the micro baby page 1 [fixed] (by Ms_Random)

it a sewing needle, the same one used to stitch his eyes shut


Bubblegum has such a beautiful colour scheme! She deserves to have a nice baby to look after, this is so nice for her! Now all this horrid little stallion has to do is not fuck up.

: )

What app are you using for the text?

It’s always a great idea to give the text a border, that helps a lot when reading. Also if you don’t wanna do speech bubbles you can " color code" the text with the colour of the fluffy speaking

But he will be driven mad cuz of the fact he seems paralysed from tge waist down and blind and kinda mute… that and no bowel control.

heheheh paint i use the basic paint at come with all PCs for my art, tho I’m sure I could work some back outline for them. I’ll keep this in mind for next page

the perfect baby then

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What comic is this from?

Do you have either word or excel? You can insert word art on top of images that way.

This And This

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Thank you :blush:

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How did he get muted without stitching his mouth shut?

have Word and didn’t know I could use it that way . . .

damage the voice box and remove all the teeth

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Oh, right. Because “babbehs nu hab teefies, nu can gib bities”, right? If he’s gonna be a “gud wittew babbeh”, he needs to have bare gums.

at and new born aren’t normally born with teeth (depend on the animal) it would seem the same for fluffies


I was too dumb to pirate photoshop but tech literate enough as a teen back in the 2000s to figure out the most bootleg ways to jerry rig meme text.

It can be a bit tedious compared to the paint text but there is a whole menu for customizing word art too

ok. . . huh

I don’t want to sound like I’m pressuring you to do it. It just sounds easier than doing manual black outlines in paint.

wasn’t what i was thinking, i was gonna make the words bigger then I wanted, and then put the the color I wanted over it a bit smaller, over it


The micro shitrat get what he deserves.

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