The Macbeth experiment{By blueconfetticake}

It was a normal day, Damon had been watching the 2015 version of Macbeth for free on YouTube. He had read the play version that his local library had, when there was a small knock on the door.

Damon paused the movie, confused, it was the middle of the day on a thursday, who the hell would be knocking at his apartment door? Sighing, he went to answer it anyway.

Once he opened the door he was immediately badgered by a fluffy, “Pwease hewp herd nice mishta, ebein’ hab tummie owies.” The leader of the herd begged, Damon looked down.
The leader was a stallion, and had a sizable herd. Three toughies, a couple normal fluffies and some mares. All in all, the herd was composed of about 10 fluffies, not counting foals.

Usually Damon would just shut the door in the fluffies face, but he realized this herd was just big enough to undergo an experiment.
He smiled and picked up the leader of the herd, “Oh but of course I’ll help your herd. But first, I need to give you a name.”

“Fwuffy get new namsies? SU EXICTED! BIGGEST HWEART HAPPIES!” The fluffy cheered.
“That’s right.” Damon said, “Your new name will be, Duncan.” He said before placing him down. He picked up one of the toughies, “I’m going to call you Banquo.” He said, and named the remaining two Macbeth and Macduff.

“Do Macbeff Speshuw fwend get namises?” The fluffy named Macbeth asked, Damon looked at his special friend, a pregnant mare with a deep indigo for her coloring. “Her name is Lady Macbeth.” He stated, looking down at the fluffy. 'Hm… her being pregnant ruins things a little… Nothing foal be gone can’t fix." He thought, before picking up the fluffies.


He had set all the fufflies up in his spare bedroom, he had learned that the leader had a special friend and a baby. Which made everything tie-in nicely, he was keeping them in a large dog pen he had for rabbits.
He didn’t have rabbits anymore, but the fluffies took to it quite well.

Damon turned his attention to the fluffy on the table, happily eating some kibble laced with foal-be-gone. He knew now, all that was needed was to convince both the current “Thane of Cawdor” who he just called Cawdor, and Macdonwald to rebel against Duncan.

‘I’ll let them have their peace for tonight.’ Damon thought, as he picked up the fluffy he had named ‘Lady Macbeth’ and placed her back in the fluffy pen.
Once he shut the door, he grabbed a notebook and wrote on the first page, “Macbeth experiment day 1.”


You forgot to put your name in the title.


Bet I can guess how this story ends.

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Obviously a master of improvisation.
Always worthwhile to use the classics: that is what makes them classic.

Ah, but the play is notorious amongst actors for being cursed!


Is it really?

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Yes. There is a whole Blackadder episode making fun of it.

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There’s actually a reason for that. If I’m not mistaken, it’s because a theater that’s going out of business will make Macbeth the last play they perform, because what harm can it do at that point?

And what people on the outside see is “theater performs Macbeth, theater goes out of business”. Correlation implying causation.

That, and It’s probably a psychological thing too. If a theater performs Macbeth, everyone’s on edge, because they “know” it’s a cursed play. They stress out over it, and stressed out people tend to make mistakes, so when an accident happens, they blame it on the curse. Which perpetuates the curse. It’s a curse that only has power because people think it has power. Self-fulfilling prophecy. You try to stab your son before he stabs you, and then he ends up plowing your wife.


I read its cuz of a tradey that happened when the play was first proformed.


Right, and it keeps perpetuating itself because people associate the play with bad things happening.

There’s another part to it, too. Sir Patrick Stewart believes that because the play is supposed to be preformed in the dark, accidents are more common because the actors can’t see where they’re going.

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That sounds like the kind of thing ol’ Willy S. shoulda thought of when he was writing the damn play.

Unless he did it on purpose.

Also Sir Patrick Stewart is exactly who I have in mind when I envision Pierre.

Shakespeare didnt care much for how his plays were played, just the story behind it. Thats what i’ve heard anyway

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He actually played The Thane of Cawdor himself.

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The way I heard it, it is because when a show’s run ended early due to lack of interest or other reasons then they’d put on Macbeth as it was always popular and thus became associated with ill fortune.

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