It was late at night, far past Walter Payton’s bedtime. The little foal’s safe room was lit with the soothing and comforting white glow of a Peppa Pig night light. Though curled up in a tight coil on its soft Fluffy bed with lots of blankets and pillows, the navy blue unicorn colt with a burnt orange mane and tail wasn’t actually sleeping. It was purposefully keeping its large eyes closed while making adorable fake snoring sounds.
Walter Payton didn’t know what minutes were, but it knew it must have been a bunch of them since Daddy said good night and turned the safe room light off. It giggled to itself as it slowly opened one eye and scanned around the room to see if Daddy was still there.
“Coast am cweaw! Hehehe! Wawtah Payton gon’ hab su much fun! Hehehe!”. The foal excitedly rose from its bed and scuttled away quietly with its favorite blanket clutched between its teeth. The dirty Paw Patrol blanket dragged on the colorful carpeted floor behind Walter Payton as it walked with a cute trot that made its ears flop up and down with every bob of its head. The little Fluffy set up its blanket in front of its iPad at the far corner of the room and used its blue roan colored muzzle to flatten and spread it out just the way it liked it. “Nee bestest stuffie fwiend tu! Gon’ go back an’ get em!” said the foal as it hurried back to its bed for another supply run.
The little Fluffy grabbed its plushie of Princess Peach between its teeth with an unwavering smile stretched wide across its lips. The Nintendo plushie was covered in dried and crusted Fluffy saliva and tiny bite marks and smelled faintly of pee. Walter Payton loved it dearly and took it practically everywhere gripped between its teeth; even the litter box, which resulted in the unpleasant smell. Once the foal was finally satisfied with its set up, it plopped down onto its chubby hind end with a crinkly rustle from its thankfully still clean Pampers FoalFlexie diaper.
Using its little heart shaped hoofs, Walter Payton took some time to swaddle the Paw Patrol blanket around itself leaving some extra room in the back for its burnt orange tail to stick out. It giggled. “Hehe! Siwwy Daddeh! Wawtah Payton gon’ watch teebee aww dawkie-time! Hehe! Wawtah Payton am nu tired! Nu wan sweepies, wan watch teebee!”
A single heart shaped hoof clicked the center button on the iPad and the screen simmered to life. The tablet was encased in an orange Insignia bumper case that was very scratched and worn down around the corners. Walter Payton had sloppily placed several of its favorite stickers around the case, most either upside-down or half peeling off. The foal worked the screen using its nose and carefully tapped it four times to enter the security passcode, 1-1-1-1. The iPad switched over to the home screen and displayed the small selection of apps that Walter Payton was allowed to use. “Yaaay!” said the foal as it happily clapped its front hoof caps together.
In this modern age, there was no shortage of devices and gadgets that were essential in domestic ownership for tired mommies and daddies that needed ten minutes of peace and quiet. The basic tactile response of tapping on a screen combined with the sensory stimulation of watching videos was completely irresistible to a Fluffy, capable of putting even the meanest shithead Smarty into a joyful stupor for at least a couple minutes. Swaddled up very comfortably in its Paw Patrol blanket and tightly clutching its Princess Peach plushie close to its fluffy navy blue barrel, a long strand of thick drool dripped off Walter Payton’s blue roan lips as it excitedly tapped its nose on the screen.
There was no shortage of Fluffy entertainment to go around, media made for and starring other Fluffies was easy and relatively inexpensive to produce. There was zero standard of quality or ethics needed for Fluffy programming and there was an endless supply of Fluffy talent. Almost all major media companies offered platforms for these colloquially known “Elsa and Spider-Man productions”. Walter Payton’s iPad was loaded with the standard fair of popular Fluffy entertainment apps. There was Ou’Tube, CooLu, Petflix, and Mare-and-Mount +, but streaming on demand services often made Walter Payton anxious and overwhelmed. The freedom of choice was too much for its small baby intellect to handle without Daddy’s help.
For this particular navy blue and burnt orange little foal, Walter Payton preferred the original Fluffy entertainment channel that kicked off the entire industry, FluffTV. It was a 24/7, commercial free television channel that exclusively aired content featuring Fluffies, for Fluffies. Like many other Fluffies, Walter Payton was addicted to FluffTV like it was synthetic heroin. “Heheh! Yaaay! Yaaay! Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep! Gon’ watch FwuffTeeBee, gon’ watch FwuffTeeBee!” said Walter Payton in a sing-song fashion.
The little foal had stayed up all night pretending to be sleepies, waiting until it heard Daddy close the door to his bedroom and go to sleepies. Mischievous, though still wholly innocent and pure, Walter Payton was going to stay up past its bedtime and watch FluffTV on its iPad until the sun came up in retaliation for Daddy taking away its sketties for having a bad poopie accident on Daddy’s favorite shirt. “Hehe, siwwy Daddeh! Nu gon’ take way Wawtah Payton’s sketties wifout facin’ da consawquences! Gon’ watch su much FwuffTeeBee!”
Walter Payton’s big, orange irised pupils lit up wide and bright as the iPad screen was alive with the silent images of three lime green and yellow foals doing dancie in a row. The Fluffy foal fluttered its nostrils and made and annoyed snort. “Nu heaw! Wewe da soundies gu?! Wawtah Payton won heaw da FwuffTeeBee show! Gwww! Fowgot tu put awn da eawphones! Naow Wawtah Payton gotta mess bwankie aw up an’ gu get em!”
