The intruders (by Blue-ace)[Preview]

“ Will that be all ma’am“ The cashier at the fuffy shop says with a smile “ yes it will“ Jesse says with a smile as she picks up bags full of fluffy kibble and toys and also some spaghetti hasbIo brand then as she is walking out of the store she sees a man staring at her it creeps her out a bit.He continues looking at her as she goes to her car and drives away but she soon loses thought of the man as she is driving more focusing on her beautiful fluffy is at home.

She arrives at her house and walks up to the door she can hear her fluffys playing and laughing as she unlocks the door “ i’m home“ Jesse says with a smile as she hears the fluffy say” Mummah“ as she goes to Play room we’re her two adult earthies named sunshine and rain drop and there are 4 foals “ Hewwo mummah” sunshine says with a bright smile on her face as Jesse enters the room with a smile on her own face “ so how are my adorable fluffy’s“ Jesse says picking up one of the foals Which is greene and chirping in her hand after a minute she said some down to be with his mother.

After a while of Jesse playing with her fluffy’s sun drop says “ miwkies”shows her tits showing that it is feeding time the four foals start walking over to their mummha but one little tiny brown foal straggles behind Jesse pushes him forward to the tits as the foals are sucking on her tits she goes over to raindrop to see how he is “ so how are you raindrop“ Jesse says with a smile “waindwop am gud” raindrop says with a smile as he snuggles up to Jesse” Fwuffy wub mummah an’ famiwy“ rain drops says then Sundrop join us in a snuggle with all of her foals there is a happy mood in the air

“All right time to go to sleep” Jesse says with a smile as she moves out of the room”





Can’t wait to see the rest of the story


Do you happen to take any suggestions
