Faulty programming? You have that the wrong way 'round, Red and co. are the ones with faulty programming. Fluffies were specifically designed for huggies and wuv, the fact that aberrations like Red exist is yet more evidence of how badly Hasbio screwed up.
Keep in mind that fluffies were envisioned as a mix of pet and toy, they were never intended to be feral. As such, their lack of survival instincts wasn’t a bug, it was a feature.
Yeah, but there’s like a million movies/comics/video games/whatever about artificially created beings growing beyond the parameters their creators set for them.
And it’s not always a bad thing. I’ve got a robot who was built to kill all organic life, but now he’s a defender of life. Would you really want him to stick to his original programming?
My point is, fluffies already demonstrated an ability to grow beyond their programming by forming herds, and appointing leaders. Do you think Hasbio programmed them to do that?
Okie o3o
I’ll remember that o3o
It’s terryfying when those events appear! The boss might just fart and you end up dead on the ground. But it’s also kinda fun, not for the fluffies apparently tho!
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Oh definitely not and red smarty will know that soon enough.
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