In an perturbed shuffle, the foal shook itself free from its blanket cocoon and quickly trotted over to the Fluffy sized toy box by its bed. Using its muzzle to open the lid, it rustled its head through the toys before pulling out a tiny, perfectly foal sized pair of headphones. They were of a generic design manufactured in the thousands by various Chinese companies and made of an extremely shitty and cheap pink and blue plastic and had a pathetic audio quality that Walter Payton had only made worse by blowing the speakers out listening to Baby Shark on full volume. The foal used its two front legs to position the ear cushions over its little floppy ears. The size and shape of the ear cups and speakers were specially engineered to fit comfortably on a Fluffy foal’s head, the only interesting aspect about them.
The foal trotted back to the still lit up iPad with audio jack cable for the headphones clutched in its mouth. Tilting its head sideways, the foal awkwardly clicked the audio jack into its port on the iPad. Instantly Walter Payton’s ears were assaulted with a cherry, plucking harp tune at maximum volume. Walter Payton made a loud “EEP!” and threw the headphones off its head and onto the carpet. It voided a small spurt of pee into its diaper and few tears welled in its eyes as it held its heart shaped hoofs over its ears. “Huuu, tu woud! Gib owies tu fwoppy wiw’ eaw! Huu!”. Walter Payton made a wet sniff and tried hard to stop crying. “Gwww! Stoopie Wawtah Payton! Gon’ wake Daddeh up fwom sweepies an’ get wowstest sowwie stick fow stayin’ up pass sweepietime! Nee stop bein’ dummeh chiwpy dat still make poopies in diapey!” said Walter Payton, ignoring its own diaper that was getting slightly damp.
Using its hoof, Walter Payton tapped the volume key on the side of the iPad several times until it saw the volume icon drop down several bars and put its headphones back on. The plucky harp music was at a much more comfortable volume now. Still slightly annoyed, Walter Payton meticulously re-swaddled itself back in its Paw Patrol blanket and got nice and warm and comfy again. Settled in, it giggled with a joyful smile and began to jiggle and flop its front legs around in tandem with the lime green and yellow dancie foals on the screen. “Yaaay! Dancie, dancie! Wuv doin’ dancie wif teebee!”
The little clock in the corner of the iPad screen rolled over to 10:00 PM. The currently airing show, Dancie Foal Party! was wrapping up its broadcast. Behind the cameras, the onset Fluffy handler motioned to the well trained foals that it was time to stop doing dancie now and the trio plopped back onto all fours and happily trotted off the set, to be treated with hot sketties in their trailer as the crew was preparing to break down the equipment for the day. A pretty girl in a pink dress walked on the screen, holding a cooing and smiling brown and purple pegasus mare in her arms. “Wow! I can’t believe how good all of you are at doing dancie! Do you all have fun?”. There was a beat as the pretty girl paused to let the Fluffy audience at home answer.
“Wow, that’s so great! It makes me happy that all you good Fluffies had so much fun!” The pegasus in her arms closed its eyes and started to drift off to sleep. “But, it looks like dancie time is over. Now, it’s time to say goodbye! But hey! Don’t be sad! Does everyFluff remember what we learned about goodbyes?”. There was another beat. “That’s right! Goodbye just means another hello is coming! Man, you know what guys and girls? I had a lot of fun today, too! Goodbye! See you next time! Be a good Fluffy for mommy and daddy! Bye!”
With that, the screen faded out to a soothing pastel yellow and blue and the production credits started to roll as the Foal Dancie Party! theme song played. Walter Payton angled its upper eyelids in disappointment. “Awww, Wawtah Payton onwy made it tu da enda da show! Stoopie!”. The foal blew a raspberry. “It otay, new show stawtin’ naow!”
Daddy was a quite generous daddy to Walter Payton, but that was only because Walter Payton was a very well behaved Fluffy. Though it was only still a foal and tantrums and poopie accidents were to be expected, the little navy blue foal listened well and only had to get the sorry stick three times since Daddy brought it to its new home a week ago. Walter Payton got to use its iPad as much as it wanted as long as it did what Daddy says and didn’t cry. The only rule, the one rule, the single rule that Walter Payton was given that it could never break, was that it was NOT allowed to use its iPad after bedtime. No exceptions.
The pastel yellow and blue faded out to a pitch black screen, showing Walter Payton’s reflection in the black mirror. The Fluffy cocked its head. “Huh? Wah dis show? Wawtah Payton nebeh see-pwace bwackie show befowe.” Starting at 10:00 PM, a nearly universally agreed upon time that all good domesticated Fluffies would already be in bed by, FluffTV rolled over from its daytime programming to its daily late night block. Branded as ‘fluff’ and stylized with a forward slash, /fluff aired from 10 PM to 9 AM and was an adult human oriented block that aired comedy and reality television style shows all themed around and glorifying Fluffy abuse.
A message in white Helvetica typeface flashed before Walter Payton’s illiterate eyes.
“/fluff is intended for a mature, human audience and features scenes of Fluffy abuse, harm, cruelty, and death.
Fluffy viewer discretion is strongly advised. FluffTV Media Incorporated is not viable nor responsible for any Fluffy physiological trauma or unintentional death as a result of program viewership.
Walter Payton grunted in frustration and shook its legs, crinkling its diaper. “Wah dis stoopie wowdies duin’ on da teebee? Wawtah Payton nu wan watch dummeh wowdies show, wan watch fun teebee on iPad! Whewe fun teebee show!?”
