We start with Toughie Tom and Dug. Cassandra is narrating.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
We start with Toughie Tom and Dug. Cassandra is narrating.
For commissions and info, kindly pm me.
Holy shit, how do his balls still function?
Even for a fluffy she seemed to crush them pretty hard.
only one ball functioning, but due to his perversion it doesnt seem to affect him as long as he can fuck .
I guess Goldie should have get special huggies from Dug.
I hope Dug gets to the point of being overfucked so that he doesn’t enjoy it anymore. Otherwise that fucking monster gets exactly what he wants
The twist being that Dug doesn’t get to do speshul huggies, he’s just electro-jaculated off and the sperm is artificially introduced to the mares, so he actually never gets to have any mares, only endless involuntary sperm-theft for him.
But his brother didnt carry the same genes and all the babies he had with Goldie were unfortunate in color and types, or they were stillborn.
He’s… Yeah. Packing there.
Or are all alicorns and she’s a factory breeder now because she can’t be trusted with them.
Maybe derps during pregnancy.
Usually Erection for more than 4 hours would result in Priapism and permanent damage to the Peen … How is he still have a Penis!?
Dug, the perfect stallion for all breeders. Producer of profitable foals, no need to hire a fluffer fluffy to keep him at full attention. Dug just needs to be given a friend to keep himself from being isolated and becoming depressed.
Fluffies don’t suffer from that problem. To ensure that Hasbio is able to breed more products, they mainline Viagra, stimulants, growth hormones, and nutrients with a portal IV. They’re often headless, as they don’t need any actual brain function, they’ve often replace the head with a generic AI system ran on a Turing Pi 2 board, backed up with a Neural NAS quantum computer via remote access on the on board WiFi 6 chip connecting to a Pi W router making it secure against PETA.
nuclear reactor balls
well, at least he won’t go for foals anymore…
Oh he wont…ever
“Dewe am onwy dusties come-in owt nao!”
“I don’t care, I didn’t tell you to stop!”
“Dug? Have you ever heard a prostate massage? Because Wexington Steew here is gonna give you one.”
“Dug nee sum Gay-tow-ade.”