The Horned Spaghetti Viper by 3KindlyOnes

Hello forgot i had this in the gallery archives so i thought I’d post my second Fluffy Hunter, the Horned Spaghetti Viper. As big as an eastern diamondback rattlesnake and adopts a hunting strategy akin to the spider-tailed viper. This beauty disguises itself as a pile of Spaghetti whilst its coloration both lures in fluffy prey and deters predators.


You forgot your name in the title

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Nature healing and adapting to those aberrations, hell, they could become food for pandas/makapos/sloths since those shitrats are so easy to kill

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True if slothes were carnivores tho even if its a fight when the sloth is just climbing down to do its weekly pooping, it will still manage to carve a Smarty like a ham

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I love this, though.