Suddenly Walter Payton’s ears were pelted with the sounds of punk music from Rancid. Though the volume wasn’t too loud, it still strongly disliked the ugly music and ruffled its blue roan colored muzzle. “Nu pwetty music! Nu can do dancie tu dis nu pwetty song! Tuwn off, tuwn off poopie music!
There were some sound effects and suddenly a logo flashed on the screen. It was a stylized drawing of a Fluffy skull with the word “FluffRump” below it in Times New Roman. The vista frightened the foal, who looked away from the screen and closed its eyes. “Ahh! Scawy! Nu wike dis bwackie teebee show!”
The Rancid faded out and the screen cut to a set that looked nearly indistinguishable from something used on an average FluffTV show. It was a colorful safe room with yellow painted walls and with some puffy, plastic Fisher-Price Fluffy slides and stuffed animals placed around the floor. Sitting on a large, soft, pastel pink bean bag chair was a bombshell goth girl. She had the ends of her black hair dyed green and wore tight fitting all black clothing with Vans low top skate shoes. Walter Payton cracked one of its eyelids open and was overjoyed to see the scary black show was gone!
“Oooh, who am dat pwetty wady? Hehe, wady am nu as pwetty am Wawtah Payton am! Hehehe! Cos’ Daddeh am awways tawkies dat Wawtah Payton am cutest, am pwettyest babbeh ebah! Hehehehehe!”
Walter Payton was having a lot of fun watching a new FluffTV show. Though its thoughts were limited, it pondered why Daddy was always so mean about using the iPad after bedtime. Even when Walter Payton was an especially good Fluffy and ate all its formula and got a whole extra hour of playtime before bed, Daddy still yelled at it for trying to use the iPad then too! It was that naughty side of Walter Payton that it normally could control to make Daddy happy, but not tonight. No, tonight it would be a free Fluffy, and do as it pleased like a brave herd leader.
The camera panned over the goth girl’s legs in a manor that didn’t clock in Walter Payton’s innocent foal mind. “Hello, hello, hello all my beautiful freaks, losers, and abusers. Welcome to FluffRump, with the only attention you’ll ever need, me. Ellie.”. Ellie adjusted in her bean bag chair and sat with her legs wide apart. Walter Payton waved a cute little hoofie at the screen with a warm smile. “Hewwo, Ewwie!! Am pwetty! Fwuffy am Wawtah Payton!”
Ellie reached under her shirt and into her bra, and slowly removed a switchblade knife. “It’s the fourteenth anniversary of Friendship is Magic! Tonight, babes, we celebrate!”. Walter Payton clapped more, squirting a piss stream into its diaper from excitement. “Wow! Dat mean Fwuffy, Wawtah Payton am babbeh!”. Ellie flicked the switchblade open and in a quick motion stabbed it down into the bean bag chair between her legs, causing a sudden and loud “SCCWEEE!! WAWITY HAB POKIE HUWTIES!! BOO-BOO JUICE WUIN PWETTY DWESS! HUU!”.
Walter Payton froze in place. Its beaming bubble of joy suddenly burst. It’s smile quickly warped into a concerned frown. It angled its bottom eyelids and held its little front hood caps up to its cheeks. “Wah? Nu, dat nu how show spossa gu! Dat am saddies cwyin’!! Wewe am da huwties Fwuffy? Mewe’ Fwuffy, pwease nu mow sad-huwties-wa-wa! Wawtah Payton am onwy widdwe babbeh but wiww stiww gib bestest huggies dat babbeh can!”. The Fluffy baby scooted along on its ass, ruffling up its diaper and giving it the Fluffy equivalent of a wedgie, while inching closer to the iPad screen with its front legs outstretched. It cooed and even peeped like a chirpy to try and calm the distressed Fluffy.
Ellie leaned forward on the knife, pushing it downwards between her legs as she leaned in further. The bean bag started to seep up blood and several Fluffies started screaming. The gash split open from the weight of Ellie and out poured the contents of the bean bag chair; A mass of nearly twenty five to thirty five Fluffies were all stuffed inside the chair. The Fluffies were all various multiples of the Mane Six sub-breed, all mares, all perfectly screen-accurate colored, all with the screen-accurate breeds, and with the lore-accurate bioprogrammed personalities.
The Rarity’s were all wearing similar, but not identical, hand sown fancy Fluffy dresses and the Applejack’s all had their cowgirl hats on with little holes for the ears. They were all covered in shit and piss, and the collective sound of them all unanimously crying and farting together was headache inducing.
Ellie’s switchblade had torn through the flanks, barrels, and croups of several Fluffies. Their organs and globs of tissue were spilling out and falling over other Fluffies in the pile. A wet mass of liver sloppily fell into the mouth of a screaming Pinky Pie and in a panic, a Twilight Sparkle impacted a Fluttershy’s eye with its horn. “Huuu, huuu, su sowwie Fwuttahshy, dis not wot a good fwiend do fow anudah fwiend! Twiwight Spawkwe gon’ faiw her test naow! Huuuuuu!”
“Keep your eyes on the screen and off of me, because our first special anniversary episode is all dedicated to Rainbow Dash!”. Ellie blew a kiss at the camera while still holding her bloody switchblade. The screen went into a transition and All My Friends Are Dead by Turbonegro started to play. Walter Payton started to cry and rock back and forth, its hoof caps over its tightly closed eyes. “Huuuu! Nu wike dis teebee show! Huuu, huuuu, wai did Ewwie du pokie huwties tu aww does Fwuffies? Dat nu what Fwuffies am fow! Huuu! Babbeh nee gib dem aww huggies dat make pokie huwties guway! Huuu!”.
