For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
Corollary; violence is not the solution, except when it is XD
Some fluffies may be tough, but they’re still fragile xD it looks so adorably funny, mostly Jet
Also still kinda hoping that maybe Yellow can join Smarty’s herd
The application of sufficient* force can solve** any problem.
*Sufficient force may be impossible to produce under local conditions.
**The solution may end up being worse than the original problem.
I may be enjoying this too much, im on my tenth bag of popcorn and im debating just making a giant trash bag of it. I can’t wait for the next page
Like a sociologist friend of mine once quipped. “Of COURSE violence solves things, that’s why people keep resorting to it. It doesn’t have to be a good solution, it just has to work.”
awh poor jet and the smarty. They are getting to old for fighting XD nice win tho guys
It’s very Pratchett-esque… and true
I’m hoping for some delicious gore.
Even in the most common wars, warriors get hurt…
Nice reference
Gonna be sore next bright time.
Violence is never the answer.
Violence is the question, and the answer is yes.
Lmao feel the same after a fight fluff feel the same