Jack woke up on the couch in the early morning, having fallen asleep on the spot after the previous night. Jack had rescued a feral fluffy and its foal from the cold winter night. The two of them indeed would have died if not for Jack’s help.
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and quietly made his way to the guest room, where he had put the mare and its foal to rest.
Jack slowly opened the door. The mare was still sleeping, now looking healthy and cooing as she laid curled up with her foal in the thick blankets. The foal was snuggled into its mother’s fur and also slept peacefully, now being the first time in its life where it wasn’t cold or in danger.
Jack closed the door, deciding to let them sleep – making his way into the kitchen and a coffee to start the day. It was a Friday so he didn’t have to go to work and thus could spend the day deciding what to do with the feral fluffies he had taken in.
Jack didn’t want to keep them, but he also wasn’t heartless as to force them back into the wild, especially with snow now engulfing the outside – winter having officially introduced itself. Jack thought about just giving them to an animal shelter where they could be adopted, but the risk of an abuser buying them was high – which was a fate Jack didn’t want to grant to these fluffies, considering that the mare was so polite and loving to its foal.
It was the first time Jack had met a polite fluffy, most fluffies just wanting things and being selfish, but not her. She didn’t ask for ‘sketties’ or a ‘nyu daddeh.’ Which surprised Jack quite a bit when they had first met, but he guessed just like with humans, some fluffies were assholes and others were polite.
Jack thought for a second that maybe he would just keep them, but that idea was quickly abandoned. Fluffies took a lot of work, especially foals – people having to continually keep an eye on their fluffies so that they didn’t do anything stupid and give them attention and love as they’d become depressive quickly if they even had the slightest thought of being ignored. And for someone like Jack that loved his work and spend many hours at his office, it wasn’t even an option to keep a fluffy.
But just as Jack sat down to drink his coffee, another idea came to him. The mare he had taken in was a rare one – an entirely navy blue pegasi mare. He could potentially sell her for quite a bit of money, and she could even get pregnant, meaning that she’d fetch even more money just off that fact. The foal, on the other hand, was just a typical green earthie filly, nothing special compared to its mother.
Jack pondered for a while, debating in his head which was the best option for him and the fluffies when he suddenly heard a noise outside.
“Bestest-nummies smawty find!” an annoying voice spoke from his back yard. Jack quickly standing up and looking outside.
Two fluffies were standing in his garden, eating away at his lawn: a plumb purple unicorn mare and a bright red pegasi stallion with a black mane. Jack just watched the fluffies in annoyance.
“Did I turn into a fucking fluffy magnet or what?” Jack muttered as he took a sip of his coffee.
It wasn’t unusual for fluffies to break into peoples gardens, eat their grass and shit everywhere, but the last time that had happened to him was about 3 months ago. But now, just yesterday, a mare and its foal had appeared in his garden, and now another pair.
Jack’s attention was brought to the dark purple unicorn, it rubbing its belly now after having eaten a bit.
“Bestest-nummies fow bestest tummy-babbehs!” It said. Jack only now realizing that it was so plumb because it was pregnant and that the red pegasi next to it were most likely its ‘Special-Friend’ as fluffies called their mates.
“Smawty fwind bestest-nummies fow bestest special-fwiend! Hewd nu mowe hungwy fank tu smawty!” The red stallion said all proud of himself.
Jack listened to the smarties words with an open mouth and annoyed expression.
“Oh…hell…no!” Jack thought to himself. The smarty wanted to tell his apparent herd and bring them here for food, and there was no way Jack was going to allow a group of fluffies to destroy his garden by eating all of the grass and shitting everywhere.
Jack watched as the two fluffies walked away into the white forest. Jack quickly putting his mug down and opening the door, having decided to follow them and see how big that ‘herd’ was.
Jack slowly followed the fluffies, staying behind them and had decided to remain low as to not catch their attention. It was cold outside, but luckily he had his thick jacket on which kept him warm in the cold wind that blew gently through the forest. After following the two fluffies, the two of them stopping, Jack seeing the herd.
It was a group of six fluffies. There were four earthie fluffies; one yellow and green stallion, one completely dark purple mare, two completely pink mares, of which one looked pregnant, and two brown fluffies – a unicorn mare and its foal, which had no horn. The foal wasn’t as young as the one Jack had at home, its eyes open and playing in the snow.
