The Many fluffies of Coalheart's Fluffy Shelter for the Abused (Artist:Coalheart)

Coalheart was one of the earliest artists in the fluffy pony fandom. Though he didn’t start in the early 4chan phase, he did join not too long after it, and was involved in the huge mega project that was The Fall of Cleveland. A prominent hugboxer, Coalheart also ran a concept known as The Fluffy Shelter for the Abused. The idea was that readers of his tumblr would pitch different ideas for abused fluffies, and Coalheart would draw them as rescued members of his shelter.

Coalheart stopped drawing from the fluffy pony fandom in 2014. Not too long after that, he stopped being active on his tumblr and deviantart. It is highly likely that he has moved to a new name.

@LordAnubis would later write a greentext about the Shelter. You can read it here.

Coalheart’s shelter plays an important role in Chapter 7 of the Sam Adams Guide, which also pays tribute to the concept. I also featured Crush with BDB’s Circuit in the crossover fic, Circuit meets Crush


this is witchcraft


How so?

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To think her eyes and tongue are still there.

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This was sooo good! Thank you! And thanks for the heads up on it @Oculusfluffy :slight_smile:

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Aww, I’ll take them all!