the grand food sketties…. (By : leothehugboxer.)

hey guys
sorry for the “concept” it was just an silly idea i had about fluffys not being retarded and there actually an genius and it was an joke, but i guess it wasn’t funny but yeah it isn’t canon in my universe it was just me being not serious


Don’t be sorry, not everyone is going to agree. Do what makes you happy, my dude. I think it would be funny to hear them roast humans in normal talk :shrug:


Don’t worry about it! The reason people reacted that way was because we’ve had several people bring up that exact subspecies idea, but being 100% serious about it. We have no way to tell what is or isn’t a joke suggestion unless it’s spelled out somehow, and if 6+ people have suggested that same thing seriously, well … we’re bound to assume the worst.

It was a cute little fluffy doodle though. And this is some nicely rendered spaghetti!


Ah, I thought it was a joke.

As for this picture…
I find your lack of powdered Parmesan cheese disturbing. ;p


People will always disagree with each other in the community due to the open-endness of Fluffies. Every person has a different head cannon. This makes it have a wider variety of storys and art to from from. Just do you bro

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actually i dont hate the idea of a smart fluffy. not all of them mind you but a few. just think of an actual smart fluffy trying to keep its heard alive? the smarty is an ass the heard is constantly losing members and this one fluffy is exhausted trying to stop it all but also cursed with enough memory that it can just blissfully forget everything like the rest of the heard.

No no, shreaded mozzarella, when it melts it becomes stringy