Walter Payton had scooted all the way up to the screen, resting its face against it and trying to give it a hug. Its tail fluttered as several loopy turds were squished into the padding of its diaper, causing a mighty stink. Walter Payton gagged and started to cry more. “Huuuu! Nuuu! Babbeh made sad poopies in diapey, huuu. Nee hab Daddeh come an gib Wawtah Payton a changie an wipey! Huuu!”
Walter Payton went to reach for its headphones and take them off. Music still playing but at a quieter volume, the screen cut to a Rainbow Dash that was being painfully held up in the air by its scruff, the screaming pile of bean bag Fluffies in the background. Its wings drooped meekly and its tear filled eyes were partially concealed by its disheveled and shit-tangled rainbow mane. Piss was dripping off its teats. Ellie held the tip of her switchblade to the neck of the Rainbow Dash. “Now say the fucking line RIGHT this time!” she shouted.
The poor Rainbow Dash unleashed a small stream of diarrhea that quickly subsided into a slow drip of droplets. It spoke with a shaky, terrified, and confused voice. “Am Wainbow Dashie an’ dis am FwuffWump. If ou’ am Fwuffy an’ ou’ ebah stop watchin’ dis teebee show, dis am what gon’ happen.”. With that, Ellie quickly sliced the tip of the blade across the Rainbow Dash’s neck. The soft flesh split open like wet paper, the sliced carotid artery pulsing out a steady pumping stream of warm blood that ran down its light blue barrel. There were a few seconds of sputtering, gurgling, crying, farting, pissing, and twitching of limbs before the Rainbow Dash went limp and its eyes rolled around lifeless their sockets. Ellie dropped the corpse with a moist thud.
Inside of Walter Payton’s chest its little heart beat rapidly. It was breathing too quickly to catch its own breath, and its tears had started to wet the outer edges of the Paw Patrol Blanket. “Nuuuuuuhuhuu! Wawtah Payton am onwy widdwe babbeh! Pwease nu gib fowevew sweepies tu babbeh! Pwease Ewwie, Wawtah Payton bweehehehe good aw da time an’ nebah use da iPad effah sweepiestime gain’!! PWEASE! Dadd—MURH!”
Walter Payton suddenly clasped its front hoof caps over its mouth. “Nu! Absuwuty nu way can babbeh teww Daddeh dat babbeh am usin’ da iPad. Daddeh wiww be su much angies! Huuu! Buh…buh if babbeh stop watchin’ teebee show….GON GET FOWEVEW SWEEPIES! HUUU! WAH DU! NU WON WATCH TEEBEE SHOW, IT SCAWIES! NU GOOD FOW BABBEHS!”
A puddle of piss was starting to leak out of Walter Payton’s diaper and the mushed up shit was getting extremely itchy and uncomfortable. The foal was rocking back and forth and sitting a few inches away from the iPad screen, its eyes stinging from being so close.
The screen now transitioned to another safe room. This one was much different. The walls had been hand painted to resemble Cloudsdale. The carpet was a very soft off-white color and there was an extremely fuzzy looking Fluffy bed shaped like a cloud along with an elaborate Fluffy tower decorated with cloud designs and a clean litter box with a privacy cowell. The safe room was filled with toy race cars and fighter jets, and several plushies shaped like Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark and one of a turtle. Walter Payton sniffled and wiped away some tears. “Wah dis? ……am scawies gu way?”
As the camera centers, Ellie is sitting, with her knees comically pressed against her breasts, in a Fluffy sized plastic chair decorated with rainbow motifs. Ellie was dressed in a Rainbow Dash cosplay that included a varsity jacket with Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark on it and a rainbow wig that was colored and styled appropriately. Sitting across from the Fluffy sized plastic play table on an identical chair was a Rainbow Dash pegasus Fluffy.
“Who am dat?” asked Walter Payton, still wiping tears and leaking snot, the stench of its shitty diaper growing. Ellie is holding a microphone and talking into the camera. “Fourteen years though, can you really believe that? Seems like yesterday Friendship is Magic was just on its first season. We here at FluffRump thought it would be an amazing experience to get to meet some of the ponies that made this fandom so memorable. Well, except for the 2015 BronyCon enfy baby incident. But we digress.”
“And who better to start off this six-part special than the fastest flier in Equestria! The coolest pony in Ponyville! The backup flier to the Wonderbolts! Its Rainbow Dash!”. The camera pans over to the Rainbow Dash sitting politely on its hind on the plastic chair.
The Rainbow Dash had a huge smile on its face and was slowly flapping its wings at a steady cadence with joy. Its fluff was beautiful, freshly cleaned and combed and looking exceptionally soft and fluffy. The colors were perfect, and the mane and tail even had the rainbow stripes in the correct order. “Yaay! Hehehe! Wainbow Dashie am suuuuu much happies to be hewe wif Ewwie cewebwatin’ in Cwoudsdawe! Wainbow Dashie won tawkies bout’ fwyin’ an’ wunnin’ and bein’ coow!”. The Rainbow Dash did a happy little jostle in its seat before running a hoof through its mane and smirking.
