The House: Part 3 [by SilverOwl]

The House: Part 3 [by SilverOwl]

It had been 3 months since Sunshine’s amputation, and rapes. Her life as a pillow fluff, was the typical meaningless existence of any pillow fluff. With the exception of her now being a “soon mummah”, and the fairly frequent paranormal activity, causing her to have panic attacks. Luckily for her she had her litter-box behind her always as a pillow fluff, so there were never “bad poopies” or “scardie-poopies.” The pregnancy was also peculiar, as she would experience sharp pains, causing her to “SCCCREEEE”. Closer to term she would “SCREEE” more frequently along with “WORSTEST HURTIES!!!”

It had been three months since the ghost-smarty rapes, and in her fluffy mind she had ‘gud tummeh babbehs.’ She seemed to selectively forget where the babies came from, and was happy about them. Savannah didn’t forget what Sunshine had initially told her about the “nu-living smarties gib bad special huggies”. Savannah was amazed a fluffy spirit could impregnate a living fluffy. Reading up on it she saw a statement from Microfluff about “residual neuro-energy from expired fluffies” and another statement about fluffy breeding and a type of parthenogenesis that fluffies can experience. Savannah didn’t understand all of the science behind it, but she was certain she discovered something new with fluffy ghosts breeding living ones. She wondered every night if the foals would be normal or something else. Everyone in the family had been experiencing paranormal activity, the smarty-gangbang seemed plausible. She didn’t really understand how dead smarties could have sperm to seed a living mare, but apparently it worked. Her pregnancy was nearly to term, and she often sang songs to her growing tummy while looking down, and wiggling her leg stumps.

Mummah wuv babbehs
Babbehs wuv mummah
Babbehs in tummeh
Babbeh luv mummah

In the past 3 months Savannah had become a full abuser, addicted to the thrill of watching fluffies in agony, and fear, she couldn’t stop herself. Killing foals in a can, stomping alleyway fluffies, and abusing Sunshine, without killing her, was all getting old. She thought about how fun it will be to abuse Sunshine’s foals and then eventually kill them all if they were just average fluffies. She wanted something more than her torture, pain, kill formula, but wasn’t sure what. She had so many wicked plans for those foals if they turned out normal. If they weren’t normal, then that could also be interesting.

Bursting into her bedroom where Sunshine laid on her fluffy bed with litter-box attachment singing to her pregnant belly. Savannah was getting ready to troll Sunshine, and tell her that her foals would all go forever sleepies, and watch her sob about them being “gud babbehs”, when Sunshine screamed.


Savannah got up to look, she was curious what the foals would look like. Maybe she would luck out, and get a golden alicorn, she could sell and be rich. She turns on her phone to put the new foals on Tiktok when they’re born. Sunshine “SCREEEEESSS” continuously for 10 minutes until the first foal slowly emerges. It’s a black foal with a dark grey mane and tail. Savannah rolls her eyes at the bad coloration that wouldn’t get more than $5.00. Its like she had feared, Sunshine plus ghost fluffies equal shit colored foals.

Sunshine lets out another loud “SCREEEEEE”, as the second foal starts to emerge. Sunshine struggles as the second foal comes closer and “SCREEES” a lot more this time. The second foal emerges, but its strange looking. It barely resembles a fluffy, its dark green, and covered in scales like a crocodile. Savannah’s eyes widen and eye-brows raise, “what the fuck?” With a final push and “SCRREEEEEE!!!” The second foal internally did a lot of damage as more blood leaked from Sunshine’s special place. The reptilian looking fluffy lays still with two emerald colored snake like eyes. This fluffy was definitely unexpected and rare.

Sunshine pushes the third and final foal out with more ease than the second. Its brown, with a dark green mane and tail. Its eyes look fused shut. It may be a blind one, she thought. Her attention turned to the reptilian looking foal which still lay with its siblings in its mother’s mucus. They began to “cheep” and “chirp” for their mother, who wobbled back and forth being a pillow, trying to feed her “babbehs”. Sunshine didn’t seem to notice that two of them had lousy colors, and one looked like a reptilian horse.

Savannah props Sunshine up, so she can nurse the foals. The foals start to rise to their feet, strong, yet wobbly. They begin to venture towards her, with the brown one reaching her first. It starts to suckle at her crotch tits, as she starts to sing to her “babbehs”.

Babbehs wuv mummah
Mummah wuv babbehs

The other two foals had reached Sunshine, but instead of competing for a nipple, they began to sink their little teeth into Sunshine. Blood sprayed from Sunshine as her fat round pillow body had little teeth sink into it. The little black and grey colt was very agile and quickly made its way to Sunshine’s throat. The little foal sank its sharp teeth into its mothers neck and began to suckle blood. Sunshine reacts with loud “SCREEES” like a stuck pig as the little black foal suckles her neck, “NU GIB MUMMAH HURTIES BABBEH!! MUMMAH WUV OU!” The reptilian looking mare had the body frame of a fluffy, but with thick scales, and sharp teeth like a crocodile. It was tearing large pieces of flesh off of Sunshine that it could reach, as she “SCCCREEEDD!!!” Sunshine gyrated in pain as she was eaten alive by the reptilian foal, and drained dry by the black one, all the while the little brown one suckled milk.


