
Crossing the fluffy gate, Seth entered the living room, seeing Cyclops feeding her green and purple foals, with Kickball on the other side of the tarp nest, facing the wall. He could hear each time she took a breath, a sharp wheezing as Kickball inhaled, shaking with pain as her lungs filled with air. Seeing Seth walk in, Cyclops smiled and greeted him. “Hewwo daddeh!”
Leaning over and giving her head a good and pleasant scratching, Seth smiled as he spoke. “Hey sweety. How has your day been so far?” Now sitting on the tarp next to her, Seth began to lightly pet Cyclops, the fluffy cooing and nuzzling Seth’s leg. “Cy’cwops otay. Hab gud b’wite time su faw. Cy’cwops miss daddeh wen him weave.” Cyclops looked up to Seth after that last bit, her eye wide and slightly sullen. “Why is Kickball all by herself over there?” Pointing, Seth noticed that Kickball had slightly turned to listen to their conversation, the red foal suddenly shaking as she saw Seth looking right at her, a small pool of urine and feces trickling around her. Stifling a laugh, Seth decided to wait for Cyclops’ answer before punishing the doomed foal.
"Kik’baw ba’ babbeh! Twy gib odah babbehs sowwie hoofsies! Twy steaw miwkies! Cy’cwops make Kik’baw gu way tiww babbeh nu ba’ nu mowe! Feigning incredulity, Seth’s mouth went wide as he put his hands to his face, shaking his head. “She did not?!? What a bad baby!” Pretending to notice it as though it had just happened, Seth then looked over to Kickball, a mock gasp emerging from his mouth. “And now look Cyclops, Kickball made bad poopies and bad pee-pees…”
“Wuh?” Cyclops turned and saw the puddle of waste underneath Kickball, the terrified foal, wheezing as she flailed her hooves, trying to warn her poor mother that her daddy was a monster. Before Cyclops could raise herself to punish the foal, Seth placed his hand on her, gently halting her from standing. “It’s ok girl, I’ll handle it. You keep feeding your babies.”
Nu huwties tu ba’ daddeh…am wittew babbeh otay?" Cyclops looked down at the ground, clearly scared to contradict her daddy. Now Cyclops, don’t tell daddy what to do. That’s against the rules and I know that you’re a good fluffy who would never break the rules." Cyclops hunkered lower to the floor, looking away from Seth’s eyes, ashamed. Seth knew that she was feeling guilty about leaving the tarp earlier and decided to press her further. “This will work out well. I was dealing with some very bad babies earlier and Kickball will fit right in with them.”
Quickly turning her head, Cyclops over to Seth as he was leaning over and picking up Kickball by her scruff, the foal’s wheezing becoming faster and harsh. “Cy’cwops heaw babbehs wittew fowebas gu…daddeh gib babbehs huwties?” Still holding the now flailing and rasping Kickball with two fingers, Seth used his free hand to pet Cyclops, the poor mare clearly concerned for her misbehaving foal, and even the babies she had never met. “They have to learn right from wrong Cyclops. But that reminds me…there is a very, very good baby I found recently, but her mamma has the worst sickies…”
The sudden look of concern reminded Seth why he had taken Cyclops in in the first place. Dat am su saddies…babbeh’s mummah hab sickies…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…nu wan odah mummah hab sickies… Tears falling from her one good eye, Cyclops began to weep, disturbing her feeding foals who were now chirping at the unknown distress afflicting their mother. “There, there Cyclops, it’s ok. I only bring it up because her baby might need a new mamma, and well, you’re the best fluffy mamma I’ve ever seen.” Her head rising to meet Seth’s, her crying dulled, Cyclops smiled weakly. “Daddeh tink Cy’cwops bestest mummah…Cy’cwops wuv daddeh!”
The mare leapt forward, wrapping her hooves around Seth’s waist as best she could, whimpering from her emotions being taxed to their limits. He smiled genuinely, putting a hand around her, Kickball dangling from his other hand, squirming and silently screaming. “Ok girl, I’ve got to go deal with Kickball, but I love you and I’ll see you early tomorrow, I promise.” Nuzzling hard against his chest, still slightly crying, Cyclops nodded. “Otay daddeh…Cy’cwops wiww see daddeh wen b’wite time obah. Wuv yu.”
