The great Indianapolis stampede (art by Rescue_9)

I noted that if you as in the Autor gife the Fluffy the edge ofer the Human its easy. Super Powers or Magic would change the Table or make even odds for both Partys.

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Yeah, my fluffies are usually going up against superpowered opponents. So it’s a fair fight. But again, I like the idea of fluffies putting humans on the recieving end. That’s actually a primary motive for one of my villains.

For the record, the explanation is that the most prominent source of superpowers in my headcanon is tied to the human genome. Think X-Men, but without the rampant dickery. Since fluffies in my headcanon were created with human DNA (and I know that’s not the case in all headcanons), they possess the same potential for developing superpowers as humans.


Hah its Mutation, in my canon Unicorns and Alycorns can some times have littel bit of Pyrokinese or Telekinese but just enough to make light or lift a flower.

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I know this is weird,but my fluffies actually always go with swords or daggers of some sort so…yeah…they could kill humans,that and the headcanon that i described in my presentation about fluffies being able to make humans fall unsconscious from the smell so…humans are pretty f***** up if 1.2 million flood the center of the city


Most of the property damage and some of the deaths were just because of the sheer amount of scaredey poopies


Imagine bomba floating on the current of fluffies, thinking about what he did to deserve such a fate.


“Um, yes, Karen, your manager is on there way. Please stand by, right here”

The customer service employee says, seeing the wave of fluffies to the left of Karen. Slowly, he backs up, shuts the iron door, and flips on the Fluffy Bolt security system, turning the door into an electric fence. Watching from the CCTV monitoring room, Karen is first screaming her head off. Five our so fluffies tumble off the wave and down her throat, causing her to panic. Five feet of the wave crashes ontop of her, lodging the five deep in her throat, sufficient enough to kill her. Moments later, a portion of the wave starts ripping off pieces of her as they scrambled by. A dozen or so try getting by, slamming hard onto the security door, frying them in an instant. For the next five minutes, dumb fluffies scream by, pilling up on the door, only to trigger the fail safe system, as above the door water splashes on them, and the trap door opens, shunting the 4 foot pile away.

After an hour of the wave, does the Italian restaurant keep getting a “zap, kathump” of begging fluffies for nummies. The Indianapolis Tristate Eradication Squad is heard from the street. Large APCs, and Anti Fluffy Tanks rumble down the street, and the loud crunch of boots are heard. A TITES commander shouts on his bull horn all will be fine, the FEMA-TITES are going to be collecting everything needed to be reimbursed and paid by the Hasbio Recovery Act.





Does these from ferals or domesticated included?

If ferals wow shows u how many ferals infesting the city. :flushed:

But true to others, “get ma surfboard!!!” :joy:

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And if you fall off, it’s a soft landing.


With pee and poop to go with it. :nauseated_face:


Y’know, shit is gross, but a soft landing is always better than a hard landing.


Get me a combine harvester

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God there’s a terrific glass covered walkway a couple stories up that cuts through downtown, that’d be a front row seat. They got concerts in that bad boy too.


Use a thank, China can help.

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id imagine its less killed by fluffy and more killed by delayed emergency services/fluffies causing damage that results in death

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All I need is an M60 Machine Gun and a Huey Helicopter transporting me. They will die.

I remember the scene in Pratchett’s “The Truth” where William accidentally causes a stampede of a couple hundred dogs through the city. Presumably significantly less destructive and messy than this.

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