The Mayfair pack, part 2. (Shadowfox)

The orange mummah with her front legs broken stared at the tiny foal being held out to her, more than a little baffled. The black and grey munsta fluffies had chased down her family, killed most of her babbehs and her special friend….for this? The little filly waved her hooves cheerfully at her when the munsta stallion set her down, and Cheeseball stared. She smelled…off. Not exactly like a runt or a bad babbeh, but not like a good babbeh either, with a bit of something sharp and like kitty-munstas. But all of them smelled just a little off like that. Her tumble of curled brown mane tangled into the pinfeathers of her wings as wide golden eyes stared right back up at her, as the peach brown foal wobbled up to her feet. “Hewwo! Am Wissette! Nicey fwuffy am gib miwkies?”
The purple babbeh on her back made a soft, crying sound as she cuddled into her bright orange bestest brother, and Cheeseball snorted warningly at the little wingie attempting to nose touch her. “Miwkies am fo’ Cheezbaww babbehs….bu’ udda babbeh can hab wittw miwkies afta.” There was a sound somewhere between a doggiemunsta’s growl and a kittymunsta’s hiss from the big munstas, but no movements, and Cheeseball slowly, painfully levered herself over so her last babbehs could crawl down and have their share of milkies before the munsta’s poopie wingie could have what was left. She couldn’t hug them with her leggies broken, but they could cuddle into her fluff and her milkie places and have food.
The tiny foal ignored the snort, leaning in to nuzzle up along Cheeseball’s side almost as trustingly as she would one of her uncles. When she reached the other foals, she started to nuzzle them as well, only for the orange one, already bigger than she was, to kick back with a soft hoof. “Bestes’ babbeh nu dun yet. Dun wan shawe miwkies.”
Lissette tumbled back onto her haunches, huffing in confusion as she rubbed where the hoof had landed. “Bu’…was gun gib huggies. Hab miwkies when babbeh dun.”

“Cheesebaww can gib babbeh miwkies fiwst dis time. If nu nuff miwkies left fo’ Wissette, den Wissette hab miwkies fiwst next time.” Calixte rumbled, stepping warily closer. “Ow….”
“Nex’ time?” Cheeseball looked up at the older stallions for a moment. “Ou’ say Cheeze baww can gu afta gib poopie babbeh miwkies” There was a far more noticeable snarl at that from the males, and she flinched back, just as the purple foal finished and let Lissette take her place.
“Afta’ Wissette hab miwkies. Wissette stiww nee’ miwkies fo’ a few mowe bwite times.” Sylvin corrected, eyeing the orange mare with broken legs. “Cheezebaww can twy weabe befowe if wan.”
She half tried to lever herself up at that, dropping back with a soft cry. Until her leggies stopped being meanies, she couldn’t leave. She was stuck here with these munstas and the little poopie foal. The latter kept nursing as Cheeseball snuffled to herself, the purple foal cuddling up into her fluff. Well, at least the babbeh was nicey if not pretty, and not a munsta like some of these.
Just as she finished that thought, she felt something harder against her teat as the babbeh nuzzled in, something pointy under that curly mane. A sinking feeling in her heart, she twisted as best she could, licking the curls a little flatter…to find the tiny pointy under them. “MU–” she started to yell, only to freeze as that biggest munsta grabbed her bestest again, dangling him as he cried and swung his hooves. “…munsta poopie babbeh stiww get miwkies? Cheezbaww be nicey!” her bestest was set down next to her again, and she groomed him frantically, trying to ignore the tiny danger drinking from her milkie places, cuddled in with her purple foal.

They brought her nummies, or the silver munsta did. Berries and green nummie grass, set in her reach as the tiny fillies fluff piled against her and her bestest went back to drinking and cuddling against her miwkie places. Meanwhile, the other munstas busied themselves, dragging clumps of grass and leaves into the sheltered safe place to make better nesties.
And one by one, stepping out of the safeplace, returning licking traces of booboo juice off their faces. When the tiny munsta woke a little, they nudged her away from cheeseball, dropping tiny, chewed and ripped apart shreds of …something red, licking and grooming her as she pounced and chewed at the nummies she was given before they let her cuddle back into the pile.

It didn’t take long for the pack to start getting shorter with the trio of normal fluffies. Cheeseball refused to make the chubby bestest from eating his fill every chance he had, no matter what that meant for her other foal. And more importantly, Lissette. There was still enough milk for all three foals, but that was partly due to Sylvin frequently ignoring the mare’s screeches to grab the orange ball and move him out of the way for the others. He almost felt sorry for the stallion that the others had dragged back as food, if he’d had to deal with this to get a full litter fed.

Not that anything else was making this easier. The grass and leaf nests they’d made up for themselves were nothing like the soft beddies they’d had with the lab humans, and it was colder at night. There was no teebee, no toys. No mares to court or even special huggie- stuffies to make their lumps feel better. Add that in with the orange mare’s almost constant whining, and tempers were fraying fast. Rowan blamed Julian for not finding humans to take them back yet. Calixte wanted to go explore and see if they could find their own way back, and wasn’t happy Julian didn’t want him to go alone. Leon wanted to at least get rid of the foals, before Lissette playing with the purple foal gave her the wrong idea. And Geroud was hinting at there being an easy and present solution to their aching lumps.
Julian and Cal had shut him down hard on that. No bad enfies, even on a nummy fluffy. When she’d served her purpose, she could go. If her legs had healed.
Or they could eat her, which would solve the problem of her telling other nummy fluffies about them.

Intro After the Pack- A demonfluff sequel. [Shadowfox]
First- A new Pack- chapter the first. Mayfair (Shadowfox)