The horror (carniviousduck)

Just went back thru my old art, i wish to Satan that i could burn everything from the past…


I was thinking of posting the crudest thing I could find in my CD archive and sarcastically ask you how you could possibly find it to be objectionable.

But then I thought that you might die of a stroke upon seeing it, leaving us with no more of your stuff. Since that thought horrified me, I decided to not do it.

Joking aside, I, as well as many others, love your older work. Watching your style develop has been one of the most enjoyable posts of this fluffy fandom. And you can always decide to redo the ones that make you cringe the most. Shouldn’t be more than 300-400 pieces at most.


The past is cringe! The past is cringe! The past is cringe!

I can’t escape my past myself!


Thus is the fate of all who commit the mortal sin of anthro-fluffs.


No, it’s not the anthro, it’s everything


That’s what they all say. When an anthro artist dies, they’ll be sent to hell, surrounded by big-tiddied antho fluffy lewds who will seek to taint their flesh with immoral sexual congress. For all eternity. Can you imagine the horror?


I am so glad I drew my first anthro at a later date


I read some of my “good” teenage writing the other day. I know exactly what you mean, my dude.

Now what do you consider to be the worst one of my 1500+ works of demented art ?

I think it would have to be one of the ones where you had to draw a person, but you either hadn’t gotten down drawing people correctly yet, or you didn’t bother to take the time to do it right.

This one.

Of course, the only faults I can think of are purely stylistic. Nothing you came up with on a conceptual level, on this piece or others, looks bad to me. Then again, I was the guy who tricked you into drawing that fluffy anal gland comic, so I may not be the sanest of judges.

I should mention that I, and many others, generally consider the crudity of your earlier work to be an essentially positive asset of your style back then. The roughness of colors, lines, and perspectives contrasted delightfully with the sheer absurdity of fluffydom in general. There was a rawness to it that just sucked you in instantly, much like the earlier Artist-kun drawings.


‘Ou can onwy wook down an’ make peepee wawas on 'ou owd wowks nao cuz ‘ou hab cwimbed higha an’ higha! Wejoyce in 'ou pwogwess, fwiend!


The past should always feel cringe, because this means we’ve grown. Be proud of your growth as artists or as people and be proud of the cringe you’ve commited in past, because it was the stepping stones to who you are today.

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thats such a mood, bu hay! cringing at your old self means you’ve grown!


But is this the crudest pic that you were gonna suggest. Humans are not my strong suit but is this abomination really what was going to give me a stroke?

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Well, I mean, if you had to choose to be stroked by a human or a fluffy…

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This is always an interesting topic to see be broached, and personally one I think about often. When I make something I tend to enjoy the act of creating it, hate the finished product, release it and then revisit it weeks later and feel better about it. I have a softer spot for my older works compared to newer ones.

I think it comes from seeing what you did right and what lessons you carried forward from your old work. It’s a sign of advancing as an artist to see your old stuff and notice the mistakes you aren’t making anymore and you’d never have improved if you didn’t try in the first place.

Aside from this, I think the Fluffy community actually benefits from shaky artstyles and can be a good way to practise fundamentals while generating content for a pretty niche corner of the internet. While there are many polished artists here, creators like gr1m have a very roughshod art style but their works are beloved for how gritty and disgusting they look. You’d be surprised just how entertaining a rough picture with a fun concept can go when half the joy is imagining the scenario where it’s happening.

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I mean, it could have. Try taking a bunch of blood thinners and try again.

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