The Notes You Don't Play: By Stwumpo

The fluffy park is the happiest place you know of.

You are a brown Pegasus named Arthur. You live in the woods nearby with your special friend and your seven babbehs. Humans here aren’t scary or mean, they’re fun! They love fluffies, and they give huggies and good upsies to everyone!

It’s still early, and the grassy nummies still have sleepy wawa on them. You love getting up early like this. The big bright thing in the pretty sky is still being dummeh, but it’s been waking up earlier and earlier lately. That must be why the cold times started getting better, you reckon.

As you prance through the soggy morning grassies, the cool spray of tiny wawa licks at you. It tickles! You always love running around in the fun wet grassies, but you’ve got a job to do.

Well, okay, “job.”

You’re getting good nummies for your family. Your special friend needs bestest nummies for bestest milkies! Your babbehs were so chirpy and so thirsty all the time, but it was okay. There’s enough food in the park, and you have a knack for stacking nummies on your back. As you tromp around playing with butterflies, you keep an eye open for pretty flower nummies. Before long, you spot a tuft of dandelions! Hooray! You say goobai to your new butterfly friend as you get as much as you can carry to head home.

As you arrive in the burrow by the big tree, your babbehs have started waking up. “Hooway! Mummah, daddeh bwing nummies!” Your Special Friend Bridget looks up, and the sight of you fills her heart with glee, just like it always has. “Wub Speshaw Fwen! Awthuh am bestest daddeh fow mummah Bwidget bestest babbehs! Wub famiwy!” Tears in your eyes, you clumsily bounded your way to them, collapsing in a giggling, writhing fluffpile of huggies and love. This place is perfect. It is the happiest place you’ve ever known, and it’s exactly what you’d dreamed of when you escaped meanie daddeh and met Bridget. You have your perfect life, and you get to see your babbehs grow up.

. … … … … …

… … … … … .

From the bushes nearby, a fluffy watched.

“Tendawoin wan gif enfies tu pwetty mawe.”


That’s right bitch it was a Tenderloin story the whole time

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