“Hehehe, dis am nu scawies nu mow! Dis am fun! Wawtah Payton wuv Wainbow Dashie, am su coow! Wuv aww da pwetty cowows in mane an’ taiw, Wainbow Dashie!” Ellie held the microphone up the Rainbow Dash’s mouth. It’s muzzle and teats were colored an identical light blue as its fluff, further increasing its screen accuracy to the real Rainbow Dash. As the Fluffy spoke, a picture-in-picture was edited into the right upper corner. It was footage of Ellie, dressed as a sexy nurse, measuring the Rainbow Dash with a tape measure and weighing it on a scale, the whole time the Rainbow Dash smiling brightly. Some text was placed with the box showing Ellie that read:
“Breed: Pegasus
Sex: Mare
Age: 3 Months
Weight: 3.9 Pounds
Hight: 9 Inches
Withers: 6 Inches”
“So tell me, Dash, where are you from?”. The Rainbow Dash spoke too close to the microphone. “Wight hewe in Cwoudsdawe!”. Ellie looked at the camera and winked. Walter Payton giggled with glee and winked back at Ellie, its tears finally dried. “Uh huh, you sure do! What do you do here in Cloudsdale?”. The Rainbow Dash reared up and clapped its front hoofs together. “Aww da wingie Fwuffies gib bestest huggies tu da cwouds an’ den aww da sky wawa faw owt! Hehehe! Wainbow Dashie du su good job at gibbin’ bestest huggies tu cwouds!”
There was a gasp from Walter Payton. “Fwuffies make da sky wawas? Wawtah Payton nu can bweev! Hahahah, babbeh gon’ be Smawty babbeh cos’ Wawtah Payton am weawnin’ su muchies fwom nu teebee show! Dis am bestest day foe babbeh ebah!”. The excitement in the foal kept growing. It wanted to learn even more to make Daddy proud and be a Smarty.
“Are all the ponies in Cloudsdale a pegasus?”. Rainbow Dash’s wings buzzed into a blue blur. The Fluffy hopped down out of its chair and started to happily run around the table. Its engorged teats swayed from side to side as it ran. “Wes! Day aww wingie Fwuffies thewe!”. Ellie laughed. “Ha, wow, you have lots of energy. What do you do for fun in Cloudsdale with the other ponies?”. The Rainbow Dash stopped running and got into a low stance with its eyes narrowed. “EvewyFwuff wuv tu get bestest uppies at Cwoudsdawe! Wainbow Dashie am su good at duin’ wingie wunnies! Bettah dan aww da othah Fwuffies! An’ am coowew tu!!”
“Just how fast are you, Rainbow Dash?”. The Rainbow Dash took off in a burst and started to run as fast as it could. It’s stubby legs were stupidly slow and it was out of breath within seconds. “Wook! Wook! Haff! Am Ewwie wookin’ at Wainbow, haf, Dashie? Wook how fast, haf, haf, Wainbow Dashie am wunnin’! Wook! Wainbow Dashie am wookin’ su coow wight naow!”. The Fluffy was so proud and so overjoyed to show its talent to Ellie. Walter Payton bicycled its rear legs under the blanket, stirring around the festering shit in its slowly expanding puffy diaper. “Hahahaha! Duin’ good wunnin, Wainbow Dashie!”. The Fluffy baby was drooling heavily from joy and its big smile was missing a few of its baby teeth.
The Rainbow Dash stopped its pathetic running and sat down with all four legs tucked into its fluff, loafing. It made quick, haffing pants as it tried to cool down. “You did so much running! It’s so cool how fast you were. Would you like to have a snack?” said Ellie into the microphone. The Rainbow Dash perked its floppy ears up. “A tweat?! Am Ewwie bein’ fow weaw? Cos’ Wainbow Dashie hab suuuuu much hungies naow fwom da wunnin’. Wan tweat! Wan tweat!”
Two stage hands came and set two, Fluffy sized plastic plates on the floor. Ellie sat down next to the Rainbow Dash criss cross applesauce. The stage hands returned and each plopped a slice of vanilla cake with Rainbow Dash colored frosting down gently down on the plates, leaving Ellie a fork and a napkin as well. The Rainbow Dash immediately jumped up and gave the piece of cake a series of rapid sniffs, like a dog. It was drooling a literal spout of saliva out of its light blue colored lips and little pink tongue hung loose, dripping more saliva. Walter Payton couldn’t help but start drooling too, its sensitive tummy still too young for sweets.
“Can Wainbow Dashie pwease num? Pwetty pwease pwease pwease wet Wainbow Dashie num??”. The Rainbow Dash wagged its tail and desperately waited for permission to enjoy its treat. “Of course you can eat it, enjoy!”. Not a second later, the Rainbow Dash started to devour the slice of cake. It made loud “mmmmm” sounds as it nommed on a huge mouthful of cake. “So, Rainbow Dash, you have a lot of friends, right? I hear that friendship is kind of a big deal for you.”
The Rainbow Dash spoke with partially chewed cake still crammed in its mouth, sending nasty food coloring laced globs of spit everywhere. “Wes! Wainbow Dashie hab suuuu many fwiends in Ponyviwwe! Dews Fwuttahshy, dey am da Ewement of Kindness. Dey am su bestest wiff cwittews! An’ den dews Pinky Pie, dey am daw Ewement of Waughtew an’ am su—”. Ellie pulled the microphone away and cut the rainbow stink chimney off mid sentence.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s great, we know who they are. So let me ask you this, Rainbow Dash, how would you like to meet one of my friends?”. The Fluffy had its face down on the plate and was wetly licking up the crumbs and frosting flecks. “Wewwy?! Wes, Wainbow Dashie wouwd wuv tu meet one Ewwies fwiends! Wainbow Dashie wuv fwiendship su much cos’ fwiendship am su much awesome! Jus wike Wainbow Dashie am awesome, yeah! Hahahaha!” The Rainbow Dash hopped in excitement, before suddenly freezing up and then dashing off.
