The parking lot rot (by minomincethatfucker)

The old camp was a bloodbath. Fluffy blood, but that doesn’t make the piles of rotten gore any more pretty. As you get deeper in, your feet crunch on the air-blast round casings. Air blast, or AB shells, are basically BB pellets packed into a bullet casing to be fired out of a rifle like a shotgun, but way cheaper. Most solders use these, but due to cost they are a last resort, most opting for a nice boot or e-tool to the skull. As you get deeper, you see the reason the herd came here: it was a hasbio dumping ground! Barrels and boxes of kibble, busted toys, and rejected foals litter the place, and a massive pile of ash marks were the military tried to burn it all. They retreated after the lard-toughies got to them, the fat fucks can shrug off the AB shells and can break skin. As you spot a small herd out on the floor, you hear your sniffer fluffy chirp at a box filled with rejects… He smells something worthwhile, but the herd does as well. How will you deal with this, keep in mind your BB gun has 308 rounds left, and that pissing off the ferals, the new ones that were bred to have better digestion but instead were able to sorry popies much better, could be among them


white phosphorus maybe? followed by chlorine gas.

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Damn wish you have some molokov cocktails right now.

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