The Micro's Land Tank [inspired by: Scum] (by: Beast)

Thank you @Scum for the idea!

I learned through this piece that I am not that good at drawing scorpions.


Hope it wont treat em as food supply :sweat_smile:


The scorpion and the frog 2: The scorpion and the micros.

“If I let you ride on my back, how can I trust you won’t poop on me?”

“Dummeh stingy fwend! fwuffies wouwdn’t make poopies on 'ou. If we did, we wouwd get poopies.”

“Makes sense.”

SpongeBob style time card

“Stingy fwend needs to wawk fastew! sowwy poopies!”

“You lying little fuck! I’ll kill you!”

Micros are brutally stung and clamped to death


“lol” said the scorpion, “lmao”




Can you imagine any smarty stupidly trying to step up to them?

Also Mega cute.


Dey be ded. Also yas it so adorable I wanna see an army do an uprising against an abuser.


Go full on Dune on them sons of fluffbitches

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OMG so fucking cute!

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That is how scorpions carry their own young, so maybe it thinks they are its babies?

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Immediately thought about the fable, scrolled down, found this.

You are a scholar and a gentleman, good Sir.

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Personally I like the version where at the end the scorpion says “I can swim.” Not sure how that’d translate here.

Fun fact about scorpions: the less strong the pincers, the more potent the venom. The emporer scorpion has very weak venom, so it has huge pincers.


When their friend get hungry he don’t get forward, but take first a fast snack. Than is “stingie-fwend” no “fwend” any more.

Sorry for replying to old comment :sweat_smile:
The mother scorpion does not feed her babies like birds or other maternal animals, but she does carry and protect them until they are able to hunt for themselves. Unless, of course, she gets too hungry and cant find in which case she no longer recognizes the small arachnids are her babies and eats them but this is a last resort for scorpion. Also when scorpion young mature to explore themselves they are encouraged to leave their mothers because if they stick around too long they will get eaten.
Also there are some species if scorpion that eat the mothers or kill an insect and let their brood eat it.

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