“Uh-oh, Wainbow Dashie am habbin’ happy poopies! Nee wittahbox noaw! Nee wittahbox!”. The Rainbow Dash ran to the litter box in adorable little trot while making grunting sounds and farting. The camera quickly flicked back to Ellie before the little blue Fluffy starts shitting. “So, let’s meet my friend!”. Walter Payton couldn’t stop clapping its hoof caps, giggling, drooling, and pissing into its diaper. “Yaahahaha! Nu fwiend! Nu fwiend! Su excited tu see-pwace nu fwiend!”
The camera made a jump cut and the scene completely changed. Ellie was standing next to another woman who was wearing a motocross racing jersey and protective pads and they were standing in some sort of garage. Mechanics could be seen in the background wrenching on a Honda dirt bike. The woman was blonde with a long braid and Ellie was wearing an oversized FOX motocross jersey with the extra material tied in a knot in front of her waist.
“This is my friend Abby Anderson. Introduce yourself, Abby Anderson.”. The woman laughed. “Hi, I’m Abby Anderson.” she said with a wave as both women laughed. “No, no but seriously, though, tell us who you are and what you do.”. Abby shifted her weight. “Ha. Uh, alright, so, my name is Abby Anderson. I’m a two time back to back Monster Energy AMA Supercross champion, I won it, uh, in 2021 and 2022 respectively. That’s my bike back there, Honda CRF, it’s a 450 because I run with the big boys.”. Abby smirked.
“Oh yes, and what exactly are you going to be doing today?”. Abby started to slip on her O’Neal riding gloves. “I’m gonna help a shitrat fly!”. A montage of mechanics putting the final touches on the bike and Abby taking some practice laps around the stadium starting playing. Walter Payton groaned. “Dis am jus stoopie vwoom-vwooms! Nu cawe bout’ dummeh twu ciwcwe vwoom-vwoom! Wan hab bettah fun dan dis! Wewe am Ewwie?” said Walter Payton impatiently.
The camera reveals that Ellie and Abby are at US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It’s early in the morning and the stadium is empty, it’s configured with tons of dirt in the Supercross track layout for the upcoming round of the championship. Ellie had the Rainbow Dash standing up on a plastic folding table in the pits. The Fluffy was afraid of the noise of the power tools and the Honda CRF dirt bike was making it nervous. Its lower eyelids were slightly cocked. Ellie was holding a Dewalt Diarrheadam Balloon in her hand with a smile.
“We’re going in deep. Real deep.’ Ellie said with a laugh. With a sudden blair of noise, the song Masses of a Dying Breed by Miss May I started playing. Walter Payton screeched. “Scwee! Tuu woud! Wawtah Payton nu wike, angies, yukiest music!”. Walter Payton hurriedly threw off its headphones, its eyes glistening with thick tears that slid down its muzzle and off its blue roan nostrils. Still crying, it looked back up at the screen.
Ellie was visually laughing as she slathered a glob of Trojan sexual lubricant all over the Dierrheadam. The device was an incredibly simple design, consisting of a small silicone epistaxis surgical balloon that fed from a five foot rubber tube connected to a hand pump. “Take a deep breath, Rainbow Dash.” “Ewwie, Wainbow Dashie am nu wike dis pwace. It am nu pwetty an’ tu woud an’ Wainbow Dashie nu wike! Wan gu’ back tu Cwoudsdawe!”
Rainbow Dash made a loud squeal as Ellie shoved the uninflated Diarrheadam up its asshole. A few spirts of mushy shit slipped past Ellie’s hand as she pulled her hand out of the orifice and carefully fed the rubber tube between her fingers as she pulled it out. “SCWEEE! Wai Ewwie put ting in Wainbow Dashie’s poopie pwace? Su huwties! Feew wike nee make huwties poopies but nu can come out! Huuu, huuu! Dis am nu coow ow awesome at aww! Huuu! Wan ting out of poopie pwace! Huuuuuuuuu!”
Walter Payton wretched and dry heaved as it cried at the sight of a rubber hose coming out of Rainbow Dash’ ass. “Nuuuuhuhu! Wai Ewwie keep gibbin’ huwties! Nu wan huwties teebee show nu mow! Huuuuu! Cheep, cheep, cheep!”. A big splatter of shit hit the inside of Walter Payton’s diaper. Its hind was getting completely caked in shit and piss inside the diaper and urgently needed a change. “Daddeh! Nee Daddeh! Cheep! Cheep! Pwease com an tuwn scawies teebee off! Wawtah Payton su sowwie fow bweakin’ da wuwes bout’ da iPad! Nee changie! Huuu!”
Inside his bedroom, Daddy rolled over onto his back with a woman from the bar who most certainly was not Walter Payton’s mommy clutched on top of him. She kissed his forehead. “I thought you said that crapchick was asleep?”
On Daddy’s nightstand was a Fluffysense digital audio foal monitor. Its chunky white plastic shell was blaring the earsplitting cries of Walter Payton.
““Daddeh! Nee Daddeh! Cheep! Cheep! Pwease com an tuwn scawies teebee off! Wawtah Payton su sowwie fow bweakin’ da wuwes bout—”. Daddy clicked the foal monitor off mid-sentence. “Fucking Walter, I told it not to watch /fluff. Now, where were we?”