Leaving the living room, Seth made his way to his hobby room with Kickball still struggling against him, her mouth croaking and wheezing in muffled distress. Chastising the foal with a flick of his finger against her nose, Seth retorted: “You’ll never be able to warn her Kickball, and the more you misbehave, the worse it’s going to be for you.” The foal reeled from the blow against her muzzle, her croaking now rapid and louder. Opening the door and hearing Raptor begin to sob as he turned on the light, Seth walked in.
Placing Kickball onto the wax paper, still stained with Raptor’s waste and blood. The red foal began to wheeze loudly as she saw the mess, trying to run despite her injuries, only to find the edge of the table. Seth called out to her from his trunk as he rifled through it loudly: “Careful Kickball, last baby to fall from there went forever sleepies…” Shivering as she wheezed frantically, Kickball, laid down and covered her eyes with her hooves.
Replacing his rubber gloves with his welding gloves, and grabbing some flat pushpins and a few cans of spray paint, Seth walked back over to the workbench. He could hear Kickball’s panicked breathing, the cowardly foal covering her eyes in a vain attempt to hide. Hearing Seth’s footsteps, Raptor began to whimper and sob in his carrier, unsure of what Seth had planned but hoping it didn’t involve him. “*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…nu mowe…p’wease…nu mowe huwties fow Raptow…nu-nu’s hab wowstest huwties…*huuu…*huuu…*huuu…nu wike…”
Shaking Raptor’s carrier, prompting the terrified pegasus to scream, Seth yelled to him: “I’m not here for you. Stay quiet or that’ll change…” His crying now only quiet whimpering, Seth placed the pushpins onto the workbench, tip down. Getting the spray paint, he began to do test lines on the wax paper, allowing colors to mix and combine, then looking to Kickball for several minutes until he had made a light gray, matching the color of her hooves. Coloring the pushpins the same color, he then let the paint dry, walking over to the end of the table with Kickball while he waited.
“I think I know a great way to keep you out of trouble Kickball…” Seth looked to the trembling foal, who simply croaked as she continued to cover her eyes. He used a single finger to lightly rub her fluff, the foal shaking harshly as he touched her. “I know you don’t like me Kickball, and that’s smart, you really shouldn’t. You know what I’m like, what I’m really and truly like…” Seth slammed his hand next to Kickball, almost making the foal fall off the edge from shock. She looked up at her monster daddy, crying and making strained croaking noises. He grabbed her and walked over to the now dry pushpins, Kickball struggling for the entirety of the short journey.
Holding her down, her back against the wax paper, Seth took one of the pushpins and held it in front of Kickball’s face, it’s gleaming sharp point inches away from her eye. “Since you can’t behave on your own, I’m going to give you one of my favorite punishments. I call it “forever hurties”!” Seth grabbed her right front leg and put the pin against the soft and marshmallow like hoof. Pressing it lightly, Kickball flailed and writhed, her free limbs frantically trying to kick Seth’s hand. Using his thumb, Seth slowly slid it through her hoof, a few drops of blood dripping down her leg as she croaked and groaned, her eyes fluttering. “Now now, don’t leave me just yet Kickball. We’re not even half done…”
Seth put the last pin into Kickball’s hoof, the foal spasming the entire time. Letting her go, Seth laughed as she realized that even though he had freed her, she was still in extreme agony. She tried to raise herself up, only to suddenly collapse, her mouth widened into a silent scream. Kickball tried again and again to stand up and run away, with each attempt ending the moment her hoof touched the bench, her weight pressing the needle into the soft, delicate tissue under her footpad. Seth picked her up by her scruff, holding her close to his face. “Now only daddy can take away forever hurties. And I’ll only take them away if you are good from now on. Do what your mamma says and don’t make bad poopies anymore. Got it?” Kickball only croaked and flailed her injured limbs, crying as Seth yelled at her. He shook her slightly, causing her to open her mouth and croak and rasp as she tried to scream. “Got it Kickball?” Nodding desperately, Kickball tried to push Seth’s hand away, only to end up hurting herself again. “Good…behave and we’ll see about taking away your forever hurties next bright time…if not, then I can always make them worse…” Seth used his free hand to press one of the pushpins in firmly, with Kickball exhausting herself from trying to scream and finally passing out.