Smarty should have known better not to stick his dick in this cunt.
I had been rereading the series and I’ve come to realize something. First, the brown facepalm foal is the child of the Smarty (I presume biological child). The bestest and the brown one are both talking and eyes opened. The dark blue foal was emaciated, eyes closed, and chirpy. However, the brown foal referred to the dark brown one as sissy. So, is the dark blue foal the Smarty and Pinkie’s child who was greatly unfed or was the dark blue foal an adopted chirpy? I’m still curious about Smarty’s emotional connection to the dark blue foal. He appeared very reluctant of letting go of the foal. Even after the exchange, he stomped in frustration of the relinquishing of the foal.
Also a bit funny that the smarty properly pronounced “baby”.
I like that one, got good senses! Lets hope more comes for it in terms of plot armor! Its leader material!
You know, he´s got a point…
yes, she is a total bitch
Might be less color discrimination and more it was a runt? I dunno. Maybe she doesn’t like blue for some reason (bad experiences)?
he dint want it to probubly die with them
Yeah even the other kids are fed up with that little blue bastard.
And his twat of a mom.
Ah the smarty is not who he seems, he may have even understood that the neglected foal would have a better life.
I have miss judged you little one
Oooh I like where this is going.
I’ve seen this meme before, with the cat and the yelling, but I’ve never really understood it. Who is that, and why is she so ugly in that pic?
He is trying to make the human uninterested as he was bout to take back the baby when she appeared first.
@ChattyWhacker yeah i made an error , its should be “babbeh”, not “baby” was looking back n forth on the script I wrote while typing after coloring so bit confusing.
so wait, wait, wait he is ACTUALLY smart ?
And not a little self important shit heel?
gods a likable smarty.
Wait till the next few pages for answer
How many pages wil there be ?
I can’t be sure I just write the whole script without the page seperation so im manual doing it as I draw.
No worries
I’m sure we wil see it as it goes along.
Oooh, for some reason since I’ve read so many stories on here I always presumed that the offer of the baby being taken care of by a human is a godsend for fluffies. I haven’t considered the possibility, especially with a smarty with so many scars, would have a stronger distrust of humans actually keeping their word in saying they would take care of the baby. Now his actions make more sense to me.
Its not often that the entire notion of a "smarty"is thrown for a loop
but here we are
with a smarty thats actually smart and seems to have best interest at heart instead of a pompous arrogant schreeching little retard you cant wait to see get popped by a needle.
From my understanding smarty friends were closer to this before hellgremlins became a thing. Smarty syndrome is when a fluffy thinks it is a smarty, but is really an entitled dumbass.