Still laughing, the Miss May I still blasting, Ellie pumped up the hand pump a few times until she felt a good resistance. Inside Rainbow Dash’s colon, the Diarrheadam inflated in the large intestine and put a strong, sealing pressure against it. It was immensely painful to the Fluffy recipient but was a certified way to block all Fluffy solid waste excretion for up to forty eight hours. Ellie twisted off the quick release on the rubber hose and with a small trail if blood the end of the rubber hose shot out of the Rainbow Dash’s asshole and plopped onto the folding table. Ellie, Abby, and the unseen cameraman all started laughing as the Rainbow Dash started rubbing its ass on the table. “Huuu! Huuu! Feew wike nee make poopies su bad but nu poopies comin’! Wainbow Dashie nee make huwties fawties tuuuhuhu! Wai Ellie haffta put ting in der! A twue fwiend wouwd nebah du tis tu Wainbow Dashie’s poopie pwace! Pwease Spitfiwe! Pwease Wondahbowts! Hewp Wainbow Dashie fwy way! Huuu!”
Ellie mockingly scratched under Rainbow Dash’s chin. “Awww, you wanna fly, huh? You wanna fly away from here and take a big shit? Hahaha!”. Abby walked on screen, now fully kitted with her gloves, helmet and pads, and gave the Rainbow Dash a punch across the face, causing it to flop to its side and cry. “I’m Abby Anderson, and today I’m gonna fly like a Wonderbolt with Rainbow Dash! Let’s fucking go!”
Walter Payton started sucking on its heart shaped hoof and blowing snot bubbles. “Daddeh? Wai nu comin? Pwease, Wawtah Payton nu wan wook, but nu wan Ewwie tu gib Wawtah Payton fowevbah sweepies! Huuu, pwease com sabe babbeh, Daddeh!”
The screen cut to Abby on her Honda 450 out in the stadium. She was rearing to take off and revving up the bike while hanging on the clutch. Ellie ran out on the track, Rainbow Dash tucked under her arm crying and a roll of duct tape in her hand, and placed the screaming Fluffy on the rear fender of the bike, just off the back of the seat. Ellie quickly ran the roll of duct tape around Rainbow Dash about fifteen time, taping the fuzzy fart factory down horizontally again the rear fender. The screen then made a jump to several minutes prior and Ellie is candidly interviewing Abby as she is fasting her Alpinestars helmet on.
“So you think the weight of the Fluffy is gonna throw off your balance in the air?”
“Fuck yes it is, this is gonna suck.” Both girls shared laugh.
The camera cut back to a close up of Rainbow Dash’s face now duct taped down on the rear of the bike. It was in complete misery, its face contorted into a ugly cry, its eyes wet and bloodshot. It was desperately flapping its wings in a blur and jiggling its legs trying to get free, and it kept coughing and gagging because the exit to the exhaust pipes were right below its face. Abby laid on the throttle with the clutch engaged to get the engine RPMs up, then let it go and shot off with a spray of dirt and Fluffy pee.
The music changed to Hardwired by Metallica as Abby started showing off her skills on the Supercross track. The Rainbow Dash was painfully bounced against the fender on the whoops section and slapped in the face with firm chunks of dirt as Abby leaned her weight into a tight corner. With every jump, Abby preloaded the bike’s suspension and got wicked air. The Rainbow Dash was petrified, screaming at the top of its lungs as it soared through the air and leaving hilarious wavy trails of piss behind the bike.
The music lowers its volume and the camera changed to show Ellie, bent over and red faced from laughter, as the Rainbow Dash’s little high pitched voice can be heard screaming as Abby flew by on the straight section Ellie was side lined at.
“SCCCCCCWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee” was the only sound as Abby passed by the cameras at high speed.
Walter Payton started bawling and tipped over onto its back, shooting a huge, gooey and mushy wave of shit out of the top of its diaper and painting its entire back, a portion of its mane, and its Paw Patrol blanket with nasty foal shit. “STOP, HUUU! STOP DOIN’ DAT TU WAINBOW DASHIE, HUUHUUHU! WAI DADDEH STIWW NU HEWP BABBEH! HUUUU, HUUU! WAI EWWIE SU MEANIEEEEEEHEHEHE!”
As the segment winds down, Abby skidded her bike to a halt and flung up some dirt up at the camera. She looked back over her shoulder to glance at the traumatized Rainbow Dash. “So, what did you think? Am I good enough to fly with the Wonderbolts?”. All the Rainbow Dash could do is hyperventilate, flap its wings, and piss.
To Walter Payton’s horror, the camera switched over to another close up of Rainbow Dash, this time tightly and uncomfortably clutched between Ellies hands. Several mechanics and few other riders showed up to watch and were giggling and snickering at the distressed Fluffy. Tears were running down its face endlessly and it was pissing all over its teats.
Abby had the bike running, it was held up off the ground on the mechanics service stand and she was very carefully holding the throttle open, enough so the rear wheel was spinning at a pretty decent speed. Suddenly, two ticker bars scrolled across the top and bottom of the screen that read:
Ellie looked into the camera. “This is the Honda Pillowing Machine.”. With laughter all around, Ellie tightly gripped the left hind leg of the Rainbow Dash and painfully pulled it down and straight as far as the Fluffy’s joints would let it. Keeping the leg locked straight at the knee, she slowly started to move to the rapidly spinning spokes on the rear wheel of Abby’s bike. “NU! NU! EWWIE PWEASE STOP DOIN’ DIS! WAINBOW DASHIE THOUGHT EWWIE AM TWUE FWIEND! HHUUHUUU! PWEASE STOP EWWIE, WAINBOW DASHIE WUV OU’! WAINBOW DASHIE AM EWWIE’S FWIEND!! PWEASE!! NUU! WAN KEEP WEEGIE!!!”
