The Path # 67 (by: FallenAngel)

He better choice his next words very carefully if he wishes to keep that arm.

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Sin City (2005 film)

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Pretty much :joy: would have add that and would be a kickass speech :+1::sparkles:

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Teach that fucking cunt a lesson, break her fucking spine or something.


Well the owner deserve it. Also he is the same level of stupid as his shitrat fluffy.

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Now see, ya don’t do stupid shit, like get aggressive with her and don’t insult her dad. Now ya done goofed.

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Never touch a lady without her say-so, capisce?


Relocate Goldie’s leg, dislocate daddehs arm.


Like my step-dad always said. “Keep your hands to yourself”

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Well, I guess that explains why this fluffy is such a tool - the trainer is garbage. Yesh.



i want to be the mistress’ friend

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he pressed i am going to need a new arm button its like the goku button with Vegeta

like owner like shitrat

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I knew I recognized it from a Noire movie, but wasn’t sure if it was that one. Thanks for reminding me, people!
Yeah, it reminds me of Max Payne, too.

Boy, do i miss those @$$kickin boobles…

Ya shouldn’ta did that.

Been a hugboxer is not bad, only if you take your love for fluffys to the limit.
He certainly is an idiot for losing Cass and also keep a bad relationship after that.

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This comic is still going on? Geez…time to reread the whole thing

Its already finished.

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