Sunshine was large enough in comparison, that they did not kill her, but they ate their fill from her, and were now sleeping a few feet away from her bleeding body. Savannah filmed the entire thing, “I am going to be so rich when this goes viral!” Sunshine lay there bleeding and gasping for breath, still feeding the small, blind, brown foal. The other two foals which had drank and ate their fills were quietly sleeping a foot away from their mother. The brown foal drank its fill of its bleeding mother’s milk, and then sat in front of his mother.

The brown foal’s head tilted upward at hers as if he was looking at her. Thick eyelashes grew from the fused eye lids resembling stitches. The foal continued to stare at the mother, while really only seeing a void. Sunshine now saw the same void, as her eyes glazed over.

Inside sunshine’s head she was in a sunny field full of wild flowers. Then she was in some dark basement with “boo boo juice” everywhere. Back to the field with other fluffies laughing. In a place where fluffies are losing their “weggies” and crying about being “nu weggie flwuffies.” Now shes in a “skettie wand” and there is pasta everywhere. Her teeth are being drilled by a “munstah”. The sun, the moon, back to the sun, and the moon. Fluffies having cake and singing “happy birthday”. A Christmas morning where hot chocolate is waiting for you. A fluffy having his “nu nu wumps” being ripped off, as a scalpel slices into its flesh.

Sunshine twitches as if in a trance with one eye open but looking off to the side, and the other eye shut tight. Drool exited her mouth as she seemed locked in a trance. Savannah sat and watched in curiosity, all the while filming. The foal just sits still and continues out stare up at its mother.

Sunshine twitches some, lets out a few screams, and begins to bite her own tongue. She severs a number of blood vessels, as fountains of blood pool from her mouth. The little black and grey colt wakes up, and leaps on her bloody mouth, and starts to drink again. The reptilian one waddles over, and begin taking bites out of her mother. Between the previous wounds, her biting her own tongue off, and more blood loss from being eaten alive a second time, Sunshine goes into shock. Amazed by the entire scene, Savannah keeps filming, not wanting to miss a minute. The foals literally drain the life from her. After 20 minutes of feeding from their mother with milk, meat, and blood, Sunshine loses consciousness, and she dies in a pool of her own blood. Her last thoughts were ‘babbehs gib mummah worstest hurties’.

The one that interested Savannah the most was the brown one, that seemed to form some kind of psychic connection with the mother and made her commit suicide. Between it and the reptilian one, these were some interesting fluffies, perhaps above abuse.

Savannah cleaned off the foals and took a closer look at them. She looked at the reptilian looking one first, who was still chirping with a piece of her mother’s flesh in her mouth, as she quickly swallowed it down. She resembled a reptilian fluffy, with no fluff, but thick green scales. She had teeth like a crocodile mostly with the exception of two forward facing fangs like a viper, that were tucked away until she opened her mouth wide. Savannah thought, “this has to be some new species of fluffy or something”. Like a unicorn, the foal had a horn on the top of its head, but it was reptilian like a Iguana horn. This was huge and new. This foal was indeed special. She places the foal down, “I am going to name you Croc. I am not even sure you are a fluffy.” The foal or whatever it was seemed to acknowledge this and shake its long crocodile like tail happily.

Picking up the black and grey foal she notices a black membrane on its back without fluff. She almost screamed with joy when she realized, he was a bat-winged pegasus, “No fucking way!” She laughed at her earlier “$5 poorly colored foal” thought, this thing was priceless! The little bat-pegasus colt had sharp little teeth, and bat ears, and a thin almost skull like face and body with red eyes with a black slit. This foal was awesome. She places him down, “I am going to name you Azazel”. Again the foal seemed to be happy with its name, and fluttered its bat wings at having a name.

Savannah picked up the little blind brown one which seemed to see without seeing. Looking at the thick eye-lashes growing out of its fused eye-lids, she smiles, “I am going to name you Stitches”. The little brown foal doesn’t acknowledge its name, but instead Savannah starts to see happy images in her mind. This was the foals way of thanking her for the name.

Sunshine has been in a hefty-bag in the garage along with some diet Pepsi cans from her room, for hours. Her parents will not even realize Sunshine is not with them anymore. Her parents had become like mindless zombies over the last few months. They both go to work, come home, eat, and sleep with very little social interaction. They seem completely un-phased by the fluffy paranormal activity, almost choosing not to acknowledge it. Savannah sees the silhouette of the old man a few times, almost approving of her actions and choices, when it came to abuse and death. He does not seem malicious towards her, but more of a fatherly mentor, since her own seems trapped in his own mind. Savannah was almost 13 years old, and had started to dress like a goth girl. She would wear black platform clogs, with black stockings, black skirts, or shorts, and then some t-shirt with a cute demon or dead fluffy on it to be edgy. She usually had on silver jewellery with skulls, pentagrams, and other edgy goth teenager things. She was so happy about how much more edgy she would be with three legitimate monster fluffies.