Ignoring the danger of it all, Ellie quickly shoved the Rainbow Dash’s leg into the spinning wheel and then quickly pulled it back out. A huge spinning fan of pulpy blood mixed with light blue fluff was flung across the entire bike and splattering Ellie, even getting a few specs on Abby’s butt.
Ellie repeated the process with the other rear leg, almost losing a finger in the process from the shit sprinkler struggling. There was blood painted everywhere. As Abby shut off the engine the camera zoomed in on drops of Fluffy blood falling off the rear fender and big chunks of pink tissue and muscle strands mushed into the spokes. Both of the Rainbow Dash’s rear legs were pulverized in paste and the smell spreader was left with two jagged stumps that desperately needed to be cleaned, trimmed, and cauterized. Ellie casually threw the Rainbow Dash over her shoulder and off camera in a trail of piss and blood as she went to mingle with Abby.
“What a mess, huh?”
There is a brief few seconds of Ellie and Abby in a shower together covered in soap suds before quickly switching to Ellie seated back in the Cloudsdale safe room. She was wearing another goth-styled outfit and sitting on a more appropriately sized human chair this time.
“Now, if that wasn’t awesome I don’t know what is. I hope Rainbow Dash had fun. Hey, Dashie! What did you think of meeting my friend Abby?” said Ellie with her hand cupped over her mouth.
The camera panned over to Rainbow Dash who was laying on the floor. Its rear legs had been properly pillowed now, leaving two fleshy stumps with cross-shaped scars on them. Its wings drooped low, motionless, and sad. Its eyes didn’t stop staring at the carpet and periodically it would perform a very loud and forced sigh of depression. A Fluffy diaper with a large shit stain on the back of it was slipped around Rainbow Dash’s barrel and it meagerly and blankly nudged a Hot Wheels toy car back and forth with one of its two remaining legs.
Rainbow Dash said nothing.
“Well, I don’t know about you, Rainbow Dash, but all the Fluffy abuse made me hungry. How about a snack?”. Once again, a stage hand brought out Ellie a piece of cake on a plate, the kind from before that was Rainbow Dash’s favorite. “There’s only one piece left, but I’ll share it with you because that’s what friends do! Just come over here and take a nibble.”. Elle held the plate out in front of her.
The Rainbow Dash perked up, it stopped looking at the carpet and made a glance at Ellie. “…Ewwie mean it? Ewwie stiww fwend? Wainbow Dashie can num?”
“You sure can, of course I’m your friend. All you gotta do is run over here! You showed me how fast you run, remember?”. With a deep breath, the Rainbow Dash positioned itself and started to pull itself forward with only its front legs. It grunted, strained, and gritted its teeth as it tried with all its might to pull itself to the cake. It could smell the sugar and food coloring. With a lick of its drooling lips it pressed on until it couldn’t anymore, barely two feet away from where it started. The Rainbow Dash broke down in tears.
“Huuuuuhuhu! Miss weggies su much! Wainbow Dashie wish couwd wun gain’. Noaw am most usewess Fwuffy I’m awwa Cwoudsdawe! Huhuhu! Wan weggies!! Huuuuuuuhuuuhuuuhuu!”
Ellie started to eat the cake herself. “Well fine you stupid shitrat, I’ll eat it all myself.
Anyway. That’s all we have today on FluffRump!” Ellie got up from her chair and walked over to the sobbing Rainbow Dash. “Until next time my beautiful freaks, losers, and abusers!”. Ellie took the fork she was eating the cake with and jabbed it into the Rainbow Dash’s left eye.
As the camera focused on the Rainbow Dash rolling on its back with the fork stuck in its eye, bleeding over the white carpet, the credits rolled to the sound of it screaming bloody murder in agony. Walter Payton was practically crying just as hard. It was completely painted in its own shit and piss and its diaper was blown out. It kicked its rear legs as it cried on its back. “Daddeh! Daddeh! Daddeh! Daddeh! Babby nee Daddeh su bad huhuhuhuhu! Nevah won watch teebee gain’! Nevah won iPad gain’!! DADDEH!!”
Suddenly, Walter Payton felt a great pain in its barrel. It started to grasp at its rapidly rising and falling barrel. It’s left front leg was impaled by a piercing hot pain. “CHEEP! CHEEP! CHEEP! CHEEP! WAH HAPPIN’!? CHEEP! CHEEP! HAB WOWSTEST HEAWT HUWTIES!!! BABBEH NU CAN TAKE DA HUWTIES! CHEEEEEP! DAAAAAAADDDEEEHHHHH!!!”
Walter Payton was experiencing trauma-induced cardiac arrest. The natural high blood pressure of Fluffies combined with their physically small-sized heart made them all quite susceptible to heart attacks, with the risk doubled in foals and chirpies. Its barrel collapsed with an indescribable burning pain and its front left leg felt as though it was pillowed. With labored and gasping breaths, Walter Payton went limp. A single airy fart escaped from between its asshole flaps and salvia started to pool out its agape little mouth. Walter Payton died terrified, traumatized, in immense agony, covered in its own stinking shit, silently in its mind being swaddled by Daddy.
The glow of the iPad illuminated the dead foal’s body in the dim safe room.