But red and his herd got over the faulty programming, they don’t discriminate on looks, maybe the mares do but there are not the leaders. As seen they only kill foals if they have no will to fight and still on the programing, So the scare tactic of Alicorns won’t work.
As of now, it is unclear just how much the fluffies have agency beyond their “programming/instinctual behaviour”.
Violent fluffies are a staple in many a Headcanon, take @BFM101’s: plenty of examples there, from fluffies who have to resort to violence because it’s the only way out, to hellgremlins who enjoy torturing other fluffies, physically and mentally.
Besides, the smarty himself refers to his brown baby as “poopie”, which appears to indicate that he does indeed have prejudices towards it, aswell as having a bestest baby who looks just like him.
That is indeed “discrimination based on looks”
Correction, they also rape and kill foals whose only fault is being part of another herd. Beyond that, it seems a bold assumption that just because they are less naive than the average fluffy they have ironed out ALL possible kinks.
Due to their rarity, it might be possible that no fluffy in the herd has ever met an alicorn.
That is, if we ignore the fact that colour based discrimination still seems to be a thing, see my previous point.
It was at that moment that Red Smarty knew
He Fluffed Up
Im expecting some burnt earth tactics soon. But cant wait for next page.
Red Smarty’s fucked
I feel a time of avenges coming
Ooooooh I get it! That wasn’t the Smarty he killed, it must have been second commander, one of the toughies who were I guess kinda smart? But the Smarty was out looking for food at the time, am I right?
Hm, yes… mayyy have fucked up a bit.
Buckle up, red boi, the boss fight has another phase.
Yeah, Red still calls the foal “poopie,” but the reason he killed the foal was due to it having an aversion to violence and fighting, And on the killing of the foals, that’s usual pack animal behavior, the offspring of the defeated pack is either killed or left to die, usually it’s male offspring that is killed, but these are fluffies there different from how animals behave.
Fluffies can’t count higher than four in my headcanon.
Was this inspired by Watership Down?
Wolves don’t do this. Their packs consist of two parents and their pups from the last few years.
The pups usually leave to start their own packs because they don’t want to mate with their parents and siblings.
Male lions have been known to kill the cubs of the defeated male(s), but they don’t discriminate based on gender and they live in prides not packs.
Though lionesses don’t just sit there and watch their cubs die. They fight to the death to try and save them, and sometimes they succeed.
No, other people have similar headcanons.
Also it’s a Discworld reference.
Ah, must be a coincidence, then.
The rabbits in Watership Down also can’t count past four.
Yes, the one he killed was a scout or “loowee”(lookee) watching the herd.
And he was the pink mane and light yellow mare mate.
Hey Red.
I’m learning so much more about fluffies o3o
Teach me more Mistress! •w•
Ah yes, it’s all “I’m the best” while beating up first boss dungeon, until final boss in the game appears on the overworld while you’re still lvl 20.
Dont remind me I know the feeling when online game have a Boss Summon event of Lvl 99 and Im just a frikkin Lvl 15 leveling on a quiet open land then bam! It appeared.
I was like “whoa! Whoa! Time out! Waiitttt!!!”
Other players are screaming too and one by one we died
Please note that most I do is under my own universe canon. So there might be some diff on the actual ones.
Oh and its Master , not mistress
And now, I think, Red Smarty is going to learn why raiding and pillaging other herds is a bad idea.
Though I would almost rather see him brought down by an alliance of other herds than by a single badass fluffy. Maybe I should write that…