The pack - Week 8, first contact video clips- Aurora. (6) by: Shadowfox

Week 8 video footage.

First clip- Thursday, 11am, Aurora, room C

Small, rubber matted room, outfitted with the bare trappings of a safe room. Litterbox, waterbottle, a scattering of soft blocks and a single ball. The door opens, and a short woman with dark blue hair carries a large fluffy into the room, setting her down and leaving with a pat to the head. The golden fluffy glanced after her in confusion, looking around with something like a sneer before nosing at the ball in a desultory fashion. Her disdainful expression only deepened when the door opened again and a smaller, struggling fluffie was brought in by the scruff of its neck by a skinny ginger man.

The grey unicorn with neon green mane landed a soft hoofed kick to the human’s wrist, and was promptly dropped, more from irritation than any real effort. When the door was slammed behind her, she struggled to her feet, looking around with far more disdain than the demonfluff. “Wat dis poopies?” She demanded, stomping her hooves. “Cweo wan go home! Dummeh hoomin come back an’ take Cweo home! Cweo wan pwopaw saf’woom an’” The fluffie finally noticed the other inhabitant of the room, and shrieked. “Munsta fwuffie! Dummeh hoomin come back an sab Cweo! Hoomin! Nyu daddeh, pwease! Cweo wuv ou, pwease!”

Aurora had stopped playing with the ball, watching the new fluffy with a puzzled expression as the grey fluffy pounded at the door fruitlessly. “Hewwo?” she finally asked, hesitantly stepping towards the blubbering mare. “Fwuffy nyu fwiend fow Auwowa? Wan pway baww?”

“Fwiend? Cweo nebaw be fwiend wit…” Cleo started to yell, only to quiet, maybe coming to a new decision about the threat level the apparent alicorn posed. “Dummeh munsta fwuffie gib aww toysies and nummies, and Cweo nu gib huwties.” was her eventual answer.

Aurora’s eyes narrowed at that, and she pushed the ball further behind her. “Toysies aww Auwowa’s, an’ nu nummies in toysie woom. Auwowa mayb’ shawe, if Cweo ask pwetty. Shado’ says wule tu be pway nice. Sewestwia says be nice tuu, an’ Sewestwia bestest pwincess.”

“Cweo said gib, dummeh! Wat Cweo wans, Cweo gets! Gibs toysies an’ nummies now, or Cweo gib sowwy hoofies!” The young unicorn ran at the demonfluff, who dodged the charge and the flailing hoof almost contemptuously.

“Aurora, Cleo is being really mean, isn’t she? Rule two only applies in the playroom and to your pack, kiddo. Even Celestia would understand.” Came a voice over an intercom. Aurora glanced up at the sound, and grinned at the smaller fluffy still puffing her cheeks up at her. The sight of the full set of fangs gave Cleo a moment of pause, but only that moment. She swung another hoof, still yelling about sorry hoofsies.

This time, Aurora batted the hoof out of the way with her large wing, hard enough a cracking sound was audible over the audio as the smaller fluffie was bowled over. “Cweo mean,” Aurora retorted, calmly, leaning forward as the grey fluffy collapsed to the side and started crying.

“Hu huhu, wy munsta huwt Cweo? Cweo gud fwuffy! Fwuffy fo’ huggies an’ wuv!” she protested, trying vainly to cradle her own broken leg. “Why weggie nu wowk? Weggie, pwease be gud fo’ Cweo?”

Aurora seemed unconcerned, stepping further into the crying fluffies space and sniffing happily. “Cweo stupi’. An’ Cweo…Cweo smewws wike nummies.”

“Wa? Cweo nu nummies, Cweo is fwuf-” her last protest broke into a full throated “Screeeee!” as Aurora sank those needle sharp fangs into her shoulder, biting through fluff to tear off a small mouthful of flesh.

“Cweo tas’ wik nummies tu. Auwowa say Cweo nummies, an’ Auwowa hungwy.” The large, blonde fluffed demonfluff held the grey fluffy down with a heavy hoof as the screaming increased in volume, taking another, larger mouthful. “Tas’ eben bettew den boww nummies.”

Cleo had resorted to incoherent chirping by the time Aurora kicked her over and tore a gash into her soft underbelly, which meant Aurora’s startled cry of “Sketties?” when she hit the intestines was clearly audible. She shoved her muzzle into the cavity, pulling off mouthfuls by pinning sections with her hooves as she gnawed the guts apart. By the time she reached the diaphragm and the outpouring of blood it released, all the sounds other than her eager mutters had ceased.

Over the next half hour, she continued to devour her meal. With only a few scraps remaining, she stretched and rose to take a languid drink of water, rolled into the bowl of blue dust and shook until the bits of gore fell out of her fur. When she was satisfied, she went back to the corpse, nosing through scattered fluff to find the last bones. They were carried to the corner of the room, where Aurora curled to gnaw lazily at them as she watched the door again.

The short woman returned some time later, picking up both the fluffy and her collection of bones and leaving the room with a single thumbs up at the camera. A rough overalled man followed her in, starting to hose down the blood spattered mats before the camera cut out.

First- The Pack- because what we need is more fluffies bred to eat other fluffies. (1) by :Shadowfox
Previous- The Pack- Semi-official log notes, week 8, (part5) by: Shadowfox
Next- The Pack- Glory, week 8, first contact video clips (7) (by: Shadowfox)


I love it I first thought she was an Alicorn

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She’s the one closest to that phenotype. If you don’t look at the fangs.

Secretly reading these, I absolutely love it when a fluffy decides to fuck up another one. But Aurora is no ordinary fluffy .u.


Are they gonna get a large field area where ferals can come in, or where they can come in and out from to hunt em down?

or just a large area for them to chase and hunt down unlucky fluffies.

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Well, they already have the yard next to the kennel runs, the one with the scrounged playsets. And there’s a vacant lot on the other side of the fence.

I see

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I may or may not be working on such a scene some 6 to 8 chapters ahead.


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