The Man Behind the Duck - an investigative report written by: Skettiswipuh (Virgil)

Dateline: May 16th 2020

Today one of our living legends, CarniviousDuck, will be submitting his 1000th image.
In celebration of this fact, I’ve requested an interview with the elusive mallard,
and asked a few of the burning questions that our community wants to know.

The first point that readers might like to know is that there is indeed a duck in CD’s life.
It has been at his side for the last ten years. His name is Ricky Bobby.

Skettiswipuh: So it seems to me that Fluffybooru and the surrounding community aren’t really a permanent destination for most people. It’s more like a half-way house.
People come, and people go.
And yet you’ve been here for quite some time.
What brought you to the fluffy community in the first place?

CarniviousDuck: I found this site while looking up pictures of MLP, and found one with a fluffydash flying off a wagon and grinding into a sidewalk
and boom; booru.

SS: I know that comic, and it’s dozens of variants :slight_smile:
So once you had found this somewhat dysfunctional family…this “herd” so to speak, what made you stay here?

CD: Seven years ago I worked in a special-needs adults program with high behavioral people
There, I was attacked, bitten, scratched, yelled at, and had no way of really defending myself because the law was more on their side. Even though most of them knew how to cheat the system.
Long story short, it was this job that was reflected in most of my art. That’s why most of it was abuse.

SS: I’ve known people in that industry, and I’ve seen how their hands are tied in dealing with the patients. It can be infuriating at times.

CD: I lasted 3 years, I’ve been bit, scratched. Hit with paint cans, punched in the nose, ran down a road into traffic after people, and had to just take it because of state rules that protect them.

SS: So if you worked there for three years, and that was seven years ago, So that means you’re doing something else now?

CD: I’m a truck driver with a class A cdl. All I deal with now is an open road
I’m currently driving class b dumptrucks

SS: That’s a rough job, and always in high demand.

Here, @Mister-Shitrat chimed in to ask a very important question
(I’m not making fun of him, that’s literally the name he has chosen)

Mister-Shitrat: Do you draw while on the road, or more between each run?

CD: I’m home every night, I usually when I’m on the shitter

SS: That seems strangely appropriate.

MS: All good inspiration comes on the shitter.

SS: I know we’re probably keeping you longer than you had intended to be here. What are your plans for tomorrow?

CD: I have airsoft tomorrow
I love hearing the screams of children being shot by BBs

SS: I only have one final question for you.
You posted a piece of art a few days ago that featured a human…and a traffic cone. Can you shed some light on what inspired that piece?

CD: The traffic cone pic was a request from a friend while we were playing PUBG, I just reworked it with fluffies.

At this point CD is kind enough to share the .jpg that his drawing is based on.
Sadly I had chosen to conduct this interview in a “Safe For Work” Discord channel, and it was removed.
Very Quickly.

So there you have it, folks.
Carnivious Duck has been a fixture on Fluffybooru for many years,
and we hope he’ll be here for many more.

But there was one question he would not answer:
What will that 1000th image be?

I’ll be watching just as expectantly as you will.

This has been a special report from skettiswupuh as he continues to delay actually getting around to writing anything original.
Thanks for reading!

(Anatidaephobia is the fear that at any time, a duck may be watching you.)