“Fwuffy cowd!” The red stallions mate complained, “Nu gud fow tummy-babbehs!”
“Nu wowwies, Smawty fwind bestest-nummies an pwace fow hewd and soon-mummahs!” The red stallion proudly announced to the herd, his head high—the entire herd cheering in glee.
Jack watched them for a while. After the initial excitement from the smarties news, they had finally calmed down and were resting now. The red and black smarty was sleeping next to the purple and blue unicorn mare. The other fluffies all slept in a group, all squished together to preserve warmth, the brown unicorn mare sleeping alone with her foal away from the group.
Jack decided to go back but already had thought of a way to get rid of these fluffies. He knew if he would just chase them away when they came, they would only return eventually, so he had to use a different way.
He returned home, walking towards the guest room the two fluffies he had saved were in for now. Jack opened the door, the navy blue pegasi mare lying in bed he had made, its foal drinking from its teet.
“Hewwo nice mistuh!” The blue pegasi greeted him happily, her tail wagging. “Fank yu fow saving mummah and chiwpy-bebbeh fwom cowd-time, fwuffy vewy gwatefuw!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Jack responded, walking into the room and closing the door, “Do you need anything? Food, water?” Jack asked the fluffy.
“Nice mistuh hav nummies fow mummah?” The mare asked with wide eyes, “Mummah nu hav enuf nummies tu feed babbeh enuf!” She said sadly, looking at her baby as it finished drinking and snuggled back into its mother’s fur, cooing.
“Sure, I can get you something!” Jack replied, standing up and leaving the room.
Jack didn’t know what fluffies exactly ate he thought as he walked into the kitchen. He had heard that fluffies basically ate everything edible, but this one had a baby and thus most likely needed more nutrients.
Jack scanned through the cupboard and fridge, finding a few fruits and vegetables. Jack diced them into small bite-size pieces and placed them in a bowl, making his way back to the guest room.
Jack opened the door and walked into it, the bown in his hand. Placing it in front of the fluffy. The fluffy looked at the bowl filled with fruits and vegetables with big sparkling eyes that quickly flicked between the bowl and Jack.
“Mummah can hav these nummies?” She asked, excited but also unsure.
“Yeah, that’s why I brought it after all!” Jack replied, not understanding the fluffies logic.
The fluffy sniffed the fruits carefully and after a second, dug in.
“These nummies awe su gud!” She spoke with a mouth full of fruits, a small tear of joy rolling down her cheek, “Fank yu su much!”
Jack gave her an awkward smile, not sure how he should react in this situation. Leaving the room and the fluffy to the full bowl of fruits.
Jack made his way to the front door and put on his shoes, going outside and inside his car. He drove for a while, after about ten minutes, reaching his local fluffy store. Jack parked in the parking lot and walking inside the store.
Inside it looked a lot like his local Walmart. A few shopping carts all rowed up by the entrance and huge signs hung up on the ceiling, indicating what each section was and what it had. The first few signs he read were, ‘Fluffies For Sale’, ‘Disciplining Fluffies’, ‘Fluffy Food’, and ‘Fun For The Whole Family.’
Jack pondered, not knowing in which section the thing he was looking for was in. An employee walking up to him.
“Can I help you?” The employe asked with a smile.
It was a girl, probably around eighteen to nineteen years old, wearing the bright blue shirt with ‘Fluffy-Mart’ written on it in big, bold letters.
“Yeah, my fluffy has a hard time sleeping, and I wanted to know if you have something for me to put in her food to sleep easier and better!” Jack replied.
“Yes, we do have something for that. Follow me!” She said, starting to walk. Jack following her quickly.
She brought him to a section called ‘Bye-Bye Sick Fluffies’, which was located in the back of the store.
“Here is what you’re looking for. On the packages are the dosage and description on how long they will sleep for with each dosage amount!” She explained, “If you need any help just tell me, my names Sarah!”
“Will do!” Jack answered, giving her a smile as she walked away.
Jack looked around the shelves, there being dozens of packages for fluffies with fever, stomach pain, diarrhoea, colds and etc. Finally finding what he looked for – a small box saying “Good Sleep for Good Fluffies’, it was medication for fluffies to make them fall asleep and help them with insomnia.
Jack took the package off the shelve and made his way to the counter, on the way picking up a few other items as well – once having paid for all of it, making his way back into the parking lot and driving home.
Grinning a bit as he recited his plan again in his head.