The Longest Winter - Chapter 20 - By BloodyBoots

The Longest Winter

Chapter 20

“Ralph didn’t take them?” Ruth said, shocked.

“That’s right.” Tim said, tapping his pen on his notepad. “Witnesses say he was at the bar all day.”

Ruth sat down at the kitchen table, dumbfounded. She looked over at Honey, who was sadly laying in front of the fireplace, her eyes sunken from crying. She stared blankly at the fire, unmoving.

“Who could it be?” Ruth asked, shaking her head.

“I’m not sure.” Deputy Tanner replied. “I’m trying to figure that out. I’m going to do some research and talk to a few more people, I’ll come back tomorrow when I know more.” He looked at Ruth and noticed her tired eyes. “Try and get some sleep until then.”

Tanner stepped out and closed the door behind him. Ruth listened as she heard him start his cruiser and drive away. Soon the cottage was quite, but Ruth didn’t feel safe.

What if whoever took her babies came back for Honey? The old war widow stood up and locked the door, but still didn’t feel at ease. Every window seemed like a gaping hole in her defense. Even if she was locked in a steel vault, her anxiety would still persist.

She slumped into her rocking chair and held her head in her hands. What could she do? She felt so helpless. Exhaustion finally overtook her and she fell asleep.

She dreamt of the cottage many years ago. Ruth Montgomery Saint James was her young self again. Her husband, Mark, was still alive, waving at her from the forest behind the cottage. She ran through the tall grass and wildflowers towards him. She threw herself into his embrace beneath the giant oak tree. It felt so good to be in his arms again.

“Let’s get some truffles!” He said with a smile. Oh how she had missed his sweet, manly voice.

“Truffles?” She asked, confused. “How do we find them?”

“Don’t you remember?” He laughed.

Ruth shook her head. Everything was a vague blur in her mind.

“Just remember how you found them.” Mark said calmly. He then began to float upward towards the sun.

Ruth reached out for him, desperately begging him to stay, but he continued to rise until he disappeared into the blinding light above her.

“Just remember!” He shouted down.

Ruth shot up out of her chair reaching upwards, shocking herself awake. “Remember what?” She said to herself. Her gaze turned down towards Honey, who looked up at her with a worried expression.

“Momma otay?” The little pony asked nervously.

Ruth didn’t reply. She continued thinking about the dream. It’s almost as if her husband was trying to tell her something.

“Just remember how you found them.” Ruth said, repeating his words. “Found what? The truffles?” She asked. She then set her gaze upon Honey as the epiphany came to her. “Honey sniffed them out.”

The old war widow stiffened up, her fists clenched by her side. She had figured it out! She immediately walked into her small bedroom and got undressed. She grabbed a quick shower, tied her silver hair up, and slipped into a pair of thermal underwear. On top she put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. Next she secured her gun holster. She then put on her hunting vest - loaded with survival supplies - everything from a small first aid kit to a Swiss army knife. She then dawned her favorite hunting cap, an old red and black Stormy Kromer. She looked at herself in the mirror, going over her mental checklist. She tucked a stray strand of silver hair into her cap before taking a deep breath to center herself.

She stepped out of her bedroom and headed toward the door. First she put on her hiking boots, tucking her jeans into them for maximum warmth. She grabbed her .22 revolver and placed it in the holster beneath her vest. She then grabbed ol’ Debby and a box of ammo from the nearby shelf. She emptied the box into her vest pocket and loaded the lever action rifle with as many bullets as it could fit.

She then looked over at Honey who was still laying by the fire.

“Honey!” She said loudly, startling the fluffy. “You want to help mamma get your babies back?”

The little pony stood up excitedly, wagging her tail. “Momma find babies?” She asked hopefully.

“Yep.” Ruth nodded. “But I need your help.” She said as she grabbed the towel out of the safety box. She knelt down and held it in front of the mare. “Take a good sniff. Do you know what your babies smell like?” She asked.

The pony sniffed the towel and nodded. “Honey know babies smew.” She replied.

“Good. We’re going to track them by their scent.” Ruth said with a grin. “We’re going to find them the old fashioned way!”

“We find babies?” Honey said excitedly with a giant smile and glistening eyes.

“That’s right!” Ruth said as she opened the door. “Now stay close to momma.”

The old woman then stepped outside with Honey before locking the door. She walked around the right side of the cottage where a giant tarp lay over something large. The tarp was covered in leaves - it hadn’t been moved in a while. Ruth pulled it off to reveal an old green 1976 Jeep Cherokee Chief 4x4. It was a bit rusty, but still in good condition.

Ruth pulled a gas canister out of the back of the vehicle and took a sniff to make sure it was still good. It checked out. She grabbed the funnel tethered to the can and stuck it into the gas intake, slowly pouring it into the tank. Then she put the empty container into the back and climbed into the driver’s seat. She tested the brakes, the fluid was old but still good. She reached under the seat and pulled out the keys, plunging them into the ignition. She turned them, hoping for an easy start. Instead she got a tired churn. She pumped the gas to get some fuel to the engine and tried again. The engine took a few turns before finally roaring to life, black exhaust spewing out the back.

“Atta girl!” Ruth shouted with a laugh as she slapped the steering wheel. She grabbed the shifter and put the Jeep in drive before barreling down the driveway into the road. Honey laid low in the passenger seat , in awe of being in a vehicle for the first time. Ruth reached over to pet her as she pulled the fluffy into her lap.

“Hold on to momma, Honey!” Ruth shouted over the loud engine. “We’re going to find our babies!”

Chapter 21


Excellent, I just pray they catch the bastard in time before he can kill any of the foals.


Alright Mama Ruth!

I feel so bad for Sheriff Stone’s ‘pet’ down at his cabin