It had been a few hours since their mother’s death, and the foals begin to cheep and chirp for food. Savannah almost panics when she realizes, she has no way to feed them. Her mind races to where she can get them a new mother, or food source.

Croc and Azazel just need any fluffy for meat and blood, but Stiches needs milk. Trying to quickly work out a solution she decides to find a pregnant or recently pregnant mare. She knows just where to go, the ally by the grocery store and restaurants near her house. She grabs a fluffy carrier crate from the garage, and quickly walks a few blocks away to fluffy hunt.

Walking quietly down the ally, Savannah hears what she was hoping to hear, a fluffy mother singing.

Mummah wuvs babbehs
Babbehs wuv mummah
Dwink wots of milkies

Picking up her pace, so those little shit-rats don’t drink her precious Stitches’ milk, she quickly finds the mare. With a quick motion she picks the Mare up, and puts her in the crate, not so gently. She almost stomps the four chirping, crying foals for fun, when she realizes, ‘I can feed Croc and Azazel these foals, and keep the mother alive for Stitches.’ She places them into the crate as well, and hauls-ass back to the house.

Getting back to the house she finds 3 large tupper-ware crates from the garage, and places each of the foals in one. She is unsure if they would hurt each other if they got hungry enough, and separates them to be safe. She opens the crate with their food, and says “Momma brought you babies nummies.” Like a little mother she affectionately pets them, giving them love and scratches behind their ears. Reaching into the food-crate, she picks up a foal and hovers it over Azazel. He leaps up on to the foal, while Savannah still holds it by its ‘weggie’, and hangs on the foals side, upside-down as it suckles blood from the foal’s ribs. The foal chirps and squeels for its mother, as its blood is slowly drained from its body. The foal begins to look shriveled and sickly thin as its blood is emptied from its body. Azazel lets out a little burp, lets go, and opens his wings, coasting back down to the floor. The black foal resembling a skeleton with black skin and fluff, prances around his temporary enclosure and lets out a loud CHHHIRRRPPP signaling happiness to his mother, Savannah.

Reaching into the crate, Savannah picks up another foal, and tosses it in with Croc. The foal begins to chirp for its mother who is in the crate, “Nu can sabe ou babbeh, mummah so sowwy.” Croc waddles over to the foal quickly, and bites into the foal’s side. Like a Gaboon viper, Croc keeps her fangs implanted into the foal’s side. The foal reacts to the neuro-toxic venom as the foal begins to feel like its body is on fire. The foal struggles, and twitches as the venom takes its toll and the foal dies. Savannah is astonished when Croc opens its mouth, and begins to swallow the foal whole. After five minutes, Croc swallowed the foal, and had a noticeable bulge in her tummy. Savannah guessed that when the prey item was about the same size it would be swallowed like a snake, but if it was too large, would be torn apart by crocodile like teeth.

The two remaining foals she will set aside for a later feeding. They chirp and cry as she tosses them into a feeder bin enclosure. She picks up the mare, checks her over for ticks or fleas, and then places her in with Stitches. Savannah motions a finger at Stitches, “Sweetie, please don’t give this one forever sleepies. You need her for milkies. Momma can give you fluffies to give forever sleepies to, but not this one.” Stitches, expressionless, looks up at his mother and projects feelings of love and compliance to his mother. She petted him behind his ear and he perked up, and started to nurse on his milk-bag. Until she has the mare pillowed, she ties the mare’s hooves so she doesn’t hurt Stitches.

A few weeks pass, and the foals are all together. They have become “talkie” foals, and have all become friends, and promised not to “gib hurties to each utta cuz dey is bruhdah an sistah”. Croc ate a foal once a week, Azazel drained two foals a day, and Stitches tried to be good but made a couple mares give themselves “forevba sweepies” with “scawy head pictuahs.” Savannah was so proud of her venomous dragon, vampire bat pegasus, and her psychotic psychic, foals. One of the best things about them, were Croc and Azazel had functional wings that supported them and allowed flight. It looked so much better than the little useless wings most pegasus and alicorn sported. Savannah got a smile on her face, “Hey babies! Tomorrow mommy is going to take you three to the fluffy park!” The foals all celebrate and dance around while chattering.

Azazel: Babbeh am gownna fin utta fwuffies and dancie and dwink all der boo boo juices

Croc: Babbeh wuv wurm sun an pwetty twees an wittle babbeh fwuffies ta kwunch

Stitches: A series of obscene things all worse than the last followed by a want for bestest milkies eba

Savannah put them all to bed and got dressed for bed herself. Tomorrow would be a big day at the park with her babies.


I think Delta Green should show up to investigate once the videos hit the internet.


I think this story qualifies as my first hug box? Sort of?

Savannah certainly has got the fluffy/scaly friends of any teen goths dream, but it might be for the best if they are sterile. & keeps on being compliantly co-dependent, in the psychics case.
Then again, this is a setting where fluffy ghosts are recognized by the scientific community,
so a greater degree of tolerance seems likely.

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