The Path # 47 (by: FallenAngel)

I want to see that mare kick Goldie´s ass, and see how they kick her baby´s ass too…

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Nope that hologram is for someone more idiotic than that horny derp. :smiling_imp:

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Well I guess this become a great fight.

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While I’m sure the mare in charge of the babies is still with them, I kind of think the babies themselves are already more than a match for lobotomized idiot there. Bestest better watch out, too!

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Bet he’s gonna have fun humping the air

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Did this bitch just offer up her siblings for sex? The things I would do to a bitch spoiled brat like that. Time for bestest to die. Her mother deserves worse though. Even though the bestest offered them up it was only because she was doing what her mother told her (Still would torture her until she wanted to die) but the mother is the one that came up with the idea and told her to do it.


Oh shit, the bestest is up to no good!

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